Business Trends in Practice. Бернард Марр

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Business Trends in Practice - Бернард Марр

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Marr, Bernard, author.

      Title: Business trends in practice : the 25+ trends that are redefining organizations / Bernard Marr.

      Description: [Hoboken, NJ] : Wiley, 2022. | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021033030 (print) | LCCN 2021033031 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119795575 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119795599 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119795582 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Business forecasting. | Business—21st century.

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       To my wife, Claire; my children, Sophia, James, and Oliver; And everyone who will be inspired by these trends to make the world a better place

      Our world is rapidly changing and the pace of change has been accelerating. Business leaders tell me all the time how challenging it is to keep up with the pace and extent of change, and I couldn't agree more. I'm frequently staggered by the pace of change, particularly (although not exclusively) in technology advancements – and I say that as someone whose job title is futurist!

      That, in a nutshell, is what sparked the idea for this book. I wanted to provide business leaders with an accessible overview of the key trends that are transforming the way we do business. In my advisory work with companies and government organizations, I noticed that the same transformative forces seem to be coming up again and again, irrespective of the size of the organization or the industry in which they operate. This book pulls those insights together in one place. My goal is to give business leaders a chance to learn from other industries and build a business that is more successful, more resilient, and better equipped for the changes coming our way. In short, this book is designed to help you ride the wave of transformation.

      I believe the role of any futurist is to be practical. So, far from describing some sort of futuristic business utopia, I cut through the hype and distill each of the business trends into practical insights – insights that business leaders can translate into action.

      Here's what else to expect from this book:

       In Part I, we'll start by exploring the forces – both societal and technological – that are driving the massive changes taking place.

       Then, in Part II, we'll look at the impact of these trends on key industries to illustrate just how transformative their collective impact is. (I must stress that I had to stick to just the most important industries here. But if your industry isn't featured, please don't skip this part – many of the insights will no doubt be relevant to your own industry.)

       Part III focuses on the key consumer trends that are emerging today – trends that will likely prompt a rethink of your products and services, and how to deliver them.

       Building on the consumer trends, Part IV is all about key trends that impact how businesses operate internally. In other words, as well as rethinking your products and services, you'll also have to rethink how your business is run.

       And in the final chapter, I'll pull these (often interlinked, sometimes disparate, even contradictory) trends together into some broader key lessons and takeaways. These are the things I want to leave you with as you look to the future.

      As well as helping business leaders ride the wave of transformation, there is also a loftier goal at the heart of this book. As you'll see in

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