Handbook of Enology: Volume 1. Pascal Ribéreau-Gayon

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Handbook of Enology: Volume 1 - Pascal Ribéreau-Gayon

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      1.2.3 General Organization of the Cell Wall and Factors Affecting Its Composition

Schematic illustration of cellular organization of the cell wall of S. cerevisiae.

      The composition of the cell wall is strongly influenced by nutritive conditions and cell age. The proportion of glucan in the cell wall increases with respect to the amount of sugar in the culture medium. Certain deficiencies (for example, of mesoinositol) also result in an increase in the proportion of glucan compared with mannoproteins. The cell walls of older cells are richer in glucans and in chitin and less rich in mannoproteins than younger ones. For this reason, they are more resistant to physical and enzymatic agents used to break them down. Finally, the composition of cell walls is profoundly modified by morphogenetic alterations (conjugation and sporulation).


      1.3.1 Chemical Composition and Organization

      The plasma membrane is a highly selective barrier controlling exchanges between the living cell and its external environment. This organelle is essential to the life of the yeast.

      The lipids of the membrane are essentially phospholipids and sterols. They are amphiphilic molecules, i.e. possessing a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic part.

      The plasma membrane also contains numerous proteins or glycoproteins presenting a wide range of molecular weights (from 10,000 to 120,000). The available information indicates that the organization of the plasma membrane of a yeast cell resembles the fluid mosaic model. This model, proposed for biological membranes by Singer and Nicolson (1972), consists of two‐dimensional solutions of proteins and oriented lipids. Certain proteins penetrate the membrane; they are called integral proteins (Figure 1.6). They interact strongly with the nonpolar part of the lipid bilayer. The peripheral proteins are linked to the integral ones by hydrogen bonds. Their location is asymmetrical, at either the inner or the outer side of the plasma membrane. The molecules of proteins and membrane lipids, constantly in lateral motion, are capable of rapidly diffusing in the membrane.

Schematic illustration of yeast membrane phospholipids. Schematic illustration of diagram of a membrane lipid bilayer. The integral proteins (a) are strongly associated to the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer. The peripheral proteins (b) are linked to the integral proteins. Schematic illustration of principal yeast membrane sterols.
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