Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2. Группа авторов
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As T → t and k → x, the second and third terms disappear. Calculating the derivative with respect to k, we obtain
and Theorem 2.2 follows.
Equation [2.6] takes the form
The sets I2,h are I2,1 = {(2)}, I2,2 = {( 1, 1)}. We have a11,2(x,y,z) = 0. It follows that equation [2.10] with n = 2 includes only summation over the set I2,2 and takes the form
While calculating the operator
The following integrals are important for calculations:
The operator
Calculation of the first term on the right-hand side of equation [2.13] using equation [2.11] may be left to the reader.
Next, we calculate the left-hand side of equation [2.12] for h = 2. Using the Hermite polynomials H0(ζ) = 1, H1 (ζ) = 2ζ and H2(ζ) = 4ζ2 - 2, we obtain
Combining everything together, we obtain the formula for
where the ellipsis denotes the terms satisfying the following condition: the limits of the term, its first partial derivative with respect to T and its first two partial derivatives with respect to k as (T,k) approaches (t,x) within
On the right-hand side of equation [2.14], the first term, the partial derivatives with respect to T of the second, fourth and sixth terms, the first partial derivative with respect to k of the third term, and the second partial derivative with respect to k of the fifth term give nonzero contributions to the right-hand side of the asymptotic expansion [2.4].
2.4. References
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Pagliarani, S. and Pascucci, A. (2012). Analytical approximation of the transition density in a local volatility model. Cent. Eur. J. Math., 10(1), 250–270.
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Chapter written by Mohammed ALBUHAYRI, Anatoliy MALYARENKO, Sergei SILVESTROV, Ying NI, Christopher ENGSTRǑM, Finnan TEWOLDE and Jiahui ZHANG.
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