Gerrymandering. Stephen K. Medvic

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Gerrymandering - Stephen K. Medvic

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to protect established powers from the risk of successful challenge.35

      Gerrymandering, of course, is the quintessential anticompetitive tactic. Drawing on the theory of political competition, Issacharoff finds problematic even a legislative map that is mutually agreed upon by both parties if that map gives the parties a distinct electoral advantage in their respective districts. This, he argues, causes voters harm based on the “constriction of the competitive process by which voters can express choice.”36 Issacharoff analogizes the collusive behavior of these parties to companies, say Coke and Pepsi, that agree to sell their products in different geographical regions to avoid competing with one another. Such an agreement would be illegal on antitrust grounds. Partisan cartels, he maintains, should be treated similarly.37

      Imagine what would be required of voters if they were to hold accountable the elected officials drawing maps. A voter would have to be aware of the range of potential maps being considered during the redistricting process and would have to develop a preference for one of the maps (per legislative chamber). Not many voters are apt to gather this information, or even have access to it, and few would come to a judgment on it. If, by some chance, most voters did identify their preferred maps, they could only then punish those responsible for supporting district lines they object to after the maps had been drawn. Thus, even if they were to defeat the offending mapmakers at the next election, the maps those officials drew would be in use for the rest of the decade. (Some states do allow mid-decade redistricting, though in practice this rarely happens and its legality in most of those states is ambiguous at this point.38) Furthermore, the whole point of gerrymandering is to shield one party, or a group of incumbents, from serious electoral threat. How likely is it, then, that elected officials in newly gerrymandered districts are going to be vulnerable in the next election? To the extent that elected officials are invulnerable, there is no real mechanism for accountability.

      We’ll discuss redistricting commissions in detail later in the book. For now, it should simply be noted that there are ways to design independent redistricting commissions so that they are accountable to the citizenry. Indeed, there are ways to design these commissions to allow the public at least some role in the process.39 Accountability can be preserved even if district lines aren’t drawn by elected officials.

      Of course, the redistricting process is not part of constitutional politics either. To be sure, there is a debate over whether partisan gerrymandering is permitted by the Constitution (with most of those in the civic redistricting camp believing it is not, for reasons that will be discussed elsewhere in this book). Those engaged in that debate are, no doubt, involved in constitutional politics. But the redistricting process itself isn’t part of any attempt to alter our understanding of our most foundational document.40 Redistricting, then, occurs – or should occur – within a unique space in American politics. Without reaching the lofty arena of constitutional politics, it ought to nonetheless remain above normal politics.

      In the end, these competing perspectives on the nature of redistricting differ not in terms of how democratic they are but in terms of the way they conceive of democracy. One takes the view that democracy is conflictual and is shot through with politics. This view of democracy is like the American humorist Finley Peter Dunne’s view of politics – it “ain’t beanbag.”41 A free society allows individuals, typically acting in groups, to pursue their own self-interest. This makes democracy a battle between groups of people over the future direction of the country. Given the stakes, we should expect those groups to play hardball and any legal means to achieve one’s ends are permitted.

      Another important consideration in the gerrymandering debate is the nature of representation. Ultimately, a representative democracy must translate the desires of the public into policy. Exactly how that is to be done isn’t obvious.

      The theoretical literature on representation is vast and it is beyond the scope of this chapter to even begin to summarize it.42 For our purposes, representation will refer to the relationship between elected officials and their constituents in which elected officials act on behalf of their constituents in matters of governing. Though representation is always descriptive to some extent (i.e., reflecting demographic characteristics like race, religion, and gender), most of the current discussion about representation in the context of redistricting concerns substantive representation, or the representation of constituents’ policy preferences and ideological perspectives.43 The assumption is that constituents’ preferences ought to be reflected in the voting records of their representatives. If, for example, most constituents in a given area prefer conservative policies, their representatives should support conservative policies.

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