Clever Girl Finance: The Side Hustle Guide. Bola Sokunbi

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Clever Girl Finance: The Side Hustle Guide - Bola Sokunbi

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you on or like minded friends also working on their side-hustle journeys.

      If you don’t have them physically around you, leverage the internet to build a supportive community. Find those side-hustle owners and entrepreneurs you admire and make them your best friends in your head. Follow their journeys, read their posts, listen to their interviews, watch their videos. Keep yourself accountable by keeping up with them to stay motivated and focused.

      Be sure to schedule time frequently to check in with your real-life accountability partners or your online besties.

      Take Action

      Carve out some time to prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

      1 Determine your why. Know why you are doing this and why you want to succeed. Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it every day.

      2 Create affirmations that will empower you to succeed. Leverage quotes, prayers, or statements you create yourself. They should be positive and in present tense. Set a reminder to review them often.

      3 Lay out your schedule. Make time to work on your business and take action each day, no matter how small. Set your alerts and reminders, and don’t forget to make them fun and empowering.

      4 Identify your accountability partner or partners. Who can positively support you on this journey and cheer you on? Let them know what you are doing and ask to check in with them frequently. Depending on schedules, it could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, but you want to build some consistency around it, especially when you are first getting started. If you don’t have accountability partners in person, start researching to find people online who can motivate you. Follow them on social media and subscribe to their newsletters, video channels, podcasts, etc.

      I started side-hustling as a preteen selling candy to my friends over summer break, then moved on to selling Avon beauty products while I was in college. A few years after graduation, I started an online retail business and also a wedding and lifestyle photography business. I even started Clever Girl Finance as a side hustle. And despite running Clever Girl Finance full-time now, my mind is constantly buzzing with side-hustle ideas that I share with friends and family all the time.

      My mother has always had a side hustle for as long as I can remember. She’s pretty much the queen of side hustles. From when she was a stay-at-home mom raising her four kids, to when she went to get her college degree (with me in tow at all her classes), to after she had multiple degrees and was working full-time in banking, she was always running one side business or another.

      On evenings after her full-time job and on the weekends while I was growing up, she would take me to visit the different businesses she had over the years. Some of these businesses included a bakery, a Coca-Cola franchise, a hair salon, and a girl’s school. She was also always buying and selling all kinds of goods for profit. In retrospect, I realize my mother was able to run these businesses as side hustles by creating systems and processes and hiring the right people. And even today, she still has a side hustle and is always churning ideas in her mind of what to do next.

      Having these side hustles not only allowed my mother to contribute to our household finances in a major way; they also allowed her to achieve financial wellness and ultimately become the breadwinner of our family when my father went through a financial downturn. Her hustles also allowed her to support me (alongside a partial scholarship) through college as an international student, an opportunity I will never forget.

      She worked incredibly hard to build and grow her side hustles, but at the end of the day, all of her efforts were worth it. On the visits we made together to the various businesses she was running, she would always remind me how making my own money could give me options and freedom. Seeing her drive and dedication to her side hustles while I was a child set the perfect example.

      Fast forward to my last year of college, I started another side hustle selling Avon for a few months before graduation. Yup, I was an Avon lady! My mum would order me the catalogs and I would basically take orders from anyone and everyone possible, making note of everything in my little Avon receipt book. It was with this business that I realized the financial gain that could come from having a side hustle. Back then, if you sold over a certain amount of Avon products within the time frame before a catalog expired, you could earn up to 40 percent or more in commissions. And for me, the ability to earn money was my motivation. I would sell as much as I could to meet this threshold, and I ended up earning a pretty decent income from my Avon hustle. From my earnings, I was able to co-host my sister-in-law’s bridal shower, buy my bridesmaid dress, buy return plane tickets to fly to and from the wedding, and give my brother and his wife a lovely wedding gift. As a college student, being able to do this was huge for me.

      Several years later, I would start an online bridal accessory and clothing retail store and a wedding and lifestyle photography business. I ran both of these as side hustles part-time while working full-time as a technology consultant in corporate America.

      However, while the profits were nice, I shut down the business just shy of its second anniversary. I quickly started running out of space to store my inventory at home, I had begun planning my own wedding, and my husband and I would be moving cities twice over a short period of time due to our jobs. Given that I was running this side hustle alongside my photography business and a full-time job, I decided to minimize my overall stress and focus on the one side hustle that was earning me the most money.

      My wedding photography business, called Onada Photography, was my longest-running side hustle, and I did it for seven years. Over that period of time, it also earned me the most amount of money of all my side hustles—up to the tune of almost $70,000 in one particular year. Funny enough, I stumbled into wedding photography mostly by accident. My dad was always taking photos, so I have tons and tons of photographs that document my childhood. Despite being exposed to it early on, I never imagined myself as a professional photographer until one day an opportunity presented itself and ignited the idea.

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