Collected Writings of Nikola Tesla. Thomas Commerford Martin
Читать онлайн книгу.of practically no self-induction, such, for example, as a circuit containing incandescent lamps only. On the operation of the machine, alternating currents will be developed in the circuit, and the phases of these currents will theoretically coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force. Such currents may be regarded and designated as the "unretarded currents."
It will be understood, of course, that in practice there is always more or less self-induction in the circuit, which modifies to a corresponding extent these conditions; but for convenience this may be disregarded in the consideration of the principle of operation, since the same laws apply. Assume next that a path of currents be formed across any two points of the above circuit, consisting, for example, of the primary of an induction device. The phases of the currents passing through the primary, owing to the self-induction of the same, will not coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force, but will lag behind, such lag being directly proportional to the self-induction and inversely proportional to the resistance of the said coil. The insertion of this coil will also cause a lagging or retardation of the currents traversing and delivered by the generator behind the impressed electromotive force, such lag being the mean or resultant of the lag of the current through the primary alone and of the "unretarded current" in the entire working circuit. Next consider the conditions imposed by the association in inductive relation with the primary coil, of a secondary coil. The current generated in the secondary coil will react upon the primary current, modifying the retardation of the same, according to the amount of self-induction and resistance in the secondary circuit. If the secondary circuit has but little self-induction—as, for instance, when it contains incandescent lamps only—it will increase the actual difference of phase between its own and the primary current, first, by diminishing the lag between the primary current and the impressed electromotive force, and, second, by its own lag or retardation behind the impressed electromotive force. On the other hand, if the secondary circuit have a high self-induction, its lag behind the current in the primary is directly increased, while it will be still further increased if the primary have a very low self-induction. The better results are obtained when the primary has a low self-induction.
Fig. 75. | Fig. 76. |
Fig. 75 is a diagram of a Tesla motor embodying this principle. Fig. 76 is a similar diagram of a modification of the same. In Fig. 75 let A designate the field-magnet of a motor which, as in all these motors, is built up of sections or plates. B C are polar projections upon which the coils are wound. Upon one pair of these poles, as C, are wound primary coils D, which are directly connected to the circuit of an alternating current generator G. On the same poles are also wound secondary coils F, either side by side or over or under the primary coils, and these are connected with other coils E, which surround the poles B B. The currents in both primary and secondary coils in such a motor will be retarded or will lag behind the impressed electromotive force; but to secure a proper difference in phase between the primary and secondary currents themselves, Mr. Tesla increases the resistance of the circuit of the secondary and reduces as much as practicable its self-induction. This is done by using for the secondary circuit, particularly in the coils E, wire of comparatively small diameter and having but few turns around the cores; or by using some conductor of higher specific resistance, such as German silver; or by introducing at some point in the secondary circuit an artificial resistance R. Thus the self-induction of the secondary is kept down and its resistance increased, with the result of decreasing the lag between the impressed electro-motive force and the current in the primary coils and increasing the difference of phase between the primary and secondary currents.
In the disposition shown in Fig. 76, the lag in the secondary is increased by increasing the self-induction of that circuit, while the increasing tendency of the primary to lag is counteracted by inserting therein a dead resistance. The primary coils D in this case have a low self-induction and high resistance, while the coils E F, included in the secondary circuit, have a high self-induction and low resistance. This may be done by the proper winding of the coils; or in the circuit including the secondary coils E F, we may introduce a self-induction coil S, while in the primary circuit from the generator G and including coils D, there may be inserted a dead resistance R. By this means the difference of phase between the primary and secondary is increased. It is evident that both means of increasing the difference of phase—namely, by the special winding as well as by the supplemental or external inductive and dead resistance—may be employed conjointly.
In the operation of this motor the current impulses in the primary coils induce currents in the secondary coils, and by the conjoint action of the two the points of greatest magnetic attraction are shifted or rotated.
In practice it is found desirable to wind the armature with closed coils in which currents are induced by the action thereon of the primaries.
Combinations of Synchronizing Motor and Torque Motor.
In the preceding descriptions relative to synchronizing motors and methods of operating them, reference has been made to the plan adopted by Mr. Tesla, which consists broadly in winding or arranging the motor in such manner that by means of suitable switches it could be started as a multiple-circuit motor, or one operating by a progression of its magnetic poles, and then, when up to speed, or nearly so, converted into an ordinary synchronizing motor, or one in which the magnetic poles were simply alternated. In some cases, as when a large motor is used and when the number of alternations is very high, there is more or less difficulty in bringing the motor to speed as a double or multiple-circuit motor, for the plan of construction which renders the motor best adapted to run as a synchronizing motor impairs its efficiency as a torque or double-circuit motor under the assumed conditions on the start. This will be readily understood, for in a large synchronizing motor the length of the magnetic circuit of the polar projections, and their mass, are so great that apparently considerable time is required for magnetization and demagnetization. Hence with a current of a very high number of alternations the motor may not respond properly. To avoid this objection and to start up a synchronizing motor in which these conditions obtain, Mr. Tesla has combined two motors, one a synchronizing motor, the other a multiple-circuit or torque motor, and by the latter he brings the first-named up to speed, and then either throws the whole current into the synchronizing motor or operates jointly both of the motors.
This invention involves several novel and useful features. It will be observed, in the first place, that both motors are run, without commutators of any kind, and, secondly, that the speed of the torque motor may be higher than that of the synchronizing motor, as will be the case when it contains a fewer number of poles or sets of poles, so that the motor will be more readily and easily brought up to speed. Thirdly, the synchronizing motor may be constructed so as to have a much more pronounced tendency to synchronism without lessening the facility with which it is started.
Fig. 77 is a part sectional view of the two motors; Fig. 78 an end view of the synchronizing motor; Fig. 79 an end view and part section of the torque or double-circuit motor; Fig. 80 a diagram of the circuit connections employed; and Figs. 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85 are diagrams of modified dispositions of the two motors.
Inasmuch as neither motor is doing any work while the current is acting upon the other, the two armatures are rigidly connected, both being mounted upon the same shaft A, the field-magnets B of the synchronizing and C of the torque motor being secured to the same base D. The preferably larger synchronizing motor has polar projections on its armature, which rotate in very close proximity to the poles of the field, and in other respects it conforms to the conditions that are necessary to secure synchronous action. The pole-pieces of the armature are, however, wound with closed coils E, as this obviates the employment of sliding contacts. The smaller or torque motor, on the other hand, has, preferably, a cylindrical armature F, without