The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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audience from, 143:0.1 (1607.1)Gorillaancestry of, 62:3.12 (706.3)evolution of, in Asia, 61:3.12 (697.7)and monkey, common ancestry of, 61:3.12 (697.7)Gospel(s)acceptance, vs. rejection of the, result, 163:1.4 (1801.1)according to John, John’s directing of Nathan in the writing of the, 121:8.10 (1342.5), 139:4.15 (1555.8)Matthew, 121:8.4 (1341.5), 121:8.7 (1342.2), 139:7.5 (1560.1)Paul, Luke’s gospel in some ways the, 121:8.9 (1342.4)Simon Peter, Mark’s gospel could be considered the, 121:8.3 (1341.4)an authoritative version of the, Rodan’s desire to get, 160:0.1 (1772.1)belief in the, scope of, 174:5.7 (1903.4)believer(s), attitude of, toward end of the world, 176:3.2 (1916.2)eternal-life assurance of the, 176:3.2 (1916.2)Jesus’ prayer for, 182:1.6 (1964.3)promise to dwell in, 164:5.3 (1815.4)of everlasting life to, 142:5.4 (1601.4)warning of Jesus against control of, by creeds, 141:5.4 (1592.2)comparison of, with living things, 178:1.15 (1931.6)cornerstones of the, brotherhood and service the, 178:1.4 (1930.1)definition, 121:5.18 (1338.3), 141:4.2 (1590.5), 150:5.5 (1683.2), 170:4.8–13 (1863.6–11), 186:5.4 (2002.5), 191:4.3 (2041.6), 192:4.7 (2051.4), 194:0.7 (2059.7)divergent views of the, Jesus’ harmony of, 148:1.2 (1658.1)effect of the Spirit of Truth on the growth of the, 194:3.8 (2063.6)and family divisions, 150:4.3 (1682.1), 165:6.3 (1824.6)finding the true God in the, 160:5.10 (1782.1)foundation of the, 196:2.1 (2091.10)the four, delay in writing the, cause of, 121:0.1 (1332.1)a source of information about Jesus’ life, 121:8.0 (1341.2)friendship with God the, 159:3.9 (1766.5)gentile objections to the, 143:1.1 (1607.3)good news of the, 140:10.9 (1585.7)vs. Greek Christianity, 195:3.11 (2074.6)hatred for the apostles because of the, 140:9.3 (1584.2)vs. historical religion, 170:5.19 (1866.2), 194:4.6 (2067.1)illumination of, by Jesus’ death, 186:5.4 (2002.5)influence of home life on world-wide acceptance of the, 177:2.6 (1922.4)instruction of Matadormus, 163:2.4 (1801.7)of Jesus, blending of, with various teachings in Paul’s cult, 121:7.8 (1340.6)effect of acceptance of, on modern home life, 177:2.6 (1922.4)on Rodan’s philosophy, 160:1.15 (1775.1)elevation of ideals by the, 160:1.15 (1775.1)enhancement of insight by the, 160:1.15 (1775.1)influence of, on every mortal, 102:6.10 (1125.5)preaching of, by Greeks, 194:4.11 (2068.1)nearly supplanted by story about Jesus, 170:5.19 (1866.2)Sermon on the Mount not the, 140:4.1 (1572.1)Jesus’ admonition to his apostles to proclaim the, 138:6.3 (1543.1)promise never to forsake his apostles in their proclamation of the, 157:6.13 (1750.7)warning against rejection of the, 173:4.4 (1894.2)wish to give Jerusalem multitudes a last chance to hear the, 172:4.1 (1883.3)Jesusonian, see Jesusonian gospelof John, Alexandrian Christians’ viewpoint presented in the, 121:6.6 (1339.2)outstanding features of, 121:8.10 (1342.5)of the kingdom, for all men, 191:6.2 (2044.3), 194:3.9 (2064.1)beginning of the change in the, 192:4.7 (2051.4)believers’ mission to proclaim the whole truth of the, 193:0.4 (2052.4)persecution for the, 178:1.9 (1930.6)vs. Christianity, 194:0.4 (2059.4)definition, 156:4.3 (1737.4), 170:4.0 (1862.9–1863.14), 170:5.19 (1866.2), 178:1.11 (1931.2), 191:4.3 (2041.6), 192:4.7 (2051.4), 193:0.4 (2052.4), 193:2.2 (2054.3), 194:0.4 (2059.4), 194:4.4 (2066.4), 195:9.7 (2083.3)fasting not a part of the, 147:7.2 (1655.4)by Luke, analysis of the, 121:8.8 (1342.3)by Mark, Peter the associate author of, 121:8.3 (1341.4), 139:2.12 (1552.1)the Master’s, and Christianity, 149:2.2 (1670.3)of Matthew, source material for the, 121:8.5 (1341.6)of Melchizedek, 93:6.4 (1020.7), 93:9.5 (1023.2)message of confidence, 170:2.3 (1859.13)vs. facts associated with the gospel, 194:0.3 (2059.3)of good cheer, 138:8.9 (1545.10), 142:2.2 (1597.2), 147:3.2 (1649.2)messenger, vs. faithful disciple, 163:2.2 (1801.5)in the mind, vs. gospel in the heart, 177:5.2 (1927.3)national influences contributing to the spread of the, 121:2.4 (1333.6)need of proclamation of, to gentile and Jew, 163:4.2 (1804.6), 191:6.2 (2044.3)the new, and the goal of spiritual attainment, 170:2.6 (1860.1)and the purpose of human salvation, 170:2.8 (1860.3)nonmiracle phase of proclamation of the, 167:0.2 (1833.2)the original, portrayal of the human and divine natures of Jesus in, 196:2.6 (2092.4)Peter’s Pentecost preaching’s