The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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      If your real desire is to do good, there is no need to wait for money before you do it; you can do it now, this very moment, and just where you are. If you are really so unselfish as you believe yourself to be, you will show it by sacrificing yourself for others now.

      No matter how poor you are, there is room for self-sacrifice, for did not the widow put her all into the treasury?

      The heart that truly desires to do good does not wait for money before doing it, but comes to the altar of sacrifice and, leaving there the unworthy elements of self, goes out and breathes upon neighbor and stranger, friend and enemy alike the breath of blessedness.

      As the effect is related to the cause, so is prosperity and power related to the inward good and poverty and weakness to the inward evil.

      Money does not constitute true wealth, nor position, nor power, and to rely upon it alone is to stand upon a slippery place.

      Your true wealth is your stock of virtue, and your true power the uses to which you put it. Rectify your heart, and you will rectify your life. Lust, hatred, anger, vanity, pride, covetousness, self-indulgence, self-seeking, obstinacy, — all these are poverty and weakness; whereas love, purity, gentleness, meekness, compassion, generosity, self-forgetfulness, and self-renunciation, — all these are wealth and power.

      As the elements of poverty and weakness are overcome, an irresistible and all-conquering power is evolved from within, and he who succeeds in establishing himself in the highest virtue, brings the whole world to his feet.

      But the rich, as well as the poor, have their undesirable conditions, and are frequently farther removed from happiness than the poor. And here we see how happiness depends, not upon outward aids or possessions, but upon the inward life.

      Perhaps you are an employer, and you have endless trouble with those whom you employ, and when you do get good and faithful servants they quickly leave you. As a result you are beginning to lose, or have completely lost, your faith in human nature.

      You try to remedy matters by giving better wages, and by allowing certain liberties, yet matters remain unaltered. Let me advise you.

      The secret of all your trouble is not in your servants, it is in yourself; and if you look within, with a humble and sincere desire to discover and eradicate your error, you will, sooner or later, find the origin of all your unhappiness.

      It may be some selfish desire, or lurking suspicion, or unkind attitude of mind which sends out its poison upon those about you, and reacts upon yourself, even though you may not show it in your manner or speech.

      Think of your servants with kindness, consider of them that extremity of service which you yourself would not care to perform were you in their place.

      Rare and beautiful is that humility of soul by which a servant entirely forgets himself in his master’s good; but far rarer, and beautiful with a divine beauty, is that nobility of soul by which a man, forgetting his own happiness, seeks the happiness of those who are under his authority, and who depend upon him for their bodily sustenance.

      And such a man’s happiness is increased tenfold, nor does he need to complain of those whom he employs. Said a well-known and extensive employer of labor, who never needs to dismiss an employee: “I have always had the happiest relations with my workpeople.

      If you ask me how it is to be accounted for, I can only say that it has been my aim from the first to do to them as I would wish to be done by.” Herein lies the secret by which all desirable conditions are secured, and all that are undesirable are overcome.

      Do you say that you are lonely and unloved, and have “not a friend in the world”? Then, I pray you, for the sake of your own happiness, blame nobody but yourself.

      Be friendly towards others, and friends will soon flock round you. Make yourself pure and lovable, and you will be loved by all.

      Whatever conditions are rendering your life burdensome, you may pass out of and beyond them by developing and utilizing within you the transforming power of self-purification and self-conquest.

      Be it the poverty which galls (and remember that the poverty upon which I have been dilating is that poverty which is a source of misery, and not that voluntary poverty which is the glory of emancipated souls), or the riches which burden, or the many misfortunes, griefs, and annoyances which form the dark background in the web of life, you may overcome them by overcoming the selfish elements within which give them life.

      It matters not that by the unfailing Law, there are past thoughts and acts to work out and to atone for, as, by the same law, we are setting in motion, during every moment of our life, fresh thoughts and acts, and we have the power to make them good or ill.

      Nor does it follow that if a man (reaping what he has sown) must lose money or forfeit position, that he must also lose his fortitude or forfeit his uprightness, and it is in these that his wealth and power and happiness are to be found. He who clings to self is his own enemy and is surrounded by enemies.

      He who relinquishes self is his own savior, and is surrounded by friends like a protecting belt. Before the divine radiance of a pure heart all darkness vanishes and all clouds melt away, and he who has conquered self has conquered the universe.

      Come, then, out of your poverty; come out of your pain; come out of your troubles, and sighings, and complainings, and heartaches, and loneliness by coming out of yourself.

      Let the old tattered garment of your petty selfishness fall from you, and put on the new garment of universal Love. You will then realize the inward heaven, and it will be reflected in all your outward life.

      He who sets his foot firmly upon the path of self-conquest, who walks, aided by the staff of Faith, the highway of self-sacrifice, will assuredly achieve the highest prosperity, and will reap abounding and enduring joy and bliss.

      To them that seek the highest good

      All things subserve the wisest ends;

      Nought comes as ill, and wisdom lends

      Wings to all shapes of evil brood.

      The dark’ning sorrow veils a Star

      That waits to shine with gladsome light;

      Hell waits on heaven; and after night

      Comes golden glory from afar.

      Defeats are steps by which we climb

      With purer aim to nobler ends;

      Loss leads to gain, and joy attends

      True footsteps up the hills of time.

      Pain leads to paths of holy bliss,

      To thoughts and words and deeds divine-,

      And clouds that gloom and rays that shine,

      Along life’s upward highway kiss.

      Misfortune does but cloud the way

      Whose end and summit in the sky

      Of bright success, sunkiss’d and high,

      Awaits our seeking and our stay.

      The heavy pall of doubts and fears

      That clouds the Valley of our hopes,

      The shades with which the spirit copes,

      The bitter harvesting of tears,

      The heartaches, miseries, and griefs,

      The bruisings born of broken ties,

      All these are steps by which we rise

      To living ways of sound beliefs.

      Love, pitying, watchful, runs to meet

      The Pilgrim from the Land of Fate;

      All glory and all good await

       The coming of obedient feet.

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