Fundamentals of Terahertz Devices and Applications. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.2.5a. The power transmitted by the ellipse Pa and propagating in parallel to the z‐axis through the aperture area of dAa = ρ′dρ′dϕ, is equal to the transmitted power, Pt, by the ellipse through the area
where Pa = SadAa and Pi = SidAi; Sa and Si are the amplitude of the Poynting vectors of the aperture, and incident fields, respectively. Moreover, τ is the Fresnel coefficient in transmission, θi and θt are the incident and transmitted angles on the lens surface, respectively. By using the relations ρ′ = ri sin θ, (2.38) can be simplified as:
The amplitude of the aperture and incident Poynting vectors can be expressed as:
where |Ea| is the amplitude of the electric field on the equivalent aperture of the lens, and |Ei| is the amplitude of the far‐field pattern of the incident electric field. Moreover, the term
by substituting (2.43) in (2.42):
by substituting in (2.39):
For an elliptical lens with
by substituting (2.46) and (2.47) in (2.45), the amplitude of the field at equivalent aperture of the lens is related to the amplitude of the incident field as:
Therefore, the spreading factor can be defined as:
This is because, in the considered geometry (feed at the focus), the output GO phase front is planar and consequently has no power spreading. Equivalent Current Distribution and Far‐field Calculation
The equivalent current distributions on the aperture, using the incident field is defined as in (2.21 and 2.22) and the phase relation derived in (2.1), can then be written as follows:
where r ′ (θ′) is given by (2.5) and tan θ′ = ρ′/z′ where
With these equations, we have determined the surface currents on the lens aperture, and thus, the far field patterns in the reference system used in Figure 2.6 can be obtained using the following expressions:
Figure 2.6 Reference system for the evaluation of the far fields radiated by the elliptical lens antenna.