Mexico City Blues. Jack Kerouac

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Mexico City Blues - Jack Kerouac

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30th Chorus

      Tender is the Night

      Tender is the Eve Star

      F. Scott Fitzgerald, the Alamoan

      Huckster Crockett Hero

      Who burned his Wife Down

      and tore up the 95 Devils

      with crashes of laughter

      and breaking of glass

      in the monocled Ibyarritz

      the Little Grey Fox


      via Princeton O Sure

      Tender is the marlin spike,

      Tender is the sea,

      Tender the London Fog

      That Befalls to Me

      Tender is the Cat’s Bath

      Blue Meow

      The Little Grey Fox

      That nibbled at the grapes

      Tender was his foreskin,

      tender his Nape.

       31st Chorus

      Three Saints in Four Acts

      by Gertrude Stein

      A Great Prophet

      is a Great Teacher

      But he is also

      a Great Saint

      And he is furthermore

      a Great Man

      And more than that

      an incomparable listener

      to music and non-music


      And a Great Sitter Under Trees,

      And a Man of Trees,

      And a Man of Sorrows,

      And a Lemon Light

      of Angel Sounds

      and Singer of Religion

      wild singer of come-igion

      wild lover of the origin

      wild hater of hate his own

      Convulsive writer of Poems

      And dialog for Saints

      Stomping their feet

      On Pirandelloan stage

       32nd Chorus

      Newton’s theory of relativity

      and grave gravity

      Is that rocks’ll fall on your head

      Pluto is the Latest Star

      Astronomical facts

      from under the bar.

      Little cottages on hills receive

      the Constellation of

      the Southern Hemisphere

      Where rosy doves’re seen flyin

      Past Pis Cacuaqaheuro

      Monte Visto de Santo

      De Gassa – healing helium

      gas – from the substance

      on the sun star –

      gas discovered on the sun

      by spectral gazing

      Sorcerers hoppity skop

      with the same familiarity

      In my Buddhaland dreams –

      Monotonous monotony

      of endless grape dirigible stars

       33rd Chorus

      A vast cavern, huh?

      I stop & jump to other field

      And you wander around

      Like Jap prisoners

      In Salt Lake Cities

      Under San Francisco’s

      Sewage disaster.

      “An explorer of souls

      and cities –”

      “A lowdown junkey” –

      “Who has discovered

      that the essence of life

      is found only in the poppy plant

      with the help of odium

      the addict explores

      the world anew

      and creates a world

      in his own image

      with the help of Madame


      I’m an idealist

      who has outgrown

      my idealism

      I have nothing to do

      the rest of my life

      but do it

      and the rest of my life

      to do it”

       34th Chorus

      “I have no plans

      No dates

      No appointments with anybody

      So I leisurely explore

      Souls and Cities

      Geographically I’m from

      and belong to that group

      called Pennsylvania Dutch

      But I’m really a citizen

      of the world

      who hates Communism

      and tolerates Democracy

      Of which Plato said 2000 years


      Was the best form of bad government

      I’m merely exploring souls & cities

      From the vantage point

      Of my ivory tower built,

      Built with the assistance

      of Opium

      That’s enough, isnt it?”

       35th Chorus

      It was the best show,

      the guys used to give up

      a good movie

      just to hear him talk

      Now is the Time

      Now is the Time

      To kill an hour

      and Delaware Punch


      A Star is Born –

      muckle lips in the movie

      “I’d rather not” –

      “I really dont wanta go” –

      Yeah, fuck the movie.

      Fuck the mambo.

      Fuck is

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