The Night of Broken Glass. Группа авторов

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The Night of Broken Glass - Группа авторов

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word in my account is the simple truth. Hatred has not guided my pen, only the truth and the courage to tell it. Everything that I had in the way of notes and letters was destroyed or taken away by unfettered beasts on that terrible night. My desk was smashed and senselessly ransacked, and I destroyed the rest so as not to compromise anyone. If I constantly emphasize that with few exceptions my earlier Aryan friends and acquaintances were good and generous to us right up until our departure, that means that in their hearts a large part of the German people did not approve or participate in the anti-Semitic pogrom. Were it otherwise, I could not write these lines today on my way to the land of freedom without concern for the lives of those dear to me. Then those unfortunate fellow Jews who are now still having to maintain their miserable existence in Germany would certainly no longer be alive.

      If the majority of the more mature German people had even a fraction of the regime’s anti-Semitism, if the pogrom mood into which the German people is whipped up from time to time did not scare off the more rational part of the population, the last Jew would have left Germany long ago. The government agitates and stirs up the people until bloody violence takes place somewhere, and then sanctimoniously declares that this is the ‘voice of the people’ and that the government has never told anyone to kill even one Jew. This tactic has long since been seen through by everyone. An employee of my tax office who wears the party insignia told me, when this subject came up as I was consulting him about my taxes: ‘All this has the mark not of the devil’s cloven hoof but of Goebbel’s clubfoot!’

      On the other hand, the young people are contaminated from the outset. The poison systematically injected into them leads them to become liars, thieves and murderers. The youths who were sent into Jewish synagogues and homes on 11 November 1938 to finish off the destruction started by their fathers and brothers are called by Adolf Hitler ‘Germany’s pride and hope’.

      (These lines are in the form of a diary begun on the sea voyage to the USA. My intention was to provide a true and accurate description of the events and experiences for my children. I do not intend to publish these pages from my diary.)

      Should these lines nonetheless some day be published, then it should be under the pseudonym ‘Spectator’. I expressly ask this because I know that every word of the truth that is published abroad will necessarily have terrible consequences for my Jewish brothers in Germany. And so I ask that my [American] place of residence not be mentioned, for I am sure that even here there are countless informers.

      1 1. In the German Reich, on 27 and 28 October 1938, Friday and Saturday, 16,000 Polish Jews were taken into custody pending expulsion and transported to the Polish border.

      2 2. Two lines from the poem, ‘Hoffnung’ (‘Hope’) by Emanuel Geibel, 1815–1884.

      3 3. On 11 November 1938, education minister Rust instructed the rectors of German universities to immediately suspend Jewish students and deny them entry to the universities; the same decree prohibited Jewish children from attending German schools.

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