Achieving Prosperity - Ultimate Collection. Thorstein Veblen

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Achieving Prosperity - Ultimate Collection - Thorstein Veblen

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– and they undoubtedly do this – but the individual must accomplish the real work. He must carve out his own Destiny, and there is no power above or below that will do the work for him if he refuses to perform it himself.

      The old saying that "God helps him who helps himself" is true in more senses than one. It is true in the sense that the Higher Aid seems to refuse to come to the assistance of one who is not willing to strike out for him and do his best. But it is true in another sense – this Aid does come to one who will throw heart and soul into the task set before him, and who will do each days work the best he know how, with hope in his soul, and a confident expectation of better things right ahead, around the turn of the road. The wise man is the one who takes courageously the step right ahead of him, planting his foot firmly and confidently upon it, although he is unable to see further ahead. To such a one step after step is illuminated as he proceeds, and he reaches his goal, whereas the shrinking ones, who have feared to take the obvious step because they could not see beyond it, are still waiting for something to turn up. This waiting business is a poor policy – as Garfield said: "Don’t wait for something to turn up – go out and turn something up. "Take the step before you boldly and hopefully, and the next step will then appear. The thing to do is that which lies right before you to be done – do it the best you know how, feeling assured that in its doing you will be making progress toward the better things for which your heart has been longing. New ideas come while you are in action – in the doing of things comes the inspiration for the doing of greater things. You can always get a better "running start" when in action, which will give you an advantage over the best "standing start" imaginable. Get into action and motion.

      In this little work we have endeavored to call your attention to something of far greater importance than a mere code of rules and general advice. We have pointed out to you the glorious fact that within each of you there is a Something Within, which if once aroused would give you a greatly increased power and capacity. And so we have tried to tell you this story of the Something Within, from different viewpoints, so that you might catch the idea in several ways. We firmly believe that Success depends most materially upon a recognition and manifestation of this Something Within – we think that a study of the character and work of all successful men will show you that differ as they do in personal characteristics, they all manifest that consciousness of that Something Within them that gives them an assurance of Inward Power and Strength, from which proceeds Courage and Self-Confidence. You will find that the majority of successful men feel that there is a Something helping them – back of and behind their efforts. Some have called this Thing by the name of "Luck" or "Destiny," or some such term. But it is all a form of the same recognition of an Inward Power that they are "helped" in some way, although they are not quite sure of the nature of the helper – in fact, the majority of them do not stop to speculate upon its nature, they are too busy and are content with the knowledge that It is there. This Something Within is the Individual – the "I" in each of them – the source of the power which men manifest when they express it. And this little book is written in the hopes that to many it may be the first step toward the recognition, unfoldment and manifestation of this Inward Power.

      We earnestly urge upon you to cultivate this "I AM" consciousness – that you may realize the Power Within you. And then there will come naturally to you the correlated consciousness which expresses itself in the statement, "I CAN and I WILL," one of the grandest affirmations of Power that man can make. This "I Can and I Will" consciousness is that expression of the Something Within, which we trust that you will realize and manifest. We feel that behind all the advice that we can give you, this one thing is the PRIME FACTOR in the Secret of Success.

      Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life

       Table of Content



       The Nature of the Force

       How the Thought Force Can Aid You

       Direct Psychic Influence

       A Little Worldly Wisdom

       The Power of the Eye

       The Magnetic Gaze

       The Volic Force

       Direct Volation

       Telepathic Volation

       The Adductive Quality of Thought

       Character Building By Mental Control

       The Art of Concentering

       The Practice of Concentering



       Table of Content

      In justice to myself, I think it well to state that this work has been somewhat hastily prepared from the notes used by me in certain of lectures, the lessons give herein practically being the syllabi of the said lectures. In the lectures, and in this work, my one and only purpose has been to acquaint the students with the means of developing, and effectively using the might forces latent within him - Personal Magnetism and Psychic Influence. To this end I have scarified all pretensions to literary style, all attempts to secure felicity of diction. I have felt that I had a message to deliver, and I endeavored to deliver it promptly, clearly and plainly, without any attempt at "fine writing." If a homely word seemed to express my thought - I used it. If a slang term or semi-slang phrase seemed to fit in - in it went.

      I trust that my critics will spare themselves the trouble of pointing out my many defects of style and composition - I fully realize these things. I have subordinated everything else, in my endeavor to make this work plain and practical. This is an explanation, not an apology.

      With the above understanding between us, I submit this little work to your kind consideration. Whilst fully cognizant of its defects, I still feel that it will be helpful to some of the many who are endeavoring to overcome unfavorable environments, which it may serve as a guidepost, pointing out the past to better things. I feel that it will do its share of the work of removing Fear thought from the minds of men, of replacing "I Can't" with "I Can and I WILL." I feel that I must do these things, for it contains within it the germs of a mighty Truth.

      W.W.A. CHICAGO, ILL, DECEMBER 4, 1900


       Table of Content

      The nearer to the practical men keep

       The less they deal in vague and abstract things


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