Book-5. Troyan horse, novella. V. Speys

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Book-5. Troyan horse, novella - V. Speys

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      Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²

      where: Ftyag – the force of gravity

      m1- mass of the first point

      m2 – mass of the second point

      r – the distance between points

      Kg – the gravitational constant

      Based on the foregoing, we have the following: for two material points are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional square of the distance between them, you need to inform them that power.

      Modern science explains the concept of gravitational force as the action of the gravitational field of the Earth, the nature of which has not been established.

      To explain the nature of the origin of gravitation look at how the original, dialectical materialism, from which it follows: “… there are real space and time, which somehow” immersed “matter”, [2], page 50.

      “… Fundamental is the following fact, epistemological postulate concepts and judgments are meaningful only insofar as they can be uniquely assign the observed facts.” [1], p.120.

      A comparison of the previously known facts look material body with a specific density of the material mass and volume. As with any material body, it has a center of mass.

      Assume that the body is composed of an infinite dense mass. Then the volume occupied by the body, with an infinitely dense mass to be equal to the amount of space occupied by this body. That is, it can be assumed that the amount of body weight, “absorb” equivalent amount of space.

      However, “… space has a connection, there are no breaks,” [2], p.59. Hence: the value of the “absorption” of space are dispersed in a spherical space, with the center coinciding with the center of mass of the body, where the space is less dense, and if we assume that the density of the space increases inversely magnitude of the gravitational force from the center of mass of the body indefinitely, the material point, getting in a spatial sphere is subjected to a “tight” space with a force equal to the force of convergence of the two material bodies, and can be found (defined) by the law of universal gravitation.

      Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² [3], p.29.

      Illustrative examples of the action space on the body can be compared with the observed effect on the Earth more dense layers of air bubbles in the water, and as a result, the movement of bubbles from the denser layers of water to less dense, ie to the surface, similar lifting atmospheric probes, balloons, etc.

      From the above it follows that the gravitational force – a force pushing space acting on the body in the direction of less dense state.

      Illustrative examples of the action space on the matter observed in space: “Under the influence of gravitational fields is a kind of” bending “of space, which is manifested in the effects of bending of light rays in the gravitational fields. If the mass density of the system and reach a sufficiently large, then the metric space it varies so much that the light rays are beginning to move in the immediate vicinity along closed lines.”[2], p.61.

      From the above conclusions follow:

      1. The curvature of space is not a consequence of the action of gravitational fields, and there is a consequence of the absorption of space matter.

      2. Curved space is nothing but the space is less dense than the surrounding, more compact space.

      3. If the mass and density of the body reaches a large enough size, the space created around such a low density that light rays are beginning to move in the immediate vicinity, “gliding” on solid state space on closed lines.

      Proof of a valid public

      Suppose that space as matter has a density, and the assertion that the numerical amount of space equal to size of the amount of matter in it is located:

      Vred = m mat (1)

      where: Vred – Volume

      m mat – the mass of matter located in this volume

      From the accepted assumptions:

      LimPpr Pmat = const =

      LimPpr – density of space

      Pmat – the density of matter

      Assume that the gravitational force is the force pushing space, then, according to the law of Archimedes, [4], str.314, for a system consisting of two particles mass “m1” and mass “m2”, spaced at a distance “r”


      Fvyt = Ftyag (2)

      where: Fvyt – force pushing space acting on material points “m1” and “m2”

      Ftyag- gravitational force acting on the material points “m1” and “m2”

      Using the law of universal gravitation [3], page 29, we get:

      Fvyt = Ftyag = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (3)

      where: Kg- gravitational constant

      m1- mass material point “m1”

      m2- mass of the material point of “m2”

      From the equation: P = Ftyag- Fts [4], p.48.

      where: P – the force of gravity

      Ftyag – the force of gravity

      Fts – the centripetal force associated with the rotation of the Earth, in this case, Fts = “0”

      Using the equation: P = Ftyag, formula (3) is transformed into:

      P = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (4)

      Transforming the formula (4), the expression P = m • g [4], p.50

      Where: m – the total weight of the points “m1” and “m2” is: m = m1 + m2

      g – gravitational tension

      (M1 + m2) • g = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ² (5)

      Replacing the expression for the mass of points through the volume and density we get:

      (V1 + V2) • Pmat • g = Kg • m1 • m2 / r ²

      (V1 + V2) • Pmat • g = Kg • V1 • V2 • P ² mat / r ²

      Pmat = g • r ² • (V1 • V2) / Kg • V1 • V2 (6)

      where: Pmat – the density of matter

      V1 – volume of the material point “m1”

      V2 – the amount of material point “m2”

      g- gravitational tension

      Kg- gravitational constant

      Of the assumptions:

      LimPpr = g • r ² • (Vpr1 Vpr2 +) / KG • • Vpr1 Vpr2 (7)

      where: Vpr1 – the amount of space the material point “m1”

      Vpr2 – the amount of space the material point “m2”

      From the above formula (7) implies that an increase in the distance between two material points in the system consisting of the material points, the density of the space in these locations is increasing.

      As a consequence of the above, it follows the law of the unity of existence of matter and space, or the law of conservation of matter and space.

      The quantity of matter occupies a space equal to,

      The numerical value of the amount of this SPACE

      Mmat = Vred (1)

      To prove the law consider the phenomenon of reducing the density of the space at the time the matter in it. In this case, the decrease in the density of space “RPR” filled the space occupied by the density of matter inversely:


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