Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2. Группа авторов

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Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2 - Группа авторов

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      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Preface

      5  PART 1: Financial and Demographic Modeling Techniques 1 Data Mining Application Issues in the Taxpayer Selection Process 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Materials and methods 1.3. Results 1.4. Discussion 1.5. Conclusion 1.6. References 2 Asymptotics of Implied Volatility in the Gatheral Double Stochastic Volatility Model 2.1. Introduction 2.2. The results 2.3. Proofs 2.4. References 3 New Dividend Strategies 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Model 1 3.3. Model 2 3.4. Conclusion and further results 3.5. Acknowledgments 3.6. References 4 Introduction of Reserves in Self-adjusting Steering of Parameters of a Pay-As-You-Go Pension Plan 4.1. Introduction 4.2. The pension system 4.3. Theoretical framework of the Musgrave rule 4.4. Transformation of the retirement fund 4.5. Conclusion 4.6. References 5 Forecasting Stochastic Volatility for Exchange Rates using EWMA 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Data 5.3. Empirical model 5.4. Exchange rate volatility forecasting 5.5. Conclusion 5.6. Acknowledgments 5.7. References 6 An Arbitrage-free Large Market Model for Forward Spread Curves 6.1. Introduction and background 6.2. Construction of a market with infinitely many assets 6.3. Existence, uniqueness and non-negativity 6.4. Conclusion and future works 6.5. References 7 Estimating the Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) in the Far Past: The Case of Sweden (1751-2016) with Forecasts to 2060 7.1. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy estimates 7.2. The logistic model 7.3. The HALE estimates and our direct calculations 7.4. Conclusion 7.5. References 8 Vaccination Coverage Against Seasonal Influenza of Workers in the Primary Health Care Units in the Prefecture of Chania 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Material and method 8.3. Results 8.4. Discussion 8.5. References 9 Some Remarks on the Coronavirus Pandemic in Europe 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Background 9.3. Materials and analyses 9.4. The first phase of the pandemic 9.5. Concluding remarks 9.6. References

      6  PART 2: Applied Stochastic and Statistical Models and Methods 10 The Double Flexible Dirichlet: A Structured Mixture Model for Compositional Data 10.1. Introduction 10.2. The double flexible Dirichlet distribution 10.3. Computational and estimation issues 10.4. References 11 Quantization of Transformed Lévy Measures 11.1. Introduction Скачать книгу