The Fourth Book. Francois Rabelais

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The Fourth Book - Francois Rabelais

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rel="nofollow" href="#uf9bf947e-43ff-5aee-987d-2f4f26751410">Chapter XIX - What countenances Panurge and Friar John kept during the storm Chapter XX - How the pilots were forsaking their ships in the greatest stress of weather Chapter XXI - A continuation of the storm, with a short discourse on the subject of making testaments at sea Chapter XXII - An end of the storm Chapter XXIII - How Panurge played the good fellow when the storm was over Chapter XXIV - How Panurge was said to have been afraid without reason during the storm Chapter XXV - How, after the storm, Pantagruel went on shore in the islands of the Macreons Chapter XXVI - How the good Macrobius gave us an account of the mansion and decease of the heroes Chapter XXVII - Pantagruel's discourse of the decease of heroic souls; and of the dreadful prodigies that happened before the death of the late Lord de Langey Chapter XXVIII - How Pantagruel related a very sad story of the death of the heroes Chapter XXIX - How Pantagruel sailed by the Sneaking Island, where Shrovetide reigned Chapter XXX - How Shrovetide is anatomized and described by Xenomanes Chapter XXXI - Shrovetide's outward parts anatomized Chapter XXXII - A continuation of Shrovetide's countenance Chapter XXXIII - How Pantagruel discovered a monstrous physeter, or whirlpool, near the Wild Island Chapter XXXIV - How the monstrous physeter was slain by Pantagruel Chapter XXXV - How Pantagruel went on shore in the Wild Island, the ancient abode of the Chitterlings Chapter XXXVI - How the wild Chitterlings laid an ambuscado for Pantagruel Chapter XXXVII - How Pantagruel sent for Colonel Maul-chitterling and Colonel Cut-pudding; with a discourse well worth your hearing about the names of places and persons Chapter XXXVIII - How Chitterlings are not to be slighted by men Chapter XXXIX - How Friar John joined with the cooks to fight the Chitterlings Chapter XL - How Friar John fitted up the sow; and of the valiant cooks that went into it Chapter XLI - How Pantagruel broke the Chitterlings at the knees Chapter XLII - How Pantagruel held a treaty with Niphleseth, Queen of the Chitterlings Chapter XLIII - How Pantagruel went into the island of Ruach Chapter XLIV - How small rain lays a high wind Chapter XLV - How Pantagruel went ashore in the island of Pope-Figland Chapter XLVI - How a junior devil was fooled by a husbandman of Pope-Figland Chapter XLVII - How the devil was deceived by an old woman of Pope-Figland Chapter XLVIII - How Pantagruel went ashore at the island of Papimany Chapter XLIX - How Homenas, Bishop of Papimany, showed us the Uranopet decretals Chapter L - How Homenas showed us the archetype, or representation of a pope Chapter LI - Table-talk in praise of the decretals Chapter LII - A continuation of the miracles caused by the decretals Chapter LIII - How, by the virtue of the decretals, gold is subtilely drawn out of France to Rome Chapter LIV - How Homenas gave Pantagruel some bon-Christian pears Chapter LV - How Pantagruel, being at sea, heard various unfrozen words Chapter LVI - How among the frozen words Pantagruel found some odd ones Chapter LVII - How Pantagruel went ashore at the dwelling of Gaster, the first master of arts in the world Chapter LVIII - How, at the court of the master of ingenuity, Pantagruel detested the Engastrimythes and the Gastrolaters Chapter LIX.--Of the ridiculous statue Manduce; and how and what the Gastrolaters sacrifice to their ventripotent god Chapter LX.--What the Gastrolaters sacrificed to their god on interlarded fish-days Chapter LXI.--How Gaster invented means to get and preserve corn Chapter LXII.--How Gaster invented an art to avoid being hurt or touched by cannon-balls Chapter LXIII.--How Pantagruel fell asleep near the island of Chaneph, and of the problems proposed to be solved when he waked Chapter LXIV.--How Pantagruel gave no answer to the problems Chapter LXV.--How Pantagruel passed the time with his servants Chapter LXVI.--How, by Pantagruel's order, the Muses were saluted near the isle of Ganabim Chapter LXVII.--How Panurge berayed himself for fear; and of the huge cat Rodilardus, which he took for a puny devil

      The Author's Epistle Dedicatory

       Table of Contents

      To the most Illustrious Prince and most Reverend Lord Odet, Cardinal de Chastillon.

      You know, most illustrious prince, how often I have been, and am daily pressed and required by great numbers of eminent persons, to proceed in the Pantagruelian fables; they tell me that many languishing, sick, and disconsolate persons, perusing them, have deceived their grief, passed their time merrily, and been inspired with new joy and comfort. I commonly answer that I aimed not at glory and applause when I diverted myself with writing, but only designed to give by my pen, to the absent who labour under affliction, that little help which at all times I willingly strive to give to the present that stand in need of my art and service. Sometimes I at large relate to them how Hippocrates in several places, and particularly in lib. 6. Epidem., describing the institution of the physician his disciple, and also Soranus of Ephesus, Oribasius, Galen, Hali Abbas, and other authors, have descended to particulars, in the prescription of his motions, deportment, looks,

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