The Dignity of Labour. Jon Cruddas

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The Dignity of Labour - Jon Cruddas

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      ISBN-13: 978-1-5095-4080-8

      A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Cruddas, Jon, author.

      Title: The dignity of labour / Jon Cruddas.

      Other titles: Dignity of labor

      Description: Medford : Polity Press, 2021. | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: “The 21st century’s greatest scholar-politician unpicks the degraded politics of contemporary work and advocates an alternative”-- Provided by publisher.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020039536 (print) | LCCN 2020039537 (ebook) | ISBN 9781509540785 (Hardback) | ISBN 9781509540792 (Paperback) | ISBN 9781509540808 (ePub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Labor--Moral and ethical aspects--Great Britain. | Labor--Religious aspects--Catholic Church. | Labour Party (Great Britain) | Marxian economics--Great Britain. | Great Britain--Politics and government--21st century.

      Classification: LCC HD4905.3.G5 C77 2021 (print) | LCC HD4905.3.G5 (ebook) | DDC 331.01/3--dc23

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      Dignity is the type of big word favoured by popes and presidents. For George W. Bush it framed bioethical challenges and Barack Obama the pursuit of international human rights. Pope Francis talks of the irrepressible dignity of every human.

      When I was young, I was taught about the dignity of labour. For my devout mother it was part of our Catholic teaching. As a teenage union member, I heard talk of it from the same guy who told me to read The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. It is an unfashionable term that suggests all jobs have worth and status, that no occupation should be considered superior.

      Until recently if we discussed dignity, we were likely to be contemplating how we die rather than how we live. The pandemic changed this. In the face of death, we reconsider how we live and what we value in the contribution of others. Personally, I know I did years ago when I had to confront the possibility of my own death.

      Until recently we were told that many of these jobs would soon be automated and few cared. This work is often poorly rewarded, performed by those considered part of the ‘left-behind’. Yet we clapped in appreciation of this labour; these vocations gathered esteem. Yet dignity is not just about status. Something else was going on.

      Dignity is elusive, difficult to define, not just about worthiness in a job hierarchy. It is also about something we acknowledge when lost, the negation of dignity, and suggests the violation of an essential humanity. Something that implies intrinsic human worth and acceptable moral standards in terms of rights, freedoms and obligations in the ways people live together.

      These are questions of justice. They suggest ethical duties in how we order society to remedy the violation of dignity. When such indignities are recognized and remedied, we confer a certain dignity on ourselves and society. In turn, our inability to confront them – in tolerating forms of death, punishment, slavery, abuse and exploitation – compromises our personal and collective dignity.

      In pandemic and death, we recognized the brave selfless contribution of others and challenge ourselves. How we resolve these questions of human dignity will help define how we live together and who we become.

      Many people have helped with this book. I would like to thank all those that took part in a series of six seminars throughout 2017 at Churchill College, Cambridge, sponsored by the Common Good Foundation: Sam Boyd, Lewis Coyne, Ruth Davis, Stephen Davison, Maurice Glasman, Gwen Griffith-Dickson, Scott Langdon, Lisa Nandy, Adrian Pabst, F.H. Pitts, Jonathan Rutherford, the late Roger Scruton and Ed Wallis. Some of the papers I presented in these seminars inform chapters that follow, and I want to record my appreciation for the invaluable comments and feedback I received.

      I am also grateful to the Humanism and Identity Group convened by Jonathan Rutherford that met throughout 2018–19 including Jade Azim, Daniel Chandler, Richard Grayson, Jack Hutchison, Hannah O’Rourke, Adrian Pabst, Tobias Phibbs, Matthew Sowemimo and Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite.

      I would also like to record my appreciation to the staff and associates of Nuffield College, Oxford, especially for insights into the history of the ‘Oxford School’, including the participants at a conference entitled ‘50 Years after the Donovan Commission’ organized by the History and Policy Trade Union Forum. I would like to thank Peter Ackers and John Kelly for subsequent conversations and support from the Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures at the University of Leicester.

      My editor George Owers has been quite brilliant throughout this project and I genuinely cannot thank him enough as well as everyone at Polity.

      I wish to thank my staff and local party for being patient while I worked on this project.

      Finally, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my constituents in Dagenham and Rainham. Above anything, their knowledge, wisdom and extraordinary resilience inform the pages that follow.

      Jon Cruddas is the Labour MP for Dagenham and Rainham. He joined the party as a teenager and was active in the Australian Builders Labourers Federation. He studied for an MA and PhD within the Industrial Relations Research Unit at Warwick University.

      In 1989 he joined the Labour Party Research Department with responsibility for labour market policy. In 1994 he was transferred into the office of the General Secretary. In 1997 he was appointed the Deputy Political Secretary to Prime Minister Tony Blair working on labour market policy and relations with the unions and TUC. In that period, Labour introduced the National Minimum Wage and

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