Contemporary Health Studies. Louise Warwick-Booth

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Contemporary Health Studies - Louise Warwick-Booth

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is now evidenced.

      Sources: Raleigh and Polato (2004); Warwick-Booth (2019)

      Health inequity refers to those differences that are perceived to be unfair and unjust (Graham and Kelly 2004). For example, it can be argued that everyone has the right to health care; however, despite the presence of health care in many countries, not everyone is able access it, which results in health inequity.

      Infectious diseases The media are forever drawing our attention to the problem of infectious diseases. In 2009 there were concerns about the possibility of a swine-flu pandemic, with many countries stock-piling vaccinations, implementing vaccination programmes, offering health advice and developing emergency plans. Here a political economy perspective would critically examine the role of the pharmaceutical industry as part of the construction of this health threat (see chapter 4 for further discussion of Marxist understandings of health and illness). This is interesting, given that it is the case that at least once a year an epidemic occurs somewhere in the world. There are many infectious diseases that threaten the health of humans, such as rotavirus, ebola, HIV and the more recently discovered SARS, H5N1 – bird flu (Kaufmann, 2009) and coronavirus, COVID-19 (Boni, 2020). The emergence of COVID-19 across the globe, starting in 2019 and continuing during 2020, led to a huge increase in excess deaths, particularly among older and more vulnerable groups with pre-existing health conditions, as well as unprecedented government action (lockdowns and social distancing rules) in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. At the time of writing more than ten million people have been infected, and over half a million people have died as a result of this new disease (WHO, 2020d), with infections continuing to spread and localized outbreaks occurring. The lack of effective treatment has been a challenge for all health systems, with many hospitals struggling to meet demand. The need to develop a vaccination is now high on the global agenda, resulting in world leaders pledging money towards this (WHO, 2020e). Furthermore, the implications of this disease in relation to inequality require consideration, for example there have been much higher death rates reported among BAME community members, in care homes in the UK and across economically poorer regions. Aside from the urgent threat of loss of life and potential disability resulting from COVID-19, there are many issues for future consideration in relation to the broader social determinants of health. For example, children have missed out on education, ‘non-essential’ health-care appointments have been delayed (WHO, 2020e), and many industries have been negatively affected, leading to increased unemployment; all of which are likely to impact more negatively upon health outcomes. Epidemics such as COVID-19 are transnational, have no boundaries and are hard to control. As a consequence, they instil fear in many people, and the associated social policy measures of lockdown and social distancing are likely to lead to adverse mental-health outcomes for some people. Our experience of infectious diseases varies according to where we live in the world, our own personal characteristics (social determinants), as well as the ways in which such threats are framed by the media and politicians.

      HIV as an infectious disease is often seen as being a major contemporary threat to health and, as highlighted earlier, has received much media attention. WHO (2020c) reports that 770,000 people died of HIV-related illnesses worldwide in 2018, with 61% of these deaths occurring in the Africa region. The major problem with the prevention of HIV lies in the relationship between prevention and behaviour change (see chapter 6 for an in-depth discussion of behaviour change). Currently an effective vaccination has yet to be developed, therefore prevention via condom use and behaviour change (such as abstinence from sexual encounters) is advocated. However, some individuals

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