Functionalized Nanomaterials for Catalytic Application. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.for three trial runs [90]. Other significant exposures to preserve the water system using PF and photo-Fenton–like (pF) have been detailed in the segments to come in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Photo-Fenton (PF)/Photo-Fenton–like (pF) catalyst as FNMs.
FNMs as catalyst | Year | Process | Irradiation Source | | Parametric expressions | Solution evolved (% degradation) | Reusable cycles | Remarks | Ref. |
TiO2/Schwertmannite | PF | 2019 | Solvent-free milling | Sunlight | pH (4) | 60 min. | Rh B (100%) | 4 | TiO2 → Sh + e− H2O2 + e− → ·OH | [91] |
TiO2/Fe2TiO5/Fe2O3 | PF | 2017 | Ion-exchange | Visible light > 420 nm | pH (4.0/7.0) | 120 min | 60 min | MO (100%) | Phenol (100%) | 10 | OP+ ·OH → CO2 + H2O | [92] |
A-TiO2/R-TiO2/α-Fe2O3 | PF | 2020 | Aerosol spray | UV - 365 nm | pH (8) | 5–30 min | MB | TOC | 5 | O2/·O2− | low dose H2O2 | [93] |
TiO2-GO-Fe3O4 | PF | 2019 | Ultrasonic | Visible light | pH (3) | 120 min | Amoxicillin (90%) | 4 | Fe3+ → Fe2+ + e− | [94] |
FeNx/g-C3N4 | PF | 2019 | Ball milling | Visible light | pH (neutral) | | MB |MO |Rh B |Phenol | (variable %) | 4 | H2O2 + e− → 2 ·OH | [95] |
0D Fe2O3 QDs/2D g-C3N4 | PF | 2020 | Thermal polymerization | Visible light | pH (3–7) | 20 min | 4-NP (90%) | 5 | Fe3+ → Fe2+ + e− OH+H ·2O2→·OOH+H2O | [96] |
α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 | PF | 2020 | Hydrothermal | Solar light | pH (neutral) | 90 min | Rh B (96%) | 5 | Binding Energy (284.8 eV) ·O2−/h+. Fe3+ → Fe2+ + e− | [97] |
Zn0.94 Fe0.04S/g-C3N4 | PF | 2020 | Microwave| Hydrothermal | Solar light | pH (6.1) | 60 min | 4-NP (96%) |TOC (55.4%) | 5 | CB favors e− transfer Fe3+ → Fe2+ + e− | [98] |
Cu-FeOOH/CNNS(g-C3N4) | PF | 2018 | Simple thermal | Solar light | pH (4.8-10.1) | 40 min | pH (low) | MB | Rh B | MO | CR | 4-NP | TC | ~90% (OP) | 10 | H2O2 + e− → 2 ·OH · O2− | ·OH (Scavengers) | pH (low) efficient | [99] |
(Fe-CS/MMTNS | PF | 2020 | Sol gel (3 Step) | Visible light | pH (3,6,10) | 2 h | MB (55.81%) | 5 | ·OOH | ·O2− | activators | n → π*| π → π* - transition | [100] |
Fe0)/MnOx/BiVO4 | PF | 2019 | Hydrothermal | Photo-deposition | Visible light | pH (acidic) | 30 min | 2,4-di-CP (95.4%) | BPA (91.4%) | 4 | Rate of reaction ·OH > h+ > ·O2− | bandgap (2.10 eV) | [101] |
GO/MIL-88A(Fe) | PF | (2020) | Vacuum-filtration | Visible light | - | 40 min | MB (98.81%) | BPA (97.27%) |12 | ·OH > ·O2− >>h+ | Major part in degradation | [102] |
Fe-POM/CNNS- Nvac | PF | 2020 | Self-assembly | Visible light < 420 nm | - | 18 min | TCH | ATZ | ALA |MO | 4-CP | (~96.5%) | 4 | Contributors h + | 1O2 |·OH | ·O2− | | [103] |
QDs-Fe/G | NRs-Fe/G | NSs-Fe/G | PF | 2015 | GMSA | Visible light | pH (neutral) | 30 min | Phenol | RhB | - | Novel green synthesis | Scavenger - ·OH | [104] |
3D FeO (OH)-rGA | PF | 2018 | Facile method-Hummer’s | Visible light | pH (neutral) | 6 h | 4-CP | 2,4,6-triCP | BPA | (80%) | 10 | Activation of (·OH) | π-π interaction | [105] |
CQDs/α-FeOOH |