Бум. Бешеные деньги, мегасделки и взлет современного искусства. Майкл Шнейерсон

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Бум. Бешеные деньги, мегасделки и взлет современного искусства - Майкл Шнейерсон

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Ninth Street Exhibition – 1951,” in Art Now and Then, a blog by Jim Lane, September 6, 2015, http://art-now-and-then.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-ninth-street-exhibition-1951.html.


      Marika Herskovic, New York School Abstract Expressionists: Artists Choice by Artists, a Complete Documentation of the New York Painting and Sculpture Annuals, 1951–1957 (Franklin Lakes, NJ: New York School Press, 2000), 13–14.


      De Coppet and Jones, Art Dealers, 87.


      Ibid., 88.


      John Cage, Silence (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1967), 102.


      Olivia Laing, “Robert Rauschenberg and the Subversive Language of Junk,” Guardian, November 25, 2016, www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/nov/25/robert-rauschenberg-and-the-subversive-language-of-junk-tate.


      Leo Steinberg, The New York School: Second Generation (published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same title, organized by and presented at the Jewish Museum, New York, March 10 – April 28, 1957), cover.


      Ann Fensterstock, Art on the Block: Tracking the New York Art World from Soho to the Bowery, Bushwick and Beyond (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 49.


      Deborah Solomon, “The Unflagging Artistry of Jasper Johns,” New York Times, June 19, 1988, www.nytimes.com/1988/06/19/magazine/the-unflagging-artistry-of-jasper-johns.html?pagewanted=all.




      Editors of ARTnews, “From the Archives: Betty Parsons, Gallerist Turned Artist, Takes the Spotlight, in 1979,” ARTnews, June 16, 2017, www.artnews.com/2017/06/16/from-the-archives-betty-parsons-gallerist-turned-artist-takes-the-spotlight-in-1979/.




      Solomon, “Jasper Johns.”


      Calvin Tomkins, Off the Wall: A Portrait of Robert Rauschenberg (New York: Picador, 2005), 131.


      По поводу истинных масштабов этой коллекции единого мнения нет. См.: Carol Vogel, “A Colossal Private Sale by the Heirs of a Dealer,” New York Times, April 4, 2008, www.nytimes.com/2008/04/04/arts/04iht-04vogel.11673988.html.


      Hulst, “The Right Man at the Right Time,” 154.


      Ibid., 79.


      Robert Sam Anson, “The Lion in Winter,” Manhattan, Inc., December 1984.


      Hunter Drohojowska-Philp, “Art Dealer Irving Blum on Andy Warhol and the 1960s L. A. Art Scene (Q & A),” Hollywood Reporter, November 4, 2013, www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/art-dealer-irving-blum-andy-653195. В 1962 году Блум стал единоличным владельцем галереи Ferus: его партнер Уолтер Хоппс перешел работать куратором в Художественный музей Пасадены.


      Calvin Tomkins, Lives of the Artists: Portraits of Ten Artists Whose Work and Lifestyles Embody the Future of Contemporary Art (New York: Henry Holt, 2008), 178.


      Emma Brockes, “Master of Few Words,” Guardian, July 26, 2004, www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2004/jul/26/art.usa.


      Cohen-Solal, Leo and His Circle, 367–369.


      Эта работа 1960 года, также получившая название «Окрашенная бронза», формально находилась в частной коллекции Джаспера Джонса, но экспонировалась по решению автора в Художественном музее Филадельфии, пока в 2015 году ее не приобрели коллекционеры Мари-Жозе и Генри Крэвис. См.: Museum of Modern Art, “MoMA Announces Recent Acquisitions, Including ‘Painted Bronze’ by Jasper Johns,” press release, March 16, 2015, http://press.moma.org/2015/03/new-acquisitions-johns/.


      Sidney Janis Gallery, Sidney Janis Presents an Exhibition of Factual Paintings & Sculpture From France, England, Italy, Sweden and the United States: By the Artists Agostini, Arman, Baj… Under the Title of the New Realists (New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, 1962).


      “4 East 77th Street – 1957–1976,” Castelli Gallery, http://castelligallery.com/history/4e77.html.


      Solomon, “Jasper Johns.”


      Christine Bianco, “Selling American Art: Celebrity and Success in the Postwar New York Art Market” (MA diss., University of Florida, 2000), 32.


      Tomkins, Off the Wall, 133.


      “Collecting Jackson Pollock,” in Greg.org, a blog by Greg Allen, September 4, 2007, http://greg.org/archive/2007/09/04/collecting_jackson_pollock.html.

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