Aryans and We. Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida)
Читать онлайн книгу.in their favor is that the most talented people have been like that. Further, having protected their rights, homosexuals begin to pervert everyone they can and already then society does not know how to defend itself from them. There are some efforts to settle all arising problems within legal frameworks. But no law can annihilate vice. It only makes vicious people to search for more intricate methods of realization of their desires. Currently, none of the global applicable doctrines possesses methods to extirpate vice and that is why the world is pursuing the path of its propagation.
The community, however, can have the sustainable prosperity when people living in it are pious. The fact is that human relationships are full of faults. These faults create a great number of problems which at all times have been the focus of mankind to solve. It is the undeniable fact that any relations, whether parental, work, friendly or loving, include both pleasant and unpleasant moments. We enjoy pleasant moments and do not know what we can do with unpleasant ones. There are three ways out:
1) taking positive moments as the basis, tolerate negative ones.
2) enjoy positive moments in relationships and with occurrence of negative ones, cease any relationship taking some responsibilities upon oneself.
3) only enjoy positive moments without any responsibility for relationships.
The problem is that for a peaceful life there should be a system regulating desires. Contemporary civilizations are trying the approach of their satisfaction (point 2 above). The Aryans compare such approach with attempts to put out a fire by adding wood to it. At first, the great amount of fire wood makes the fire ‘choke’, but in a minute the fire blazes greater. One can see that such solution to the problem creates many psychological problems which extremely complicate communication. At the beginning people are happy to be free but a bit later they find out that together with freedom there comes loneliness. Without right methods for regulating human relations people start to avoid communicating. This is a dangerous situation when everything serves the principle of profit.
Depending on the purpose sought, human society accepts -standards regulating behavior. There are two tendencies: to lay special emphasis on happiness of an individual or the prosperity of the entire society. When the nation is powerful and wealthy, happiness of an individual becomes of primary importance. Otherwise, society has to sacrifice the well-being of people to become powerful and protected. These are inevitable processes containing many other problems. For instance, if the emphasis is laid on personality’s happiness and abilities to enjoy life, there appear people avoiding public duties even those concerning the family because childbearing implies the need to refuse pleasures. And a pleasure-prone personality does not want to forgo any pleasure. This in turn leads to decrease in natural birth rates. One can see that nations keeping religious traditions do not have problems with their population number.
But those nations which have accepted the so called “liberty principle” are practically all dying out. They replenish the shortage of their population growth by means of traditional nations. From this point of view we are likely seeing formation of new ethic groups in the situation of peaceful intervention of some nations over others which in the past used to happen via murderous wars. It can be easily taken if the target is to maintain the power of a group of people over a certain territory, but if the target is to keep a nation, then this is something to think about before accepting the European system of values. Since in this case not only can we have their achievements, but we can also have the bunch of problems inherent in this culture. Therefore, simply the level of the economic growth can be followed but a different life style is laid in the foundation.
We do not aim to criticize one system and oblige to accept the other. Those who find the contents of this book unacceptable can put it aside and forget about its existence. On the other hand, we will be happy to be useful for all those who will be enabled by the contents of this book to formulate acceptable individual and societal principles of a pious life which in our invincible belief is the only source of prosperity.
Any intelligent person is concerned with the accurate realization of national and panhuman interests. Life brings variety of problems. Being able to find the proper solution to these problems is important for an individual, a nation and the whole mankind. The Aryans held a rather interesting support system of the economic prosperity of their country. The description of details of this system could be impractical for an unprepared reader. Therefore, this book is compiled in a popular science fiction format. As required, the Aryan’s doctrine can be presented more completely and expertly, but meanwhile we will only review the possibilities of the Aryans’ philosophical concept of society building.
We intentionally omit external traditions of the Aryan society as they are practically not applicable in the today’s world. It is referred only to the principles of the Aryans’ inner lives which can be always applicable both for a person’s life and the entire society regardless of the time, place and circumstances. We will see what psychological patterns were used by the Aryans as the basis for arranging their social life. We will also discuss the process of breakdown of the Aryan system. Learning these psychological mechanisms will ensure application of the principles of the Aryan society with the clear understanding where to start their reproduction.
Community living arrangements require correct understanding of human psychology. Daily wants of a human are not different from those of animals, but a human inherently is gifted with much more developed intelligence. If a human is another species with the purpose to assure existence by means of natural selection, then the question arises: why are we given the intelligence and the emotional life which do not stop searching for recipes of happiness and justice? Every nation at some point of its evolution feels as having found this recipe.
What was it like for the Aryans? The Aryans are among those rare nations with the culture addressing the inner life of all living beings in this creation. We invite you to travel to this world. We hope that it will be enjoyable and helpful and we are sure that every “traveler” will be delighted at and respectful of the inner life of the Aryans and will find solutions for many psychological problems which hitherto have seemed nonsolvable.
The Author
One person can lead the horse to water, but even forty people can’t make it drink.
The Aryan civilization… The Vedas…
For thousands of years, this mystery attracted minds of the greatest thinkers of mankind. Many nations tried on these beautiful attires and the same number of nations suffered defeat after touching this eminent ideology. One cannot dally with the Aryan concept; it is a holy thing which shall be treated reverently to unveil its mysteries merged with eternity.
The value system of the Aryan civilization and its history are described in the Vedas, the Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Shrimad-Bhagavatam. These scriptures were composed five thousand years ago by the great ascetic Shrila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We are sure that for traditional Christian nations this truth is unacceptable as they do not admit that in this world God can have other incarnations than Christ. Anyway, every book gives the exhaustive information about itself. According to this information, in the world there is no any other most ancient and complete ideology than the Aryans’. Straight away we need to express a reservation that it is not our purpose to prove in our book the ancientry of the Vedas compared to other scriptures because neither ancientry nor the ethic background can be the criteria for perfection. The standpoint can be very ancient but absolutely incorrect or unacceptable for today’s realities. For instance, the Aryan society had the external structure which can be hardly applicable today due to the modern high technology and the life style dictated by this technology. When approaching the Aryan civilization, typically know-nothing people take this very external structure. They, thus, conclude that being an Aryan is the matter of origin or being an Aryan means to be brave and predominant over the rest. And to achieve these, it is enough to have the white skin, the relevant scaffold of skull and so on. According to opinions of such people, the nation which will prove its Aryan origin owing to the “superiority” of its blood will get the right to instruct others and seal their fate.
To put it mildly, this conception is not very correct. Being an Aryan