Supply Chain Management Best Practices. David Blanchard

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Supply Chain Management Best Practices - David Blanchard

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by quality problems (exacerbated, according to a 2019 New York Times investigation, by “a culture that often values production speed over quality”),6 the company has succeeded in upping its monthly production of Dreamliners to 14.

      When Procter & Gamble Co. formed its Consumer-Driven Supply Network, it set some lofty goals for its supply chain transformation efforts: reduce inventory by 50%, trim out-of-stocks by 50%, and achieve 20% savings in logistics costs. Reaching those goals required addressing such key areas as product availability, shelf quality, and on-time delivery.

      What that means is that P&G moved from the traditional CPG model of producing to a forecast to producing according to demand, with the goal of replenishing products as soon as they're purchased. Part of that strategy depends on technology that can receive point-of-sale data from the retailer and convert it into a replenishment order. For instance, P&G synchronizes item data with key retail customers, which helps eliminate unnecessary transcription work while reducing out-of-stocks.

      Equally important to that strategy is having an idea of what consumers want even before they enter the store. To that end, P&G regularly surveys its end consumers and works directly with its retailer customers to continuously improve its service levels. The Consumer-Driven Supply Network is “based on a vision of using a consumer purchase to trigger real-time information movement throughout the supply network,” explains Arlequeeuw. “This requires a fundamental change in how supply networks are designed. It means looking at the supply system from the shelf back and determining what is required to deliver the desired consumer experience.” By focusing on its supply chain strategy, P&G has been able to drive consumer needs deeper into the supply network, while increasing its responsiveness and flexibility.

      Digital transformation is one of the current buzzwords of the 2020s, but P&G's interest and investment in transformational supply chain technologies dates back many decades. The company, for instance, helped pioneer the development of the electronic product code back in the 1990s, an important milestone along the road to the emergence of radio frequency identification (RFID) as a business-oriented solution. In more recent years, P&G has launched initiatives involving such technologies as the Internet of Things, robotics, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence.

      Land O'Lakes' use of a web-based collaborative network also enables it and other participants—manufacturers, retailers, and carriers—to plan, execute, and settle their inbound and outbound truckload and less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation. That allows the company to be more proactive about getting the level of customer service it needs from the trucking companies. It wasn't so much that the 3PL wasn't equal to the task, but Land O'Lakes preferred to execute on its own freight strategy, which could happen only by bringing the transportation process back in-house.

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