Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes

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Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

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Trayne Of Thoughts Regulated Remembrance Prudence Signes Conjecture Of The Time Past CHAPTER IV. OF SPEECH Originall Of Speech The Use Of Speech Abuses Of Speech Names Proper & Common Universall Subject To Names Use Of Names Positive Negative Names With Their Uses Words Insignificant Understanding Inconstant Names CHAPTER V. OF REASON, AND SCIENCE. Reason What It Is Reason Defined Right Reason Where The Use Of Reason Of Error And Absurdity Causes Of Absurditie Science Prudence & Sapience, With Their Difference Signes Of Science CHAPTER VI. OF THE INTERIOUR BEGINNINGS OF VOLUNTARY MOTIONS Motion Vitall And Animal Endeavour; Appetite; Desire; Hunger; Thirst; Aversion Contempt Good Evill Pulchrum Turpe; Delightfull Profitable; Unpleasant Unprofitable Delight Displeasure Pleasure Offence Pleasures Of Sense; Pleasures Of The Mind; Joy Paine Griefe The Will Formes Of Speech, In Passion Good And Evill Apparent Felicity Praise Magnification CHAPTER VII. OF THE ENDS OR RESOLUTIONS OF DISCOURSE Judgement, or Sentence Final; Doubt Science Opinion Conscience Beliefe Faith CHAPTER VIII. OF THE VERTUES COMMONLY CALLED INTELLECTUAL; Intellectuall Vertue Defined Wit, Naturall, Or Acquired Good Wit, Or Fancy; Good Judgement; Discretion Prudence Craft Acquired Wit Giddinesse Madnesse Rage Melancholy Insignificant Speech CHAPTER IX. OF THE SEVERALL SUBJECTS OF KNOWLEDGE CHAPTER X. OF POWER, WORTH, DIGNITY, HONOUR AND WORTHINESS Power Worth Dignity To Honour and Dishonour Titles of Honour Worthinesse Fitnesse CHAPTER XI. OF THE DIFFERENCE OF MANNERS What Is Here Meant
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