Stop Thinking Like An Employee. Demetris Reynolds

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Stop Thinking Like An Employee - Demetris Reynolds

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start at the bottom, they can continue what you started for your family.

      So, ask yourself. What is my legacy going to be? That of a successful individual who will go on to be spoken about and used as an example for years to come; or, are you just going to be someone who existed once upon a time. NOTE: I do not mean to say or imply that success is all about financial status. You can build an ever-lasting legacy by doing whatever it is you absolutely love doing.

      People will see it and speak of it for years to come. But if you are not happy with your current position in life this book is for you. You may think a job working for someone else is your only option for creating a life you will enjoy. Do you have a job? Look around, are you happy with your life at its current state? If you are you do not need to read any further but if you are not, you need to keep reading till the end and apply the information in this book to your life.

      Chapter 1


      Losing the employee mindset. You see thinking like a boss requires a shift in your thinking. We are taught from day one gets a job. Get an education to get a really good job.

      We are never taught to be a boss. We are trained to be employees. Being an employee is right for those that are happy being an employee but what about that employee that is not?

      What about that woman or man that feels within themselves that somethings off? Something is missing. Those that feel, I can be and do more, I just do not know what. Those that stay an employee because it is all they know. it’s all they’ve been trained to know. it’s the only way they’ve been trained to think.

      Losing an employee mindset is not easy, but it is very doable. when you align yourself with the right people, learn what resources you need, believing in yourself, and have the courage to pursue. In other words, like Less Brown say’s “You Gotta Be Hungry”. I personally was starving.

      Everything you need to start a business you already possess. Think about it. If you went to school, got educated, got a job working in your field of study. You are getting the experience it takes to do business for yourself.

      After a certain amount of time and experience learned, if you are not happy or having a feeling of being unfulfilled; why are you still there? Why not just look at this job experience as a steppingstone in your pursuit of finding your purpose?

      Live and walk in your purpose.

      Think about this. They are paying you to use your knowledge, skills, and experience to make them money. Now. let this marinade on your brain. If they are willing to pay you x amount of dollars an hour, they must be making 4 or 5 times that. It makes no sense to pay you 20 an hour if that is all you are capable of generating the company.

      You are paid 20 an hour because what you do for the company generates a possible 120 or more hourly for the company. That was just an example, to help you see that a job is nothing more than a company, paying to use your intellect, your brain, your knowledge, etc. etc. So. knowing this, why not use what you know and make

      the money for yourself. Why settle for 20 an hour when you can have the whole 100 plus!

      Now, I am not saying having a job is bad because it does make for a good starting point. It is when you are not happy or stressed, and hate going to that job. That is when you need to come to the realization… , it is time to make some changes.

      You have the expertise and experience, the only other thing you have that you do not need is fear. Fear of losing that safety net. Fear of losing an alleged secure job. Guess what! It is not your company therefore your job is never secure!

      Oh yeah, for those who thought and still think this way. How secure was your job during the COVID pandemic? Did you invest in any other skills? Was all your online time spent reading social media posts or were you studying and seeing a pattern of how to make money using the internet just in case?

      We must stay ahead of the curve. Do not ever get comfortable with a job in a company you do not own. You should always expand your knowledge to move with the times. Always have a side hustle that can grow and turn into a main source of income if need be. Or if you just want to take off that employee shirt and be your own boss.

      If you ever considered going into business for yourself, what is stopping you? Is it money? Naysayers? Lack of motivation? Are you surrounded by people that do not share the same interest? What is it?

      If you come up with more reasons for not starting your business, that can drown out that one solid reason to start, then you should not go into business. Because you do not fully believe in yourself. You are not ready.

      When you are truly ready, that one good reason will always overpower any and every negative reason that comes to mind.

      You are not mentally ready yet. But if that one reason can drown out all of the negative reasons you think of for not starting a business, then it is time to start. Why do I say this? You are driven and determined. You just need to figure out what you are passionate about. You must get the courage to make that change. You need to self-motivate. This can be done by asking and answering questions like.

      Do you feel like you are not where you should be in life? Do not have the things you should have at your age. Feel like you should have accomplished more?

      Do you ever think and feel like you are a failure or disappointment to yourself and those you love? What do you believe? Do you really feel this is it for you? If you feel it then it will be. Your thoughts and beliefs work hand and hand when it comes to what you do or don’t achieve in life.

      If you have always thought to do just good enough and do just enough to get by. Are you happy? Having a fixed mindset, for many is the cause of living an unhappy life. Developing a growth mindset allows one to grow and achieve.

      Imagine what you could do if you thought of doing more and acted upon it. Believing you could achieve more.

      Thoughts like, nothing I try ever works so what is the point? Guess it just was not meant to be. These thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are what I call fertile soil for stress, depression, and worry to grow and take over your life. These negative thoughts can be CHANGED!

      To deal quickly with your negative thoughts, you have to: Understand that your negative thoughts are hurting you. Ninety-nine percent of your worries and negative self-talk are harming you. Believe that simple fact and you are halfway to freedom. You must Be observant.

      Take notice when you are having a negative thought. Distance yourself from the thought. When you think to yourself, “I’m not good enough to do this,” change it to “I’m being challenged and I’m not going to be defeated.” Always believe in yourself.

      This simple process brings about instant motivation and inspires you to try, when normally you may not have. Now you’re making an attempt when normally you wouldn’t have even tried. Let’s build up that confidence!

      Replace the thought. Reverse the thought. Tell yourself that you are good enough. Tell yourself that things will be okay. Is it true? Well, it is no more of a lie than telling yourself something negative. At least, you will feel better and be in a better position to thrive. Considering that things usually work out, it is more accurate than your negative thoughts.

      When confronted with the problem of constructing optimistic life modifications, there are a couple of steps you may take that may provide help to battle and overcome them with much less stress.

      Establish at what point you are within the change process: Pre-contemplation, contemplation, willpower, action, upkeep, or relapse.

      What are the cost and benefits of making this change? Make a list of the costs and benefits of making a change versus alternatives.

      Think about anyone in your network that may be useful in solving the issue. This is your layer of support. Reach out to them.

      When you begin looking for solutions start by

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