Leadership in Veterinary Medicine. Clive Elwood

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Leadership in Veterinary Medicine - Clive Elwood

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Part I Foundations of Veterinary Leadership

      1.1 What Is Leadership, and Why Do We Need a Book on Veterinary Leadership?

      There are many definitions of leadership, and it is such a fundamental aspect of human existence that we instinctively understand the concept even if writing down a workable definition can be difficult. Here's one of the many definitions I am happy with:

       ‘Leadership is the function that is devoted to enhancing an organisation's effectiveness.’

       – de Haan and Kasozi 2014

      By this definition, leadership is not invested in ‘leaders’ but can reside in many people both inside and outside of an organisation. Leadership is a prerequisite of a professional's existence, be it in the service of peers, clients, patients, or society. In addition, this definition implies that leadership exists in an organisational context, which will influence what leadership looks like. As I shall explore in this book, leadership and followership are essential parts of the same function and cannot be examined independently. Leadership is a social process and, together, ‘leaders’ and ‘followers’ construct leadership. Leadership is also a singular, individual, experience; what you see, hear, feel, understand, and respond to as a ‘leader’ will be different to everyone else and will be informed by your own personality and experience. As a complex social interaction, leadership is not easily broken down into ‘how to’ instructions. It is important to remember that when thinking about the issues raised in this book and how they might apply to you and those around you.

      Source: Based on Yukl, G. (2013), Leadership in Organisations, 8th ed. Pearson Education Limited; England and West, M. et al. (2015), Leadership and Leadership Development in Health Care: The Evidence Base, The Kings Fund, pp. 1–36. doi: 19022015.

Leadership function
Creating direction
Nurturing commitment
Creating collective identity
Creating psychological safety
Enabling collective learning
Providing resources
Developing and empowering
Promoting honesty and fairness
Role modelling
Containing paradox
Negotiating complexity and change
Facilitating collective intelligence

      For me, a formal leadership role as a managing director of a large referral practice followed from a successful clinical career. It is not uncommon for technically proficient professionals to be promoted into leadership, as I was, and I found it hard. Leading a team of veterinary professionals was demanding, exciting, exhilarating, and rewarding – but also, at times, frustrating, stressful, and exhausting. To try and make this experience easier for me, in the service of the organisations in which I led and through my innate drive to ‘sense‐making’, I have explored the subject of leadership both through formal learning, wide reading and coaching others. I have used this exploration to ask why I found leadership such a challenge and what I would like to have understood before I took on a demanding leadership role. In doing so, in addition to my direct experience, I believe I have learned some lessons about leadership in veterinary medicine that I can usefully share in a way which is, I hope, engaging, and interesting. I have direct experience of leadership on my side, legitimate academic experience, and the time to both read and write.

      This book is grounded in practical experience and the ‘real world’ of leadership in veterinary medicine and outlines thoughts and ideas extrapolated to that context from writing and thought leadership from outside the veterinary professions. Given the rate of change of thinking around leadership/followership and the relative scarcity of active research in the veterinary context, it is inevitable that a textbook of veterinary leadership will not be able to rely on a strong specific evidence base. It is, therefore, based on my own opinion, perspective, and practise, supported where possible with reference to background reading and with specific reference to published works as required. I am writing as practitioner, translator and interpreter. It will, I hope, create differences of opinion, and the ideas I put forward will be open to challenge. Given the breadth and depth of the literature on

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