Expand Beyond Your Current Culture. Leslie Short
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Copyright ©2021 by Leslie Short. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without either the prior permission of the publisher or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; 978.750.8400; fax 978.646.8600; or on the web at www.copyright.com.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020942122
Paperback ISBN: 9781947540132
E-book ISBN: 9781947540149
Printed in the United States of America
Preface: A Note to CEOs and Leadership
Chapter 1: What’s in Your Bag?
Chapter 2: Does Diversity and Inclusion Matter to You? To Your Company?
Chapter 3: Checked Boxes Aren’t Good Enough!
Chapter 4: With Diversity and Inclusion Comes Responsibility
Chapter 5: Aspiration vs. Operation: Making Diversity and Inclusion a Reality
Chapter 6: It’s Time to Think Differently!
Chapter 7: Diversity and Inclusion Should Not Be Built in Silos
Chapter 8: Nothing About Us Without Us!
Chapter 9: Be Committed to the Work
Chapter 10: Create an Authentic Company Culture
Chapter 11: Be the Ripple in the Pond of Change
Chapter 12: It’s Not Always About You
Appendix A: Global Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
Appendix B: Diversity and Inclusion Monthly Calendar
Appendix C: Facing Race and Racism During a Global Pandemic
Special thank you to my family for their support through every twist and turn of my many careers. Gothrie, Mae, Sheri, and Michael, I love you dearly!
Tony Rahsaan and Lynne Filderman, from the moment I said I’m opening the doors of The Cavu Group, you both said I’m in! Thank you!
Tony Rahsaan deserves an extra thanks for also creating the graphics in the book, social media content, and working on the book cover with the publisher. He’s the only one who gets away with calling me and simply saying, NO, that doesn’t work!
Stanley Desbas, thanks for the photo shoot that is now being used as my promo.
Anne Hegeman, thanks for your publishing insights and for your unwavering friendship throughout the years.
Becca Lee, thank you for allowing me to use your poem in the book. I hope that nobody ever feels they need to apologize for their space at home or at work.
To all the participants who took the time to fill out the questionnaire, I am forever grateful for your time and honesty. Thanks to those who called, texted, and emailed stories to add to the book.
To all of my friends who supported me through the writing of the book, and for those of you who had special jobs during the writing of the book, you deserve an extra thank you. I cannot name you all, but please know I appreciate all of my friendships, champions, advocates, and allies!
Dwayne Andrews, my unofficial-official attorney, thank you for jumping in and always ensuring that I do more than check the boxes when it comes to my business deals.
To The Cavu Group Council, thank you for sharing your knowledge.