The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso (3 Classic Unabridged Translations in one eBook: Cary's + Longfellow's + Norton's Translation + Original Illustrations by Gustave Doré). Dante Alighieri

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The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso (3 Classic Unabridged Translations in one eBook: Cary's + Longfellow's + Norton's Translation + Original Illustrations by Gustave Doré) - Dante Alighieri

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The serpent." Whence, not knowing by which path

       He came, I turn'd me round, and closely press'd,

       All frozen, to my leader's trusted side.

       Sordello paus'd not: "To the valley now

       (For it is time) let us descend; and hold

       Converse with those great shadows: haply much

       Their sight may please ye." Only three steps down

       Methinks I measur'd, ere I was beneath,

       And noted one who look'd as with desire

       To know me. Time was now that air arrow dim;

       Yet not so dim, that 'twixt his eyes and mine

       It clear'd not up what was conceal'd before.

       Mutually tow'rds each other we advanc'd.

       Nino, thou courteous judge! what joy I felt,

       When I perceiv'd thou wert not with the bad!

       No salutation kind on either part

       Was left unsaid. He then inquir'd: "How long

       Since thou arrived'st at the mountain's foot,

       Over the distant waves?"—"O!" answer'd I,

       "Through the sad seats of woe this morn I came,

       And still in my first life, thus journeying on,

       The other strive to gain." Soon as they heard

       My words, he and Sordello backward drew,

       As suddenly amaz'd. To Virgil one,

       The other to a spirit turn'd, who near

       Was seated, crying: "Conrad! up with speed:

       Come, see what of his grace high God hath will'd."

       Then turning round to me: "By that rare mark

       Of honour which thou ow'st to him, who hides

       So deeply his first cause, it hath no ford,

       When thou shalt be beyond the vast of waves.

       Tell my Giovanna, that for me she call

       There, where reply to innocence is made.

       Her mother, I believe, loves me no more;

       Since she has chang'd the white and wimpled folds,

       Which she is doom'd once more with grief to wish.

       By her it easily may be perceiv'd,

       How long in women lasts the flame of love,

       If sight and touch do not relume it oft.

       For her so fair a burial will not make

       The viper which calls Milan to the field,

       As had been made by shrill Gallura's bird."

       He spoke, and in his visage took the stamp

       Of that right seal, which with due temperature

       Glows in the bosom. My insatiate eyes

       Meanwhile to heav'n had travel'd, even there

       Where the bright stars are slowest, as a wheel

       Nearest the axle; when my guide inquir'd:

       "What there aloft, my son, has caught thy gaze?"

       I answer'd: "The three torches, with which here

       The pole is all on fire." He then to me:

       "The four resplendent stars, thou saw'st this morn

       Are there beneath, and these ris'n in their stead."

       While yet he spoke. Sordello to himself

       Drew him, and cry'd: "Lo there our enemy!"

       And with his hand pointed that way to look.

       Along the side, where barrier none arose

       Around the little vale, a serpent lay,

       Such haply as gave Eve the bitter food.

       Between the grass and flowers, the evil snake

       Came on, reverting oft his lifted head;

       And, as a beast that smoothes its polish'd coat,

       Licking his hack. I saw not, nor can tell,

       How those celestial falcons from their seat

       Mov'd, but in motion each one well descried,

       Hearing the air cut by their verdant plumes.

       The serpent fled; and to their stations back

       The angels up return'd with equal flight.

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       The Spirit (who to Nino, when he call'd,

       Had come), from viewing me with fixed ken,

       Through all that conflict, loosen'd not his sight.

       "So may the lamp, which leads thee up on high,

       Find, in thy destin'd lot, of wax so much,

       As may suffice thee to the enamel's height."

       It thus began: "If any certain news

       Of Valdimagra and the neighbour part

       Thou know'st, tell me, who once was mighty there

       They call'd me Conrad Malaspina, not

       That old one, but from him I sprang. The love

       I bore my people is now here refin'd."

       "In your dominions," I answer'd, "ne'er was I.

       But through all Europe where do those men dwell,

       To whom their glory is not manifest?

       The fame, that honours your illustrious house,

       Proclaims the nobles and proclaims the land;

       So that he knows it who was never there.

       I swear to you, so may my upward route

       Prosper! your honour'd nation not impairs

       The value of her coffer and her sword.

       Nature and use give her such privilege,

       That while the world is twisted from his course

       By a bad head, she only walks aright,

       And has the evil way in scorn." He then:

       "Now pass thee on: sev'n times the tired sun

       Revisits not the couch, which with four feet

       The forked Aries covers, ere that kind

       Opinion shall be nail'd into thy brain

       With stronger nails than other's speech can drive,

       If the sure course of judgment be not stay'd."

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       Now the fair consort of Tithonus old,

       Arisen from her mate's beloved arms,

       Look'd palely o'er the eastern cliff: her brow,

       Lucent with jewels, glitter'd, set in sign

       Of that chill animal, who with his train

       Smites fearful nations: and where then we were,

       Two steps of her ascent the night had past,

       And now the third was closing up its wing,

       When I, who had so

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