Ivanov. Anton Chekhov

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Ivanov - Anton Chekhov

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grave with just my thoughts, day after day . . . sat there till I snuffed it. My wife’s buried in Paris.


      AnnaWell, that’s cheered us up. Do you want to try another duet?

      ShabelskyYes, all right. Go and get some music out.

      Anna goes indoors. Ivanov appears in the garden with Lvov.

      Ivanov. . . Yes, but you only qualified a year ago, you’re still young – I’m the wrong side of forty, so I’m entitled to give you some advice. Don’t go marrying a Jewess or a neurotic or a woman with a mind. Find yourself a plain, ordinary girl who doesn’t make any unnecessary noise. Settle into a routine, the duller the better. Don’t try to fight the whole world, don’t butt your head against the walls. And stay clear of scientific farming, progressive education, and public speaking. Find a quiet corner and just get on with the task God gave you – it’s more comfortable, more honest and better for your health. Look at my life – I’m worn down by it, worn away by bad decisions, injustice, incompetence – (Catching sight of the Count, he explodes.) Oh, you again! – Why are you always hanging about and getting in the way? It’s impossible to have a private conversation!

      Shabelsky(plaintively) Or to find any peace around here, God dammit!

      He jumps up and goes into the house.

      Ivanov(shouts after him) I’m sorry! – sorry! (To Lvov.) Why did I have to do that? I’m falling apart. I must do something about myself, I really must.

      Lvov(agitated) Nikolay Alekseevich, I’ve heard you out and now, forgive me, I’m going to tell you plainly: your voice, your very tone, never mind the words, it’s all so unfeeling. Someone close to you is dying, in fact she’s dying because she’s close to you, and you don’t show her any consideration, all you do is walk around ordering everybody about, throwing fits . . . I don’t know how to put it, but, well, I just find you appalling.

      IvanovYes . . . you could be right. You’re in a better position to judge. Quite likely you see me for what I am. (Listens.) It sounds as if the horses have been brought round. I have to go and get changed . . .

      He goes towards the house and stops.

      You don’t like me, Doctor, and you don’t bother to hide it. I respect you for that.

      He goes indoors.

      Lvov(aside) Oh, damn my cowardice! I had another chance to tell that charlatan to his face he’s a selfish, despicable hypocrite, and I didn’t take it! I can’t keep my wits when I talk to him – I hardly get a word out before something in here – (Indicates his chest.) – stops my breath. I’m churning inside, my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth . . . There he goes – off out again when his wretched wife’s only comfort is to have him by her – he says he can’t stay – he’s suffocating here, you see, can’t stay in even for one night – he’d put a bullet through his head just to relieve the monotony. Poor devil, he needs his freedom, doesn’t he? – freedom to find another way to torture her. Oh, I know why he goes to Lebedev’s every evening – don’t think I don’t!

      Ivanov, in hat and coat, comes out of the house with Shabelsky and Anna.

      ShabelskyReally, Nicolas, it’s inhuman of you. We go to bed at eight o’clock out of sheer boredom. It’s monstrous – it’s no life! Why should you be allowed to go out and not us?

      AnnaOh, leave him be, let him go.

      Ivanov(to Anna) How could you go anyway? – You’re a sick woman, you’re not allowed outdoors after the sun’s gone down. Ask the doctor. You’re not a child, Anyuta, act your age. (To Shabelsky.) And why do you want to go to the Lebedevs?

      ShabelskyI’d go to hell on a crocodile – anything rather than stay here. (Shouts.) I’m bored! I’m stupid with boredom! You leave me at home so your bored wife isn’t bored on her own, and I’m boring her to death.

      AnnaLeave him alone – let him go if he wants to go and enjoy himself.

      IvanovDon’t say that – you know I’m not going there to enjoy myself. I have to talk to them about the money I owe.

      AnnaI don’t know why you’re bothering to make excuses. Off you go! No one’s stopping you.

      IvanovCan we not squabble like this? There’s no need.

      Shabelsky(in a tearful voice) Nicolas, my dear boy, I beg you, take me with you! I just want to give those frauds and fools a look-over, it might even be amusing. I haven’t been out since Easter!

      Ivanov(irritated) Oh, come on then! I’m so tired of this.

      ShabelskyCan I really? Oh, merci, merci beaucoup. Can I wear your panama?

      IvanovAs long as you’re quick.

      Shabelsky runs into the house.

      I’m sick of the lot of you! Oh God, what an awful thing to say! It’s not how I used to talk to you. I’m sorry, Anna. I won’t be back late.

      AnnaKolya . . . please, darling – don’t go out!

      Ivanov(agitated) My sweet love, my poor unhappy darling, I implore you, don’t stop me going out in the evenings. I know it’s unfair, but let me anyway! – I can’t bear being here. The moment the sun goes down, I’m in misery. Don’t ask me why. I’ve no idea. Honest to God, I don’t know why. It’s misery at home, misery at the Lebedevs, misery when I get back – and so on all night long – I don’t know what to do.

      AnnaThen you might as well stay at home, Kolya. We’ll talk . . . like we used to – have supper together, read . . . That old moaner and I have learned lots of new duets for you . . . (Puts her arms around him.) Do stay!


      I don’t understand you. You’ve been like this for a whole year now. Why did you change?

      IvanovI don’t know . . . I don’t know . . .

      AnnaWhy don’t you want me to come with you any more?

      IvanovI’ll tell you why if you really want to know. It’s terrible but better said. When I get into one of my states, I begin to stop loving you. I’m in such misery I have to get away even from you. I have to get away from this house.

      AnnaI know something about misery, Nikolay. Let me tell you, Kolya – what you have to do is be the way you used to be – sing, laugh, let off steam. Don’t go. We’ll have a laugh, have a drink, we’ll chase away your misery in a minute. Do you want me to sing for you? Or we could go and sit in your den in the dark as we used to and you can tell me all about your misery! There’s such suffering in your eyes! – I’ll look into your eyes and cry and we’ll both feel better. (Laughing and crying.) How does it go? ‘Flowers return with the spring, but happiness lingers behind.’ Is that it? Oh – all right, go then, just go!

      IvanovSay a prayer for me, Anya!

      He moves off, hesitates.

      No, I can’t!

      AnnaThen go . . .!

      Ivanov leaves. Lvov approaches her.

      LvovAnna Petrovna – you must make it a rule: when the clock strikes six you must come indoors and not go out till morning. The evening air is damp, it’s bad for your chest.

      AnnaVery good, sir.

      LvovI’m serious.

      AnnaI don’t want to be serious. (Coughs.)

      LvovYou see?

      Shabelsky comes out of the house in hat and coat.

      ShabelskyWhere’s Nikolay? Are the horses brought round?

      He walks quickly over to Anna and kisses her hand.

      Good night, light of my life! (Pulls a funny face.) Gevalt! Exscushe pliz.

      Shabelsky hurries out.



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