The Night of Broken Glass. Группа авторов

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The Night of Broken Glass - Группа авторов

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a soldier, came in the evening, in full uniform, even though in Germany soldiers were strictly forbidden to enter Jewish houses, to see how my mother was doing. Tears rolled down his face when he said goodbye to her. ‘Never have I so much respected a Jewish woman as I do your mother,’ he said. In the evenings, neighbours sent coffee and fruit, even though these treats were by now very rare in Germany, and wished her a prompt recovery. The whole town knew that the old woman lay dying. And yet schoolboys leaving school at noon stood in front of the house and sang:

      Now the Jew is

      Finally finished.

      Sad German youth …

      To us mourners, my mother’s burial seemed like a dog’s burial. The hearse took her to the cemetery. Some twenty Jewish men and women followed at a distance on the pavement, to avoid attracting attention. Aryan acquaintances and neighbours had sent messages saying things like: ‘We mourn with you’ or ‘Our thoughts are with you’ or ‘We will never forget her.’ Within an hour, we were home again, alone with our heavy hearts and thoughts.

      So we prepared to emigrate. The few possessions that we were left with after 10 November were quickly packed. When we had to go to the American consulate in Stuttgart, we found in that city no restaurant or café that did not bear the inscription: ‘Jews not welcome here.’ Unfortunately, the few places where Jews could find lodging, to which I had first turned, were also full. Late at night, we were lucky enough to find beds in a small inn. When we told the friendly innkeeper we were Jews, she said: ‘I don’t care. I have not put up the signs. Any decent person who pays for his room and meal can stay in my inn.’ When we got our visas the next day, there was no one in that whole city happier than we were.

      I spent the last days in Germany saying farewell to the old homeland. With my children I walked in the spring weather the old familiar paths that I had walked so often in the course of four decades, the paths through woods and fields that I had first trodden holding my parents’ hands, every tree and house evoking a memory. Never in my life was I to walk those paths again, for we had to rip out of our hearts the memory of almost half a century of our lives.

      And this, because a man appeared, the leader of a nation of eighty million people, who declared that a Jew can have no homeland, that Jews are nomadic peoples who belong to Asiatic desert tribes and who must always wander and leave behind them a devastated world …

      So rest in peace, beloved ancestors, and may your blessing accompany us in our wanderings. Wherever we are, our thoughts will always be with you, and you will always be with us. We are not leaving your graves behind willingly; we are being driven away. So we put your last resting place in the hand of our God.

      A last glance backwards, and then that, too, was past, over.

      My children, most of whose lives had been lived in the shadow of these difficult and terrible events, were delighted by the prospect of a sea voyage. Their thoughts were taken up entirely by the ship that was to take them to the new, unknown land, and by the land itself. Their hearts easily embraced the new future; nothing bound them to the land of repression and persecution. In contrast, we adults were leaving the graves of our ancestors, our youth and our childhood behind us. For what had we lived, fought, suffered and striven for almost half a century? For what?

      To be sure, we have to forget, we must forget, what lies behind us. But can one just wave away the experiences of half a century of life? May my children, for whose sake we had to leave our homeland behind, succeed in building a new future in the new land. May God bless the country that has welcomed with open arms us poor, stricken people. And yet, I know that the shadows of the past will creep into my dreams. The homeland that I have had to leave in order to escape the death threats of the Nazi gangs, in order to find a new and final homeland, will live on in my memories and dreams, the old paths, the buildings, the mountains, forests and fields. What does the earth of our homeland know about the monstrous products of these hellish fantasies of a savage regime that took from hundreds of thousands of people their freedom, their honour and their lives?

      Earth is earth and people remain people.

      Our Aryan friends commiserated with us as we made our preparations to leave. They brought us gifts, flowers and good wishes. A few of them said to me: ‘Take me with you. Here we’re headed for war, and we have no desire to play war again.’ Others said: ‘You’re lucky, we envy you. You’re going towards freedom; we’re staying here under the rule of violence.’

      But not yet; there was still the border to cross. In our compartment sat a Dutch businessman who was returning from the Orient, and a Dutch woman who was coming from South Africa to visit her aged mother in Holland. Half an hour before the border, the door of the compartment opened and an SS man bellowed: ‘Any Jews in here?’ I identified myself, and there followed an excruciating interrogation regarding the purpose of our trip, an interrogation so nasty that even the foreigners blushed. Among other things, the SS man said: ‘If only all you swine had left Germany in 1932.’ That was our final farewell from Germany, the last words we heard spoken by a German. The two foreigners had understood every word, and, as the train finally rolled over the border, the Dutch woman said: ‘Now be glad: nowhere else in the whole world will you ever hear such words again.’

      Some Dutch friends who had often been our guests in Germany met us at the station. They invited us into their home and slowly we overcame our anxiety about appearing in public, our dread at walking down a busy street and saying anything. They showed us pictures of Jewish houses and synagogues that had been burned in Germany, which they had themselves taken in border towns.

      The night we left on the spotlessly clean Dutch ship was dark and rainy, and it was hard for us to say goodbye to our friends. A final expression of good wishes, a tearful glance, and we were alone. Two days later we had a last view of the English coast in the brilliant sunshine. Farewell, Europe, adieu, Old World …

      We passed by the Statue of Liberty in New York harbour on a sunny summer morning. We had found our way to our new home in the land of humanity, in the land of freedom. Like a bad dream, the time of subjugation and deprivation of rights lay behind us. We felt that this country,

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