effect on the apostles’ proclamation of the, 195:0.1 (2069.1)post-Pentecostal, foundation of the, 194:4.4 (2066.4)preaching of, to all men, 142:2.2 (1597.2), 143:1.5 (1608.2), 159:2.1 (1764.3), 176:1.1 (1912.3), 176:2.5 (1915.2)nearly supplanted by story about Jesus, 170:5.19 (1866.2)presentation of Thomas and Nathaniel, to Rodan, 161:0.2 (1783.2)purpose of, 170:2.2 (1859.12)real, modern Christian churches as obstacles to the, 195:10.8 (2084.8)the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, 195:10.8 (2084.8)reason for making no record of the teachings of the, in Jesus’ time, 159:4.7 (1768.3)vs. religion about Jesus, 128:4.6 (1413.2), 170:1.17 (1859.10), 170:5.19 (1866.2), 194:4.5 (2066.5), 196:2.1 (2091.10)the Salem, spread of, 93:9.5 (1023.2)of salvation, Jesus’ proclamation of, to the Jews, 174:5.3 (1902.4)kingdom builders’ necessary faith in, 156:5.12 (1739.7)scope of the, the highest concept of religion, 160:5.7 (1781.3), 170:5.19 (1866.2)seventy teachers sent out to proclaim the, 163:1.3 (1800.5)sonship with God, the saving truth of the, 193:0.4 (2052.4)and spiritual power, 170:2.2 (1859.12), 178:1.15 (1931.6)spread of, to the outside world, 142:1.7 (1596.9)to Roman world, 121:2.10 (1334.4)without miracles, 166:0.1 (1825.1)Sychar dwellers’ acceptance of the, 143:6.2 (1615.3)teachers, the business of, 141:7.4 (1593.5), 194:3.11 (2064.3)teaching, early, cardinal feature of, 190:0.4 (2029.4)teachings concerning salvation, 188:5.2 (2018.1)truths of, transformation of civilization by, 194:2.8 (2061.6)Tyrian purple manufacturers’ spread of the, 156:4.3 (1737.4)universality of the, 143:1.4 (1608.1), 163:4.2 (1804.6), 177:2.6 (1922.4), 191:6.2 (2044.3), 194:3.17 (2065.5)up-to-date version of the, purpose, 194:2.1 (2060.6)yoke is easy and the burden of truth is light, 159:3.7 (1766.3)Government(s)adjustment between local and national, a level of statehood, 71:8.8 (807.4)advances in, during postbestowal Son age, 52:5.3 (596.1)affairs, lack of individual participation in, a Roman weakness, 195:3.9 (2074.4)beginnings of, 69:8.7 (779.6), 70:3.2 (787.2), 70:5.0 (788.13–789.7)burdens, assumption of, as a duty, vs. as a privilege, 71:3.10 (803.10)chief functions of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.5 (599.1)Christianity and, 195:0.3 (2069.3)civil, see Civil, governmentcivilized, mark of arrival of, 71:2.8 (802.2)codified mores the documentary bases for, in some nations, 70:12.4 (798.3)constellation, 15:10.17 (179.4), 33:6.3 (371.5), 35:5.7 (390.4), 43:2.0 (487.3–488.2), 43:3.6 (489.1), 43:5.2 (490.7)creation of a threefold, a level of statehood, 71:8.3 (806.16)democratic, a blessing of modern secular revolt, 195:8.8 (2081.8)disappearance of, gradual, on worlds in light and life, 55:5.4 (630.1)divine, foundation of, on divine sovereignty of God, 134:4.2 (1486.5)effective, a prerequisite of, 70:6.1 (789.8)evolution of, 70:0.0 (783.1–799.2), 71:4.1 (804.1), 74:5.8 (834.2)federal, of the continental nation, 72:2.3 (809.4), 72:7.1 (815.1), 72:7.7–14 (815.7–816.5)forerunners of the three branches of, 70:5.9 (789.7)global, 134:5.12 (1489.3), 134:6.11 (1491.5)in Havona, unnecessary, reason, 14:3.1 (155.4)highest function of, adjudication the, 22:4.3 (247.2)human, the only sacred feature of, 71:8.1 (806.14)on a world in light and life, 55:3.2 (625.1)Jesus not to teach rules of, 140:6.6 (1576.6)local universe, scope of, 21:3.0 (237.3–239.6), 32:2.7 (359.4)Immanuel not subject to, 33:5.3 (371.1)Melchizedeks in, 55:10.11 (635.2)by lot, Romans’ supplanting of, with representative government, 195:2.1 (2072.5)of major sectors, 15:2.7 (166.6), 15:13.1 (181.1), 18:4.4 (210.7)of mankind, process of creating the future ideal, American Federal Union an illustration of, 134:5.15 (1490.1)mission of, 81:5.6 (906.4)on a neighboring planet, 72:0.0 (808.1–820.4)a new order of, in a system settled in light and life, 55:8.1 (632.4)of, by, and for the people, preservation of, 71:2.19 (802.13)of other continents on the neighboring planet, 72:12.1 (819.5)planetary, Urantia, 114:5.0 (1254.1–1254.6)vs. other Satania worlds, 114:0.4 (1250.4), 114:7.15 (1258.7)political, improvement of, during post-Magisterial Son ages, 52:4.6 (595.1)primitive forms of, in Africa today, 70:5.9 (789.7)representative, evolution of, 71:2.0 (801.13–802.13)ten stages in evolution of, 71:2.9 (802.3)support of, by the people, Jesus’ idea of, 132:4.5 (1461.3)system, about, 45:3.0 (512.1–513.3)location
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