Global Drought and Flood. Группа авторов

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Global Drought and Flood - Группа авторов

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events comparing precision and r...Figure 5.3 The general workflow of our Landsat algorithm where we (a) prepro...Figure 5.4 MODIS (left, red)) versus Landsat (right, light blue) flood exten...Figure 5.5 Comparing the Feyisa et al. (2014) algorithm (light blue) to the ...Figure 5.6 Estimated flood extent under various recurrence estimates based o...Figure 5.7 Nile Basin Dashboard: http://eastern‐nile‐flood‐database.appspot....Figure 5.8 Flood extent for the October to December 2001 flood occurring in ...Figure 5.9 The MODIS and Landsat time series of annual inundated area and po...Figure 5.10 Evidence of canals and dams in the eastern Nile Basin indicating...Figure 5.11 Percent of watershed area cloud free in the Rio Salado Basin fol...Figure 5.12 Exceptional flood events in the DFO database: colored areas repr...Figure 5.13 Number per country of total flood events represented in the DFO ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Typical flood event maps regularly prepared by the Dartmouth Floo...Figure 6.2 Images from the Copernicus Sentinel‐1 radar satellite helped to m...Figure 6.3 Illustration of model calibration and validation results: (a) cal...Figure 6.4 (top panel) Number of times water was detected between 1987 and 2...Figure 6.5 River Severn case study. Comparison between forecast and observed...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Time series of SPI, SSI, SRI, and MSDI values during the period 2...Figure 7.2 Integrated drought monitoring based on the SPI, SSI, SRI, and MSD...Figure 7.3 Similar to Figure 7.2 but based on drought categories (–1 in the ...Figure 7.4 Integrated drought monitoring based on (a) the RMSDI and (b) asso...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 The framework of the proposed coupled dynamical–statistical droug...Figure 8.2 The monthly to seasonal drought forecasting framework using the B...Figure 8.3 Five conditional probability density distributions (PDFs) of drou...Figure 8.4 The flow diagram of the parallel particle filtering framework (PP...Figure 8.5 Monthly (top row) to seasonal (bottom row) deterministic drought ...Figure 8.6 Seasonal deterministic drought forecasts from the current dynamic...Figure 8.7 Coupled dynamical–statistical probabilistic drought forecasts for...Figure 8.8 Comparison of the coupled dynamical–statistical probabilistic dro...Figure 8.9 Comparison of the coupled dynamical–statistical seasonal probabil...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Illustrations of data coverage of SMAP L3_SM_P sensors during an ...Figure 9.2 A schematic illustration of time series of precipitation and soil...Figure 9.3 Locations of the six sample grids and distribution of predominant...Figure 9.4 Modeled soil moisture estimates and retrieved SMAP observations o...Figure 9.5 The same as Figure 9.4, but for the verification period (8 Februa...Figure 9.6 Scatter plot between the modeled soil moisture estimates (y axis)...Figure 9.7 Correlation between modeled soil moisture and the SMAP observatio...Figure 9.8 Spatial distribution of the model parameters c1, c2, c3, and c4. ...Figure 9.9 Drought conditions expressed as soil moisture percentiles from (l...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Timeline of global flood model (GFM) development highlighting ke...Figure 10.2 A simplified schematic of the two main model structures used by ...Figure 10.3 Map depicting the regions where each global flood model (GFM) va...Figure 10.4 Global flood model agreement across Africa. (a) Aggregated flood...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Schematic showing nested basins where each subbasin was calibrat...Figure 11.2 The evolution of the objective function (KGE) from generation fi...Figure 11.3 Streamflow time series for a selected station (River Xingu at Bo...Figure 11.4 The KGE skill score during calibration and validation periods....Figure 11.5 The variation of KGE skill score with the bias in the baseline s...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 (a) Schematic diagram of the procedures of error removal for gen...Figure 12.2 The new error‐removed DEM (top), the original DEM (2nd row), the...Figure 12.3 (a) Example schematic of the DRT algorithm for a hypothetical la...Figure 12.4 The DRIVE model couples the (left) VIC model and (right) the DRT...Figure 12.5 Outline of the GFMS providing flood‐intensity estimates and for...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 The Global Land Cover Characterization map with International Ge...Figure 13.2 The University of Maryland global land‐cover map.Figure 13.3 The Global Land Cover 2000 map.Figure 13.4 The Moderate‐Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land cover for...Figure 13.5 The GlobCover global land‐cover map.Figure 13.6 The Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organizations map.Figure 13.7 The Climate Change Initiative Land Cover global map for the year...Figure 13.8 The GlobeLand30 land cover map for the 2010 epoch.Figure 13.9 The SYNLCover global land cover data set.Figure 13.10 The temporal ranges and spatial resolution of the land‐cover or...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Schematic steps for the flood‐map computation: (left) quantiles ...Figure 14.2 Schematic view of the latest version of the JRC flood impact mod...Figure 14.3 Annual estimates of flood damage in the EU in 1990–2013 (in grey...

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 The study site in Jiangxi Province, China.Figure 15.2 Xiangyang levee breach in GF‐2 images.Figure 15.3 The number of CCTV television reports analysed by channels and d...Figure 15.4 Direct tangible‐damage classification and exposure analysis work...Figure 15.5 A GF‐1 derived land‐cover map for the study area.Figure 15.6 Histogram of water index image (a) before and (b) after the cubi...Figure 15.7 Valleys and peaks in the histogram.Figure 15.8 (a) The remote sensing image and (b) its water extraction result...Figure 15.9 Temporal distributions of the surface water extent.Figure 15.10 Temporal distributions of the flood extent 22 June 2016 to 24 J...Figure 15.11 (a) The television media image and (b) postflood GF‐2 image.Figure 15.12 The buildings in the television video.Figure 15.13 Building damage exposure map.Figure 15.14 Building damage distribution map.Figure 15.15 Road damage exposure map.Figure 15.16 Farmland damage exposure map.

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Kutupalong Megacamp for the displaced Rohingya population in sou...Figure 16.2 A timeline showing climate information linked to specific decisi...Figure 16.3 A community meeting in Shamlapur, Bangladesh with the Rohingya p...Figure 16.4 Example of a decision‐making flowchart (DMF) template.

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Timeline of a river flood and GFP product types to support disas...Figure 17.2 The EFI of 48 h accumulated precipitation for 26–27 August 2017 ...Figure 17.3 July 2017 floods in South China. 1 in 100 year JRC flood map for...Figure 17.4 Ensemble streamflow predictions from GloFAS forecasts of 4 Augus...Figure 17.5 The GFMS flood detection estimates over the Ganges–Brahmaputra b...Figure 17.6 Satellite‐based river discharge estimates using passive microwav...Figure 17.7 Inundation extent (in red) in Bangladesh during the August 2017...Figure 17.8 Maximum detected flood extent in Texas and Louisiana, USA, follo...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  List Of Contributors

      6  Preface

      7  Table of Contents

      8  Begin Reading

      9  Index

      10  Wiley End User License Agreement


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      2  iii


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