Taming the Abrasive Manager. Laura Crawshaw
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Taming the Abrasive Manager
How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace
Laura Crawshaw
Copyright © by Laura Crawshaw. All rights reserved.
Published by Jossey-Bass.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Crawshaw, Laura, 1953–
Taming the abrasive manager : how to end unnecessary roughness in the workplace / Laura Crawshaw.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7879-8837-1 (cloth)
1. Managing your boss. 2. Organizational behaviour. 3. Interpersonal relation. I. Title
HF5548.83.C73 2007
650.1 3—dc22
The Jossey-Bass
Business & Management Series
[T]he fear . . . struck into their hearts was too deep to be dislodged. . . . [T]here were those . . . who understood this. They could see into the creature’s soul and soothe the wounds they found there. . . . For secrets uttered softly into . . . troubled ears, these . . . were known as Whisperers.
—Nicholas Evans, The Horse Whisperer
The Author
Laura Crawshaw received her MSW degree in clinical social work from the Smith College School for Social Work and conducted postgraduate studies at the Seattle Institute for Psychoanalysis and Harvard Community Health Plan. She completed both MA and PhD degrees in human and organizational systems at Fielding Graduate University. Laura founded the Executive Insight Development Group in 1994, an international firm offering psychodynamically based coaching services for abrasive leaders and dysfunctional teams; Executive Insight has served an international clientele of corporations, including over forty Fortune 500 companies. With over thirty years’ experience as a psychotherapist, corporate officer, and executive coach, Laura now focuses her research and practice on the reduction of workplace suffering. She is a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, the American Psychological Association, and the International Coach Federation. Laura particularly enjoys the company of human and nonhuman members of the animal kingdom. She can be contacted at www.executiveinsight.com.
This book is dedicated to my wonderful parents, without whose love, humor, and insight I would not be who and where I am today; to two great bosses, Darryl Logan and Jay Youell; and to my coaching clients, who had the courage to change.
I also wish to thank my dear friends who supported me on this journey, and those members of the animal kingdom who allowed me to share in their worlds, especially members of the species Ursus arctos horribilis and Canis lupus familiarus puggus.
Finally, thanks to my editor and expert author whisperer, Neal Maillet, who knew exactly how to tame my anxieties.
I’m too impatient to read book introductions—why waste time reading about what I’m about to read? Why not just cut to the chase and get to the meat of the matter? I’m sure I’ve missed some important information in these books because of my carnivorous reading style, but because I can’t stand to wade through lengthy introductions, I’m going to make this short.
You’re reading this book because you
Manage someone who is abrasive