The Theory of Money and Credit. Людвиг фон Мизес

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The Theory of Money and Credit - Людвиг фон Мизес

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_3b0d8954-3c5f-5ebe-9d0b-7684c91ba2e3">1 Money in the Socialist Community

       7 The Stock of Money and the Demand for Money

       8 The Consequences of an Increase in the Quantity of Money While the Demand for Money Remains Unchanged or Does Not Increase to the Same Extent

       9 Criticism of Some Arguments Against the Quantity Theory

       10 Further Applications of the Quantity Theory

       (III) A Special Cause of Variations in the Objective Exchange Value of Money Arising from the Peculiarities of Indirect Exchange

       11 “Dearness of Living”

       12 Wagner’s Theory: The Influence of the Permanent Predominance of the Supply Side over the Demand Side on the Determination of Prices

       13 Wieser’s Theory: The Influence on the Value of Money Exerted by a Change in the Relations Between Natural Economy and Money Economy

       14 The Mechanism of the Market as a Force Affecting the Objective Exchange Value of Money

       (IV) Excursuses

       15 The Influence of the Size of the Monetary Unit and Its Subdivisions on the Objective Exchange Value of Money

       16 A Methodological Comment

       Chapter 9 The Problem of the Existence of Local Differences in the Objective Exchange Value of Money

       1 Interlocal Price Relations

       2 Alleged Local Differences in the Purchasing Power of Money

       3 Alleged Local Differences in the Cost of Living

       Chapter 10 The Exchange Ratio Between Money of Different Kinds

       1 The Twofold Possibility of the Coexistence of Different Kinds of Money

       2 The Static or Natural Exchange Ratio Between Different Kinds of Money

       Chapter 11 The Problem of Measuring the Objective Exchange Value of Money and Variations in It

       1 The History of the Problem

       2 The Nature of the Problem

       3 Methods of Calculating Index Numbers

       4 Wieser’s Refinement of the Methods of Calculating Index Numbers

       5 The Practical Utility of Index Numbers

       Chapter 12 The Social Consequences of Variations in the Objective Exchange Value of Money

       1 The Exchange of Present Goods for Future Goods

       2 Economic Calculation and Accountancy

       3 Social Consequences of Variations in the Value of Money When Only One Kind of Money Is Employed

       4 The Consequences of Variations in the Exchange Ratio Between Two Kinds of Money

       Chapter 13 Monetary Policy

       1 Monetary Policy Defined

       2 The Instruments of Monetary Policy

       3 Inflationism

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