Influence and Impact. George B. Bradt
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Praise for Influence and Impact
“Berman and Bradt generously teach the reader how to apply well-tested coaching tools to being more influential and achieve impact at work. While previously available only to a privileged group of executives who can afford an expensive executive coach, these tools are now accessible to all. Working through the book leaves no room for feeling helpless or stuck.”
Konstantin Korotov, Ph.D., Professor of Organizational Behavior, ESMT Berlin
“This remarkable book decodes how to lead with maximum impact by harnessing a laser focus on mission-critical business and cultural priorities. An indispensable and highly accessible reference, the coverage is broad, deep, and offers unique career insights and advice for those who are charged with leading others and transforming organizations.”
John C. Scott, Chief Operating Officer, APTMetrics, Inc.
“Berman and Bradt are brilliant. They have decades of helping leaders crack the code on how to have Influence and Impact. How do leaders manage challenging situations? Read this book. No matter who you are you will find nuggets of pure gold that you will be able to put into practice, tomorrow.”
Carol Kauffman, Ph.D., ABPP, Founder, Institute of Coaching, Harvard Medical School
“The most helpful business books start by defining a single fundamental obstacle that is overlooked or misunderstood. In Influence and Impact, that is: Most people don't understand their jobs, and without understanding your job becoming influential and making an impact are difficult at best. Fear not. As eminently qualified professionals and master coaches, Bill Berman and George Bradt have mapped a path to relevance. They invite you to take a deep dive into what your organization is really about. To excel in your career, you need to go deeper than org charts and truly divine your value toward achieving the group's mission…or understand when to walk away if there's too much misalignment. The authors present concise and relatable case studies of this quest. Influence and Impact reads like a boot camp for contributors, managers, and executives who are serious about advancing fulfilling careers.”
Randall P White, Ph.D., Head of Leadership, eMBA, HEC, Paris and Founding Partner Executive Development Group LLC
Influence and Impact
Discover and Excel at What Your Organization Needs From You The Most
Copyright © 2021 by Bill Berman and George B. Bradt. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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