Upstanding. Frank A. Calderoni
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Copyright © 2021 by Anaplan, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is Available:
ISBN 9781119746492 (Hardcover)
ISBN 9781119746553 (ePDF)
ISBN 9781119746560 (ePub)
Front Cover Design: Georgina Brown
This book is dedicated to…
My father, who taught me the meaning of upstanding character And to Jessica and Matthew, whom I hope maintain his legacy
I first met Frank in early 2012 over breakfast to explore his interest in joining Adobe's Board of Directors. It was clear from that initial conversation that Frank was a pioneer of understanding the critical connection between corporate strategy and culture in driving a company's success, as his criteria for making a decision were not only limited to Adobe's strategy, but also considered our values, culture, and character. Over the past eight years, as both Audit Chair and Lead Director of Adobe's Board, Frank has provided tremendous insight to the company as we navigated our own business transformation. Frank's expertise and counsel have been invaluable to me personally, as I have evolved in my role as CEO.
Throughout his illustrious Silicon Valley career, Frank has led transformational initiatives for iconic technology companies, including IBM, Cisco, and Anaplan, during critical junctures of growth. Frank has a growth mindset and runs his business by the numbers, but he also understands that people are a company's greatest asset and that employees do their best work when they resonate with the mission and values of the company.
In Upstanding, Frank examines the inextricable link among corporate strategy, company culture, and individual character, underscoring the significant role every employee plays in embodying culture and contributing to a company's long-term growth and success. Activating that link is essential to realizing strong company character—and a requirement for organizations aspiring to achieve hypergrowth, agility, and loyalty. Frank's assertions are reinforced with compelling stories from his own career—as well as other highly successful leaders in his network—and he outlines a practical set of principles that can serve as a blueprint for companies seeking to develop, nurture, and sustain strong character. He posits, and I wholeheartedly agree, that strong character is a proven way to increase employee satisfaction and productivity, and ultimately, win in the market. I've