The Power In The Land. Fred Harrison

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The Power In The Land - Fred Harrison

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which confronts labour and capital. Agricultural land will renew itself, and therefore retain its value; owners need not, therefore, capitalise their assets for long periods. Land which derives its value from locational advantages presents no problems whatever. But capital in the form of machines and buildings perishes and must therefore pay for itself within a limited period, during which the capitalist cannot avoid the costs of maintenance. There is no escape from this by transforming capital into cash, for unless it is employed — by being lent to others — it either depreciates in value as a result of inflation, or does not earn an income (in which case it might as well be used for consumption).

      Thus, we begin to see that land speculation is a unique economic phenomenon, deriving its power from the ability to play a passive, wait-and-see game, capable of yielding enormous fortunes for shrewd dealers who, as land monopolists, do not contribute anything to the wealth of nations; a power which gives it the ability to inflict severe wounds on the active agents of the wealth-creating process, the workers and their accumulated savings (capital).


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