Darbone - Legend of The Four. C. Michael Neely

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Darbone - Legend of The Four - C. Michael Neely

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of salt water that had been drained by natural occurrence. All that was left was the desert. It’s not that large, and only a day’s travel across. The scrolls also spoke of an ancient forest on the other side. Argyle could not see the other side from where he rested, but was comforted to know the travel across would be quick. He lay down and rested his mind and his eyes, and slipped off into a dream state.

      While he dreamt, he saw great battles, and armies clashing. Armies of men, and beasts, at war. Huge machines on the ground and in the air were firing weapons at one another, and the Rats were charging ahead of the men with rage. The battles were raging around a great lake, and although he was asleep, Argyle knew he was dreaming of the desert, and things that had happened there. He awoke from his light sleep with wonder and awe from the events he witnessed in his dreams. He knew they were real. But how long ago did these things happen? He pondered the big machines he had seen in his dreams. He had never seen war machines, or any machines, like that before. He hoped in silence that he would not see them ever. He could feel his heart racing. The wars that happened here were large, with many dead. Ultimately, the outcome was not positive. Which is the way of war.

      The sun was finally setting, and the orange sky streaked colors of purple, yellow, and red in a smooth gradients back to blue, where the full moon was beginning to come up above the distant mountains. It was time to begin walking the desert. By morning, he could be across to the ancient forest. He did not know much of the creatures of the desert, but he did know that night time was their time. He would have to be cautious in this strange world. Many things lurk, crawl, and fly, that have no concern for him, his people, or his quest. Not evil creatures, but dangerous creatures, nonetheless.

      He walked for hours by the moonlight through the sands and desert plants and rocks. He thought of only his task at hand and who the other chosen ones would be. Who were they? What did they look like? How would he know them when he did finally meet up with them? These were the questions fleeting through his mind as he made his way across the rough terrain of the desert.

      Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of something in the distance. Eyes. Red eyes on the horizon. Not just one, but several. Wolves? Argyle did not know. Maybe it was rats! He steadied his mind and breathing and kept a watchful eye on the places he saw the glowing eyes. His resolve as he walked emitted like an beacon of positive energy. There was no fear, just determination to reach the Tower of Darbone. Any enemy of this chosen one would be well advised to stand aside this day. He continued walking forward drawing his short blade. Scanning the horizon for the eyes he had seen. But nothing was there. Where had these visitors run away to? Thinking about it for a second, he realized he was the visitor here, and that he actually may appear to be the intruder. Thinking this, he sheathed his short blade, but continued his pace.

      A Great Horned Owl landed on a scrub tree near where he was walking, and shrieked loudly. The bird was white feathered with brown spots. A majestic looking creature about 3 feet tall. Huge, even for an owl. Argyle stopped and crouched down to observe. The owl took flight from the tree and landed right in front of him. Turning it’s head sideways and looking at him curiously, and walking towards Argyle crouched down.

      “I am Simone, and you are the chosen one from The Island”, he said. “I will travel with you for a portion of your journey to the Tower of Darbone.” he continued. Argyle, was astounded at this development. “My teachings said nothing about a travel companion”, said Argyle. “Only the four chosen ones will be going to the Tower”, he said. “I am your scout. Not one of the chosen ones, but your guide through these lands you are unfamiliar with. This is my family’s tradition, and it was my ancestor that guided your ancestor through these lands the last millennia!”, Simone said. “We all have the same goal to keep good in the world. Helping The Four is how we do that”. he said. “How do I know this isn’t some trick and you were sent by the Rat King to misguide me”? Argyle replied. “Believe what you will about me. Your heart will guide you”, Simone said, looking at Argyle with his huge golden eyes.

      Argyle looked into the large eyes of the owl, and realized he was telling the truth. A feeling of relief that he would not be traveling these lands alone overwhelmed him in this moment. “So be it,” he said to Simone. “You were wise to travel here at night. I knew that you would be coming,” he said. “We should avoid the wolves, however, they are hungry, and can be a nasty bunch when they want to be. Follow me.” he said. The owl flew gliding slowly and just above the surface of the ground to the right of Argyle. He continued following the bird throughout the night and as the day was beginning to break, the owl stopped and perched atop a tall rock. The rock seemed to be tree shaped. Argyle looked around and noticed all of the rocks were shaped like trees. Most of them lying down, but rocks just the same. “We have reached the Petrified Shores,” Simone told Argyle. “The trees found here were made into stone long ago as the salt waters of the ocean had flooded this land. These were the largest and wisest trees, and now they are all monuments to a better, calmer time.” He said. “Where did the ocean go?” asked Argyle. “The desert you just crossed was once a huge salt water lake. It had come in suddenly taking everything in it’s path. It stayed flooded for 3 millennia. That was the ocean that transformed and preserved these trees for eternity.” He finished.

      Argyle looked at the enormous tree rocks. Understanding how life can change in an instant, and not always for the better or worse. “I will travel with you until you have joined with the second chosen one, and then my service to you will be done.” Simone said. He flew ahead and perched on one of the petrified branches. Cleaning his feathers and preparing to settle into a roost. “You should rest, our journey over the desert is done. Things will get more perilous tomorrow.” Simone tucked his head into his wings and went to sleep. Argyle took his advice and made a bed in the grass at the base of the tree Simone was roosting in. Argyle glanced up at the sleeping bird. What a Godsend this one is. He knew he could rest for a bit.

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