Circular Economy For Dummies. Eric Corey Freed

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Circular Economy For Dummies - Eric Corey Freed

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make, and waste

      The linear way of managing resources is built on the notion that waste is inevitable and acceptable. In this style of resource management, raw materials are taken from the earth and made into products and eventually wind up as waste. These three major milestones of a lifecycle don’t stand isolated from the others, either, but fuel one another.

      If waste is an assumed part of a lifecycle, there’s motivation to ensure that the materials that are sourced to make the product are as cheap as possible and the product itself is designed to last only a short amount of time. Keeping costs low also incentivizes the user of those products to dispose of them at the end of their useful life rather than repair them. You wouldn’t try to repair a plastic fork when it breaks. You’d throw it away and go find another one. Using cheap materials and making cheap products fuels the purchase of new products and maintains a consistent supply/demand relationship between manufacturers and customers.

      Rethinking material lifecycles can transform the conventional take-make-waste approach toward a new management focused on eliminating waste as a necessity; making long-lasting, resilient products; and regenerating the natural systems on which the human race is dependent.


Rethinking (and improving on) a material lifecycle requires that you identify every element of the cycle. The more details you can identify, the more opportunities you’ll find to improve the lifecycle. First analyze the entire lifecycle, and then find opportunities to conserve resources, increase the efficiency of how those materials are used, and, finally, explore how those materials can be recaptured at the end of their useful life.

      Making technical materials circular

      Technical materials are those that cannot be grown. Metals, plastics, and other finite materials are in limited supply and must be managed accordingly. To keep technical materials in use for longer periods, we humans need to harness new strategies. Although recycling technical materials is better than disposing of them, recycling should be seen as a last resort when considering circular materials management. Sharing, reusing, repairing, and remanufacturing products are all resource management strategies that should be employed before recycling.

      Making biological materials circular

      The main difference between technical materials and biological materials is that biological materials can be regenerated or grown from the earth. Metals, plastics, and other technical materials are finite and cannot be regenerated. Cotton, timber, and other biological materials can be regenerated, which greatly affects how their lifecycles must be managed within a circular economy. Biological materials can be kept in use for longer periods by allowing the materials themselves to cascade — repurposing from a high-value product to a low-value product. Once the material can no longer serve a function, the biochemical feedstock of that material can be extracted as heat or energy, and the remaining organic material can be utilized as nutrients to fuel the growth of more biological materials.

      Cascading keeps biological materials in use for longer periods. Doing so increases the value of that material. For example, rather than cut down a tree and process the fiber to become a piece of paper (low-value product), the tree should be made into something of high-value first, such as a building structure. From there, after it no longer can serve as a building structure, it can cascade into a lower-value product, such as a table or plywood. From there, it can cascade even further to the lowest-value product possible, like a piece of paper. Because a product becomes more valuable the longer it maintains its use, cascading materials acts as a strategy to maximize the value of the biological materials extracted from the earth.

      Once that piece of paper has been used, it may seem like waste at this point. It can’t be used as paper again, and it certainly can’t act as a building structure. However, the material itself has an innate value that can be biochemically extracted. Paper can be incinerated to create heat, or the fibers of the paper can be recycled into new paper. Whatever the future of that piece of paper may be, it’s critical to never see it as waste. There is always the embodied value of a material.


Technical materials are materials that cannot be regenerated. They are finite. Biological materials are materials that can be regenerated over and over again. The adjustments made to any material's lifecycle should reflect this critical difference.


Beware of greenwashing, or false claims about a product to convince you that it’s beneficial to the environment.

      Upcycling versus downcycling

      Technical materials as well as biological ones can be made into new products that are either more or less valuable than their original use. Glass bottles can be upcycled into more valuable pieces of artwork and shattered to form mosaic art, or they can be downcycled instead to act as an aggregate in a kitchen counter. In either instance, value is created by maintaining the use of the product rather than disposing of it.

      Upcycling is a strategy that reuses a product in a way that holds more value than the original product, whereas downcycling reuses a product in a way that holds less value than the original product. Though at first the idea of downcycling a product may seem valueless, downcycling is still advantageous because it’s a better alternative to recycling or disposal. The idea of upcycling or downcycling materials into new products, as a concept, is a critical component of supporting a circular economy. However, if you don't provide the right infrastructure, individuals and institutions won’t have the means to support this strategy of extended use.

      Large subcultures of makers — that range of designers, builders, and crafters — are booming around the world, and the spaces they use provide the very infrastructure and tools necessary to promote upcycling and downcycling. By providing access to computer numerical control (CNC) machines, 3D printers, and other technologies, makers now have more power than ever to maximize the value of their products by repurposing them.

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