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      Activity 1.7

      Problem 1.7a

      Activity 1.7 Reflection

      Individual Activity Reflection

      1 What was most challenging about this activity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      2 How did I approach this task?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      3 What did I do when I didn’t understand content?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      Grading Your Colleagues: Group Member Evaluations

      If you worked with a small group, use the following template for grading your group members.

       Group member name:


       Group member name:


       Group member name:


      Small Group Activity Reflection

      1 What was the best piece of advice you received from a fellow group member?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      2 What do you feel was the best piece of advice you gave to a fellow group member?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      3 What are you still unsure about regarding your research topic? What do you feel you still need help with?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      Self- or Peer-Assessment for Chapter 1

      This activity will help you evaluate the quality of your own (or a colleague’s) abstract, which you wrote in Problem 1.7b. This rubric also provides you with a clear description of mastery for Chapter 1 skills.1

      1 Based on AAC&U’s VALUE Written Communication Rubric.


      For each criterion, in the “Student’s Assessment” box, indicate the level of mastery that most describes your work, and then in the box that follows, provide justification based on excerpts or examples from your own work (i.e., “see sentences 2–3”).

      Descriptions of Images and Figures

      Back to Figure

      The details are as follows.

      Current relationship status

       Indicator: romantic attachmentValues:▪ No partners▪ One romantic partner▪ More than one partner with communication (“open relationship”)▪ Adultery/cheating▪ Other

       Indicator: legal partnershipValues:▪ Married▪ Domestic partner▪ Divorced▪ Widowed▪ Never legally partnered

       Indicator: shared householdValues:▪ Lives with romantic partner▪ Shared multiple homes with romantic partner▪ Lives separately from romantic partner▪ Does not have romantic partner

      Back to Figure

      The details are as follows.

      Current relationship status:

       Indicator: strength of relationshipValues:▪ Married▪ Dating▪ Single▪ living together

       Indicator: length of relationshipValues:▪ less than a year▪ five years▪ more than five years

      Back to Figure

      The details are as follows.

      Religion and Environment:

       Nature as sacredPagans▪ New religious movementsAnimism▪ Indigenous religionsHunting ethics; connected to animal rightsSacred places▪ Pilgrimage▪ Why and how▪ Traditional /ancient▪ “new age”Ley lines

       Animal rightsVeganismOld dietary lawsHunting ethics

       SustainabilityPersonal choicePolitical actionChurch and monastery gardensVeganism; connected to animal rightsClimate change

      Chapter 2 Ethics


      In this chapter, we’ll dive into the considerations social science researchers must make when working with human subjects. These considerations arise from a long history of developing ethical codes for our disciplines, some of which were the result of debates in cases where researchers may have conducted unethical research. As a result, there are standards and processes to ensure we do not harm the people we are studying.

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