Upstanding. Frank A. Calderoni

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Upstanding - Frank A. Calderoni

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but there. They were sloppy, unfriendly, and just threw the food on the plate. The entire experience was decidedly unpleasant—for me and for the people who worked there. Whose fault was this?

      I can tell you that behind the scenes, this company is not being managed well. They don't have respect for the people who work there, and as a result, the employees don't have respect for their managers or customers. Because, if they felt more respected, they would make sure that they presented themselves better. They would take pride in maintaining a clean and cheerful environment, rather than one that's neglected with food all over the floor. I saw a direct correlation between the company culture and the customer experience. And it wasn't a good one.

      Frank, I don't know if you know this, but the reason why I started looking into Anaplan is because I went to an event and several of your people were there. They were so energized and so enthusiastic about what they were doing that I felt like I would be missing out if I didn't get to know more about what was going on. It piqued my curiosity because of the people and how they were carrying themselves, and the enthusiasm they had for their company. I wanted to be part of it.

      Of course, I was delighted to hear this, and it tells me that we are doing some things right. At the same time, I know we're not perfect. Anaplan is a work in progress, and we still have a ways to go. But, working together, we're accomplishing some truly amazing things for our customers, in a culture based on mutual trust and respect. In fact, we've hired a number of people who used to be our customers. In every one of these cases, the people we hired were impressed with the Anaplan culture, which they experienced as they worked with our employees.

      Sara Baxter Orr is our Global Head, CFO Practice. Here's what she told me about experiences she had before and after joining Anaplan:

      While I was still with Verizon, you invited me to speak at Anaplan's Women's Interest Network. It was a fantastic event—there was tremendous passion around wanting to help women succeed. And I tell everyone I meet that I've never been around a company where women supported women the way that we do at Anaplan. It's so refreshing and amazing to me because that's not always the case, not every culture is like that. For me, that was very exciting and it's one of the reasons I joined.

      Claire Lord, a Senior Customer Success Business Partner, told me about how the Anaplan people she worked with while at Thomas Cook made her and her coworkers feel valued—even after the company went out of business. She said:

      In my role at Thomas Cook, I dealt with a lot of suppliers, and with Anaplan it was never a hard sell—it was always a group effort. You guys weren't selling to us; we were working together. The people that we worked with closely at Anaplan made us feel like we were valued, and they championed us at every opportunity. It wasn't just we were doing our own thing. As a collective, we were working together to make both companies better.

      Here's an example of a strong culture from a company that everyone recognizes. Disney is famous for hiring young people to work in its theme parks. What's amazing is that the same teenagers who might routinely stay up late playing video games or hanging out with their friends will eagerly wake up at 6:00 a.m. to come to work for Disney with a smile on their faces, ready for the day. Disney claims it's because of the unique culture that it breeds—the pride it builds within employees (called “Cast Members”) to do the work that they do, whether it's donning a costume to play a cartoon character, operating a ride, or sweeping litter from the walkways. When they have a purpose and feel valued, they transform from sullen teenagers into stellar employees.

      A few years ago, we got a taste of Disney's unique culture when a group of Anaplan leaders participated in a one-week professional leadership and development course at the Disney Institute in Anaheim, California. The leaders were steeped in Disney's approach to building employee engagement and satisfaction while delivering the highest levels of customer service, and they put those lessons to work in their own teams.

      A big part of Disney and other companies that leverage culture is that they don't just take it for granted. They put extra effort into it—they make sure that it provides the right business outcomes, just as they make sure their company is delivering the right product and financial results. They'll ask, for example, “Is our employee morale in a good place? If it's not, then we need to focus on that as much as we need to focus on our customers.”

      In Chapter 6, I devote an entire section to the specific learnings that our people brought back with them to Anaplan, and how we integrated them into our own unique culture.

      In the past, leaders were mostly judged on their ability to execute the technical aspects of their jobs and to deliver results. And while these will always be important qualities for leaders

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