The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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Aim at one great task and complete it acceptably and with Honor, than to split your Aims into a dozen different Aims and win in none.

      Have a definite purpose — Aim.


      The Thank habit is one of the best habits that you can form. Think for a moment. Did you ever regret a “Thank you,” received from anybody? Did it ever make you feel mean, dissatisfied, out of sorts? Has it ever brought to you a feeling of remorse for service rendered? Alright, then —

      Get the Thank habit.

      It is not necessary to express in mere words at all times your feeling of Thankfulness. Once get the habit thoroughly and you will LIVE it unconsciously. Thankful men and women show in their very eyes and attitude that they have the habit. It’s the most “showy” quality possible. It’s contagious, too.

      Get the Thank habit.

      You meet a gruff, inhuman being. He performs some service as though he were a sort of mechanical device. You Thank him. He at once becomes Human! Thankfulness acts like a powerful stimulant both on yourself and upon other people. It transforms. All days are fine days, all people are square people, all happenings are for the best to the one who has thoroughly mastered the “Thank Habit.”

      Get the Thank habit.

      Get it by always acknowledging a service with a Thank you. If your Clerk, or Waiter, or Secretary, or Partner, or Friend does a service — no matter how small — hand over the Thanks — freely, with a broad, healthy Smile. It’s a great investment. The Dividends simply roll back to you.

      Get the Thank habit.


      Real Strength does not show its full force on all occasions. Often it only pokes its head out. Real Strength has Reserve power. The strongest part of great buildings is under ground — in rock and steel and mortar — where eyes cannot see.

      Success Power is in the Reserve.

      Reserve is the law of Nature and of Life. When the Reserve is gone, all is gone. The greatest battles are won with Reserve forces; Banks are kept steady and safe by their Reserve funds; Business goes on, healthy and vigorous because of its Reserve capital. The character of a man or woman — YOUR character — is kept from being swept easily into oblivion, through the safe Reserve that you lock securely away in the shape of stores of Honor, Courage, Faith, Backbone — all ready for emergencies.

      Success Power is in the Reserve.

      Reserve is what keeps the Smile from fading into the frown. Reserve is what makes possible the next trial after the last one failed.

      Success Power is in the Reserve.

      The Human failure begins by being too proud to work for six dollars a week. The Human Success is ANXIOUS and glad of the chance to work for three dollars a week at the start, tor Reserve is also the knowledge of sure future — concealed from the general view, yet known to the individual.

      Success Power is in the Reserve.

      Do every detail of your day’s work as though it was to be viewed by a Master eye. Make every job a great job. Put Dignity and Joy and Enthusiasm into everything attempted, forgetting not for the shortest minute that —

      Success Power is in the Reserve.

      To Stenographers

      Somewhere in every busy city is a Stenographer that is Wanted.

      Young, neat, of good family, educated, she dicks away at her type keys with evenness and with care. Accurate, attentive, enthusiastic, she works through the hours with speed in her work and joy in her heart, and all backed by a good level head.

      This young lady uses her Brains as well as her Fingers. She is making good. She would make good anywhere. That is why she is Wanted to-day by scores of Business Men. She takes an interest not only in her own work at hand but in the work of her Employer. She constantly seeks for new chances to help and to grow. Her Character is felt in the office and it radiates its influence of strength wherever she goes and in whatever she does.

      She is not the Girl-here-to-day, Girl-there-to-morrow sort. That is another reason why she is Wanted by dozens of other Concerns. Prompt at her duties in the morning, she has no concern for the Clock at night. Courteous, cheerful, thoughtful of the interests of others, she demands respect — and gets it.

      Of the Gum chewing, Candy eating, Vanity box, office Cult she is not a part. Work to her is a Business and a Training. Also, it’s a Development that she guards and takes pride in. She sees Visions and Value and Personal Growth that no pay envelop could possibly hold.

      As stated, this young lady is Wanted — Wanted badly. Every Business house in every city is in imperative need of her. Her services are Wanted TO-DAY! She will need no further qualifications than those named as already having. But will she kindly — without fail — call TO-DAY? She may call at any Business house in any city for she is Wanted by them ALL.


      Hourly thousands of human wrecks topple heedlessly over the Niagara of a Ragged Point-Of-View, and strew the Rapids of Failure into a pitiful sight. The reason? Rudder out of Setting!

      Set YOUR Rudder before Sailing.

      The boy in School who has as his end but the fitting of his Lesson to the mere Classroom hour, the Clerk who but dreams of his day as done with the end of his eight hours, the man who measures his Success by the weight of his Dollars — these are but illustrations of the Point-Of-View in Life — turned backward — out of Kink. There is but one way to reach the real Port of real Success and that is to —

      Set YOUR Rudder before Sailing.

      For a Point-Of-View is just plain Purpose. And there is just one kind of Purpose worth any man’s or woman’s Salt — the Purpose that tends to some USEFUL end.

      Set YOUR Rudder before Sailing.

      If you start this day with a healthy Point-Of-View, you will end it a happier, healthier, broader, bigger person. How wonderful, too, the individual effect that a high, square Point-of-View has, not upon yourself alone but on your whole environment. In fact, how it makes Environment!

      Set YOUR Rudder before Sailing.

      Get the right Point-Of-View upon Life. Then it will permeate your Work — make rich the lives of your Friends and your Achievements, bringing at the same time to you a rounded Success. Search out the proper Point-of-View for each task DAILY. In other words —

      Set YOUR Rudder before Sailing.


      Learn to Wait.

      Not idly, but with the spirit of Busyness in your system working itself out into some useful Endeavor. For to know HOW to Wait is to master one of the greatest secrets of Success.

      Learn to Wait.

      The parents of Balzac were wealthy. The son at the age of twenty announced his determination to become an Author. “But,” urged his Father, “do you not know that in literature a man must be either king or hodman?” “Very well,” replied the young man, “I’ll be king!” He was, therefore, abandoned to a rude garret, where for ten years he labored against the fiercest poverty and obstacles. But his Waiting and Work won. Balzac’s name will remain among the greatest in the literature of all time.

      Learn to Wait.

      To Wait, intelligently, is ability in itself of the rarest sort. For it is a quality imbedded in Fortitude, Self-Mastery and Will.

      Learn to Wait.

      You hold a humble position.

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