Becoming a Data Head. Alex J. Gutman

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Becoming a Data Head - Alex J. Gutman

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to be prepared in the right way, trained to spot project warning signs and raise concerns at the outset. With that, we introduce five questions you should ask before attacking a data problem:

      1 Why is this problem important?

      2 Who does this problem affect?

      3 What if we don't have the right data?

      4 When is the project over?

      5 What if we don't like the results?

      Let's explain each in detail.

      Why Is This Problem Important?

      You can ask the question in different ways:

       What keeps you (us) up at night?

       Why does this matter?

       Is this a new problem, or has it been solved already?

       What is the size of the prize? (What's the return on investment?)

      You'll want to understand how each person sees the problem. This will help you create alignment on how everyone will end up supporting the project to solve the problem—and if they agree it should start.

      During these initial discussions, you'll want to keep the focus on the central business problem and pay close attention if you hear rumblings of recent technology trends. Talk of technical trends can quickly derail the meeting away from its business focus. Be on the lookout for two warning signs:

       Methodology focus: In this trope, companies simply think trying some new analysis method or technology will set them apart. You've heard this marketing fluff before: “If you're not using Artificial Intelligence (AI), you're already behind … .” Or, companies find some other buzzword they would like to incorporate (e.g., “sentiment analysis”).

       Deliverable focus: Some projects go off track because companies focus too much on what the deliverable will be. They say the project needs to have an interactive dashboard, for example. You start the project, but the outcome becomes about the installation of the new dashboard or business intelligence system. Project teams need to take a step back and trace how what they want to build brings value to the organization.

      It may come as a surprise—or a relief—that both warnings involve technology and how it should not be included when defining the problem. To be clear, at some point in the project, methodologies and deliverables enter the picture. To start, however, the problem should be in direct, clear language everyone can understand. Which is why we recommend you scrap the technical terminology and marketing rhetoric. Start with the problem to be solved, not the technology to be used.

      Fundamentally, teams must answer “Is this a real business problem that is worth solving, or are we doing data science for its own sake?” This is a good, albeit blunt, question to ask, especially now during the hype and confusion around data science and related fields.

      Who Does This Problem Affect?

      The next question you'll want to ask is, “Who does this problem affect?” The spirit of the problem is not only asking who this affects, but how that person's work will be different going forward.

      You should think of all layers of the organization (and perhaps its clients, if any). We don't mean the data scientist who works on the problem or the engineering team who may have to maintain software. The Data Head needs to know who the end users are. Often, it's more than just the people in the room crafting the problem, so it's super important for you to find the people whose daily work will be affected and bring them into the meeting.

      We suggest you name names. Whose work will be different if the question gets answered? If it's many people, bring in a small group to represent them. Create a list of these people and understand how they will be affected by the project. You'll want to tie these answers back to the last question.

      An exercise to help you think through this is to do a solution trial run. Assume you can answer the question, and then ask your team:

       Can we use the answer?

       Whose work will change?

      This, of course, assumes you even had the right data to answer the question. (As we'll see in Chapter 4, this can be a huge assumption.) But you should answer these questions and go through several scenarios where the problem has been solved. In many cases, answering these questions can strengthen the project and its impact, or may identify a project with no business benefit.

      What If We Don't Have the Right Data?

      Every dataset has a limited amount of information inside it, and at a certain point, no technology or analysis method will help you go any further.

      When Is the Project Over?

      Many of us have been part of projects that went on too long. When expectations aren't clear before the project starts, teams wind up attending meetings out of habit and generating reports no one bothers to read. Asking “When is the project over?” before the project starts can break this trend.

      The question strikes at the heart of why the project was initiated and aligns expectations. Important problems are posed because some information or product is needed in the future that does not exist today. Find out what that final deliverable is. Doing this will rekindle conversations about the project's potential return on investment and whether the team has an agreed-upon metric to measure the project's impact.

      So, gather project stakeholders and identify reasons the project could end. Some reasons are obvious, like when a project ends from a lack of funding or waning interest. Set those obvious failures aside and focus on what needs to be delivered to answer the business question and conclude the project. For data projects, the final deliverable is typically an insight (e.g., “how effective was the company's last marketing campaign?”) or an application (e.g., a predictive model that forecasts next week's shipping volume). Many projects will require additional work: perhaps ongoing support and maintenance, but this

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