The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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flocks to the Nazarite brotherhood by, 135:4.2 (1499.2)in prison, 135:11.0 (1506.6–1507.3)reaction of, to Andrew’s and Peter’s proposal to join Jesus, 137:1.3 (1524.4)relation of the apostles to the followers of, 141:1.5 (1588.3)sad confusion of, after separation from Jesus, 135:10.1 (1506.3)self-regarded as last of the Israel prophets, 135:4.2 (1499.2)sojourn at Engedi of, 135:4.3 (1499.3)taking of Nazarite vow at fourteen by, 135:1.1 (1496.6)teaching of prayers to his disciples by, 144:1.10 (1618.4), 144:3.13 (1620.11)test of faith and loyalty to Jesus by, 135:11.1 (1506.6)uncertainty of, as to the scope of the kingdom of heaven, 135:9.5 (1505.5)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.17 (514.7), 114:2.3 (1252.1)John Hyrcanusdestruction of Samaritans’ temple by, 143:4.2 (1612.2)John Markbelief of, concerning Peter’s night vision, 152:4.4 (1703.4)bringing of a basket to Jesus by, 177:0.4 (1920.4)calling of the leading disciples to the home of, 193:6.1 (2057.8)careful watch of Jesus by, 182:0.1 (1963.1)death of the father of, 192:4.5 (2051.2)departure of, with the apostles, for Galilee, 192:0.4 (2045.4)desertion of his sentinel post by, 182:2.12 (1967.7)early home life of, significance, 177:2.0 (1921.5–1923.1)flight of, from the garden, 183:3.9 (1975.2)hiding by, in a shed in Gethsemane, 183:0.3 (1971.3)Jesus’ secret arrangement with, regarding the Last Supper, 178:2.9 (1933.6)observation by, of activities of last moments in the garden, 182:2.12 (1967.7)only human observer of Jesus awaiting his betrayer, 183:0.5 (1971.5)plea by, to accompany Jesus into the hills, 177:1.1 (1920.5)reaction of, to the day alone with Jesus in the hills, 177:1.5 (1921.3), 177:5.3 (1927.4)record of Jesus’ life written by, 121:8.3 (1341.4)serving of breakfast to, by morontia Jesus, 192:1.8 (2047.1)spending of a day "with God in the hills" by, 177:1.0 (1920.5–1921.4)stringent ideas about divorce not held by, 140:8.14 (1581.1)summoning of apostles to the home of his father by, following the death of Jesus, 188:3.2 (2014.5)of Jesus’ leading disciples to his mother’s home, following the ascension, 193:6.1 (2057.8)welcoming of Jesus and the twelve to the new camp by, 176:2.9 (1915.6)to the site of the Last Supper by, 178:3.6 (1935.2), 179:1.1 (1936.6)witnessing by, of events from Gethsemane through the crucifixion, 182:0.1 (1963.1)John Zebedeeabsence of, during the conversion of the thief, 187:4.7 (2009.6)age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:4.1 (1553.6)at death, 139:4.15 (1555.8)arrival of, at Golgotha, 187:2.7 (2007.6)avoidance by, of reference to "casting out devils," 145:2.13 (1631.1)bringing of his mother to Golgotha by, 187:2.7 (2007.6)care of, by his granddaughter, 139:4.12 (1555.5)characteristics of, 139:4.4 (1554.2)effect of James’s untimely death on, 139:3.5 (1553.1)experience of, at the pool of Bethesda, 147:3.2 (1649.2)favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)following of Jesus by, to the home of Annas, 183:4.3 (1976.1), 184:0.3 (1978.3)identity of, 139:4.2 (1553.7)influence of Jesus’ life on, 129:1.12 (1421.2)and James, compatibility of, 139:3.5 (1553.1)Jesus’ activities cared for most by, 129:1.12 (1421.2)commission to, 129:2.3 (1421.8)and Jude, escorting of Mary from Golgotha by, 187:4.7 (2009.6)lifelong silence of, as to his questioning by Pilate, 185:3.1 (1991.1)lonely vigil of, during Jesus’ abuse by the guards, 184:4.2 (1984.3)marching of, at side of Roman captain, 184:2.1 (1980.2)marriage of, to his brother James’s widow, 139:4.12 (1555.5)Nalda’s recounting to, of her conversation with Jesus, 143:5.12 (1614.6)one of Jesus’ pallbearers, 188:1.3 (2013.2)the only apostle at the crucifixion, 187:2.7 (2007.6)participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 194:1.2 (2060.2)a personal aide of Jesus, 139:4.3 (1554.1)position of, by Jesus’ mother at the cross, 187:2.7 (2007.6), 187:4.7 (2009.6)presence of, with Jesus before Pilate, 185:0.1 (1987.1)with Jesus during his trial, 184:3.2 (1982.3), 185:3.1 (1991.1)promise of, to Jesus, regarding his family, 129:2.3 (1421.8)recognition of Jesus’ humanity by, 141:7.14 (1594.8)of the morontia Master by, 192:1.3 (2046.1)relations of, with Andrew and Peter, 139:4.1 (1553.6)with Jesus, 139:4.2 (1553.7)remaining by, at Golgotha, until the removal of Jesus’ body, 187:6.2 (2011.6)the Revelator, the four and twenty elders of, 45:4.1 (513.4)the sea of glass of, 47:10.2 (539.4)selection of Judas Alpheus by, 138:2.7 (1539.10)a son of Zebedee, 129:1.5 (1420.2), 129:2.10 (1423.1), 134:9.1 (1494.4), 139:4.11 (1555.4)the son of Zebedee, the inspiration for the Gospel of John, 121:8.10 (1342.5)status of, during Jesus’ arrest and trial, 183:5.4 (1977.4)story of the crucifixion by, 187:4.4 (2009.3)tact and sagacity of, 139:4.13 (1555.6)vision of, 34:4.11 (378.5), 47:10.2 (539.4), 53:7.7 (608.3)youngest of the twelve, 139:4.1 (1553.6)Joint meetingsquarterly, Jesus’ and John’s apostles’ plans for, 144:6.6 (1625.3)JonahJesus’ discourse on, 130:1.0 (1428.1–1429.2), 159:4.4 (1767.6)Joppaapostolic visit to, 152:7.3 (1706.4)discourse on Jonah at, 130:1.0 (1428.1–1429.2)Jordanbaptism of Jesus in the, 127:3.12 (1400.4), 128:1.8 (1408.5), 129:3.9 (1424.4), 129:4.2 (1425.1), 135:2.2 (1497.4), 135:8.6 (1504.4), 136:2.2 (1511.1), 137:6.1 (1532.3), 138:7.3 (1544.2), 141:1.2 (1587.4), 150:7.1 (1683.6), 157:7.5 (1751.4), 163:5.1 (1806.2)camping of Joseph and Mary by the, 122:7.5 (1351.1)first sight of the, by the boy Jesus, 124:6.5 (1374.5)John the Baptist’s baptizing in the, 134:9.8 (1495.5), 135:6.4 (1502.2), 135:6.7 (1502.5), 135:8.3 (1504.1)journey up the, 134:9.8 (1495.5), 135:6.1 (1501.4), 135:7.2 (1503.2)river, the apostles’ preaching along the, 192:4.4 (2051.1)Joseidentification of, 124:4.8 (1372.5)Joseph, brother of Jesusattitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 127:4.5 (1401.5)birth of, 123:4.9 (1362.1)characteristics of, 127:4.7 (1401.7)limited faith of, in Jesus, 154:6.3 (1721.3)onetime residence of, in old Nazareth home, 134:1.6 (1484.3)preparation of, for becoming head of the Nazareth family, 128:5.7 (1414.5)relation of the youthful Jesus with his brother, 124:4.3 (1371.6)Joseph, father of Jesusancestry of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)as a builder, success of, 123:3.7 (1360.2)death and burial of, 126:2.1 (1388.1)dream of, 122:4.0 (1347.3–6)family of, Jesus’ grief at absence of, from Bethsaida goodbye visit, 141:0.2 (1587.2)financial status of, at birth of Jesus, 122:7.4 (1350.6), 122:10.2 (1354.1)inability of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 124:6.14 (1375.8)and Mary, the couple, racial and personality endowments of, 122:1.0 (1344.4–1345.2), 122:5.5 (1349.1)efforts of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 123:2.3 (1357.7)Gabriel’s choice of, as earth parents of Michael, 122:0.3 (1344.3)the home of, 122:6.2 (1350.1)journey of, to Bethlehem, 122:7.0 (1350.3–1351.4)to Egypt, 122:10.4 (1354.3)length of sojourn of, in Alexandria, 122:10.4 (1354.3)marriage of, 122:2.2 (1345.4), 122:5.9 (1349.5), 122:7.1 (1350.3)reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ conduct in Jerusalem, 125:6.5 (1384.1)return of, to Jerusalem, in search of Jesus, 125:4.2 (1381.4), 125:5.1 (1382.3)to Nazareth, 123:0.4 (1356.1), 123:0.6 (1356.3)temperaments and backgrounds of, 122:5.0 (1348.1–1349.7)people of, rejection of Jesus by, 182:3.9 (1969.4)presence of, at Jesus’ graduation, 124:5.5 (1373.5)racial characteristics of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ interest in the Greek city of Scythopolis, 124:3.6 (1370.4)to Gabriel’s visitation, 122:4.1 (1347.3)responsibility of, for Jesus’ intellectual and religious training, 123:2.13 (1358.10)temperament of, 122:5.1 (1348.1)as a workman in Alexandria, 123:0.1 (1355.1)Joseph, of the Old Testamenta believer in Melchizedek, 93:9.5 (1023.2)refusal by, of the military command of the Egyptian armies, 93:9.5 (1023.2)reliability of Hebrew narratives about, 93:9.8 (1023.5)sale of, into Egyptian slavery, 126:1.2 (1387.2)status of, among the Egyptians, 95:3.5 (1046.1)Joseph of Arimatheaassociation of, with Nicodemus, 142:6.9 (1603.1)as a disciple of Jesus, 175:0.1 (1905.1), 188:1.2 (2013.1)faith of, in Jesus’ promised resurrection, 188:1.2 (2013.1)the home of, the morontia Jesus at, 190:3.1 (2033.1)interrupted visit of, to Jesus at Gethsemane, 142:8.4 (1606.1)one of the bearers of Jesus’ body to the tomb, 188:1.3 (2013.2)of the few to believe in Jesus’ resurrection, 188:1.8 (2013.7)presence of, at meeting in home of Nicodemus, 164:2.1 (1810.3)request of Pilate by, for Jesus’ body, 188:0.3 (2012.3)and the twenty believing Greeks, 177:3.5 (1924.1)Joshua ben JosephAdjuster’s leave-taking of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)exhaustion by, of all spiritual values attainable in mortal experience, 109:6.6 (1200.6)Ganid’s ignorance of Jesus of Nazareth as the teacher, 133:9.4 (1481.6)human life of, one source of Christianity, 98:7.8 (1084.7)the incarnation of Michael of Nebadon, 119:7.5 (1317.1)Jesus’ earth name, 122:1.1 (1344.4), 122:8.2 (1351.6)progress from the humanity of, to the divinity of Michael of Nebadon, 117:3.4 (1281.6)the mortal
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