A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23, “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full”. Pierre Bayle

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A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23,  “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full” - Pierre Bayle

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with a design of compelling one Nation to the Religion of another, I find not the least mention of any such in the Heathen Authors. Juvenal is the only Author who speaks of two Citys of Egypt which had a mortal Aversion to one another, because each maintain’d its own were the only true Gods.27 Every where else there was a perfect Calm, a perfect Tranquillity; and why? but because the Partys tolerated each others Rites. It’s plain then, as I have shewn in my Commentary,28 that Non-Toleration is the sole cause of all the Disorders which are falsly imputed to Toleration. The different Sects of Philosophy ne’er disturb’d the Peace of Athens, each maintain’d its own Hypothesis, and argu’d against those of all the other Sects; yet their Differences concern’d matters of no small moment, nay, sometimes it was over Providence, or the Chief Good. But because the Magistrates permitted ’em all alike to teach their own Doctrines, and never endeavor’d by violent Methods to incorporate one Sect into another, the State felt <33> no Inconvenience from this Diversity of Opinions; tho, ’tis probable, had they attempted this Union, they had thrown the whole into Convulsions. Toleration therefore is the very Bond of Peace, and Non-Toleration the Source of Confusion and Squabble.

      Which more and more exposes the French Panegyrists want of Judgment, who can’t say three words together with any Justness, or without cutting themselves down. I’m amaz’d, that among so many Refugees as write upon the present State of their Religion, not one of ’em shou’d think of making Extracts of all that the French Catholicks say of this kind in their Books. One shou’d find in ’em such a Chaos of jarring and incoherent Thoughts, as can no where be parallel’d. I’m told, they design to intreat Mr. Colomies to give himself this trouble.32

      I can scarce make the primitive Church an Exception to the general Rule. I know ’twas the Purpose of Providence, that it shou’d

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