INSOMVITA. Psychological thriller with elements of a crime story. Oleksandr Dan

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INSOMVITA. Psychological thriller with elements of a crime story - Oleksandr Dan

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in his friend and boss. Four years ago, with Robert’s help, he became the head of the firm’s security.

      Jovan was short, sturdy, bald, and in his early forties, with a carefully trimmed long moustache. He came across as a very nice and pleasant man. Those who didn’t know him would never have guessed that he was the head of security somewhere and had been a high-ranking cop. He once told Robert: «There are two types of policemen: good and bad. Well, I am the vicar of good policemen. In the firm, he was called «our Poirot», and that was indeed so. In addition to having been a genuine detective, he was the soul of any company, was always witty, threw jokes around and shared interesting facts about the lives of fellow police officers.

      He always got on with those around him, never raised his voice when speaking to subordinates and nobody ever saw him in a foul mood.

      He was very secretive about his personal life, but everybody in the firm knew that Jovan was single, his wife had left him a year into their marriage, unable to handle the burden of being a policeman’s wife, especially the fact that he was rarely home. Only Robert knew that somewhere on the outskirts of the city Jovan was seeing a young woman who had come into his life about two years prior. That was why Robert and Chloe were waiting excitedly for Jovan to introduce her to them. Instead, he would dismiss the relationship with a joke.

      When speaking with colleagues, Jovan was always amiable, but Robert was his only true friend and someone he trusted. Like old friends, they often spent time at Robert’s home or at a pub drinking beer, which Jovan loved. Chloe liked the funny and cheerful man, and the door of their home was always open to him.

      Robert was lying on his hotel bed trying to reach Chloe for the umpteenth time. Her phone was off. When he felt he was falling asleep, Robert put the phone aside and closed his eyes.

      Suddenly he felt dizzy, followed by an incredible force that pinned him to the bed. Robert opened his eyes; he could see everything around him, but he did not have control over the rest of his body. An unknown force kept pressing him to the bed.

      Robert gasped. He tried to flex his muscles or at least scream, but his body remained beyond his control. Suddenly all went black. Robert found himself in complete darkness, with no feeling in his body, no smell, no hearing. It seemed like he was suspended in air, although his brain continued to frantically seek a way out of this chilling captivity. Robert could not understand what was happening to him. He was still conscious. And then he heard a steady sound coming from somewhere inside his subconscious, gradually filling the space around him. In an instant, it seemed to be pulsing even in his veins. It was like the pendulum of the clock, swinging back and forth, but purer, sharper, clearer. He had neither the strength nor the senses to resist the sudden numbness. Robert mentally groped to understand what was happening to him.

      Then he heard a woman’s voice…

      «Sleep peacefully, deeply… You are falling into deep sleep… deeper… even deeper.» Someone’s powerful voice became increasingly loud in Robert’s head.

      Suddenly he realized that the voice was coming from inside his dream, and he could hear it, even though his memory and his being remained on this side of the dream.

      The sensation was wholly new to him and Robert could not believe in the reality of what was happening, so he listened. There were voices all around, but the woman’s voice was distinct. Another voice, male, echoed in his head, but his words were muffled. So, Robert decided to relax fully and try to understand what was really happening to him.

      Eventually, the fog began to lift and the voices became discernible. For a moment, Robert thought he himself was participating in the dialog.

      Then everything became clear to him…

      Chapter 8

      Amanda’s soft voice was coming from the portable voice recorder standing alone on the table in front of Trevor.

      «Sleep peacefully, deeply… You are falling into a deep sleep… deeper… even deeper.»

      After a small pause, Amanda continued: «Trevor, you can speak now. Tell me, how old are you?»

      «Forty… one…» Trevor mumbled.

      «Good… Good…» said Amanda steadily. «What is your name?»

      «Trevor.» His speech was slurred and barely audible.

      «Good, Trevor. Let’s go back two days. Where are you?»

      «Geneva,» Trevor replied quietly. «Hotel… Big room…»

      «What do you see,» asked Amanda.

      «Diamonds… Safe…» Trevor said, barely moving his lips.

      There was a click in the recording. It was a tape defect or the recording had stopped there, but it swiftly resumed.

      «Okay, Trevor. Now, let’s go back to yesterday. Morning…» Amanda said firmly with confidence.

      Suddenly Trevor’s voice became clear: «Amanda?! I can’t see anything… What happened? How did she do that?» the voice cried out.

      «Trevor, I induced sleep hypnosis. You are under the influence of my suggestion,» Amanda’s voice was firm and slow. «I want you to go back to yesterday…»

      «Amanda, Amanda, it’s alright! To hell with yesterday! I can’t see anything… I am here… Is this a dream? You are my dream? I guess…» Trevor was agitated.

      Amanda induced sleep hypnosis, but for some reason Trevor did not act the way her patients usually did. His body tensed, his eyelids began to throb, and so she decided to cut the session short.

      «Trevor, you are in a state of sleep hypnosis. Try to calm down. Everything is fine.» Amanda’s voice was also agitated, but it remained firm. «I will start the countdown now and you will wake up.»

      «Stop, Amanda. Stop! Don’t do it! How do I explain this?… This is the one chance in a thousand for me! Even if he wakes up, convince him to have another session.»

      «Who wakes up?» Amanda asked. The session clearly was not going as planned and something had to be done about it.

      «Trevor… I mean me… I mean… I need to explain something to you.»

      «Okay, Trevor, don’t worry so much. Calm down. Your body is very tense. It is very hard to maintain control like that. Relax.» Amanda passed a hand over Trevor’s eyes. «What do you see?»

      «I told you, nothing. I see nothing, my eyes are closed… You are good, you know! We need to speak calmly about this, now. I can hear you so clearly!»

      Amanda looked at Trevor. He was lying on the couch, relaxed, without an emotion showing on his face. She was very confused. Trevor from the sleep hypnosis spoke with her surprisingly loudly and clearly. Most importantly, it was as though he was not under her suggestive power at all. Rather, she got the impression that he was trying to communicate on his own, not just answer questions, as what usually happens when a hypnotherapist works with a patient.

      She contemplated the situation. This was the first time something like this had happened in all her years as a psychologist.

      Meanwhile, Trevor continued: «Amanda, you and I need to figure out what is happening to me. Or to him… Well, we need to figure out who is who.»

      Amanda listened, growing even more confused. Her eyes were wide open and she did not understand what she was hearing.

      «Well, and who might you be then?» she finally asked.

      The idea of a split personality came to mind and she tried to recall the symptoms of the disorder. The thought calmed her a bit, since she could rationally explain what was happening.

      «I am Robert,» the voice answered, «Robert from the other life of Trevor.»

      «Robert?» Amanda asked again. «What other life?»

      «A very real

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