Veterinary Surgical Oncology. Группа авторов

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Veterinary Surgical Oncology - Группа авторов

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16 Musculoskeletal Tumors Osteosarcoma Other Musculoskeletal Tumors Metastatic Tumors of Bone Primary BoneTumors of Cats Diagnostic Workup Surgical Principles Limb Amputation Hemipelvectomy Scapulectomy Ulnectomy Limb‐sparing Surgery Digit‐Metacarpus‐Metatarsus Amputation Vertebral Tumors Joint Tumors Muscle Tumors Adjunctive Therapies References

      25  17 Ethics and Surgical Limits of Surgical Oncology Introduction Surgical Limits References

      26  Index

      27  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Factors affecting the goal of surgery and consequently the dose o...

      2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Epithelial.Table 2.2 Round cell.Table 2.3 Mesenchymal.

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 WHO TNM staging system for tumors in animals.Table 4.2 WHO Clinical staging system for canine mast cell tumors.Table 4.3 Common features of STS (as described by Liptak and Forrest 2013).Table 4.4 TNM staging and grading system for soft tissue sarcomas.

      4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Clinical staging (TNM) of oral tumors in dogs and cats.Table 6.2 Suggested analgesic options for oral surgery in cats and dogs.Table 6.3 Summary of common oral tumors in the dog and cat.

      5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Hepatic lesion characterization relative to normal liver using MR...Table 7.2 Relative weight of individual liver lobes in dogs.Table 7.3 Literature summary of the frequency of morphologic classification...Table 7.4 Differential diagnosis for hypoglycemia in dogs.Table 7.5 Reported survival times for dogs with insulinoma treated with sur...Table 7.6 Staging for insulinoma.

      6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Median Overall Survival (OS) and/or Progression‐Free Interval (PF...Table 8.2 Access to the main thoracic structures for tumor excision.Table 8.3 Percent functional volume of each lung lobe for dogs in the stand...Table 8.4 Clinical stages of primary lung tumors.Table 8.5 Clinical stages adapted from human staging system of primary lung...

      7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Reported survival times with total cystectomy.Table 11.2 Stent sizes available.

      8 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Third eyelid glandular neoplasms in dogs and cats – data from a ...

      9 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Tumors involving the canine spleen.Table 14.2 Disorders associated with thymomas in dogs and cats.Table 14.3 Clinical staging of thymoma.

      10 Chapter 15Table 15.1 List of intra‐axial and extra‐axial nervous system tumors in dog...Table 15.2 Medications and dosing schemes commonly used for neuropathic pai...

      11 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Anatomic structures or organs that can be sacrificed acutely in ...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Diagram illustrating the different doses of surgery: marginal, wi...Figure 1.2 Diagram showing the extension of tumor into the grossly normal‐lo...Figure 1.3 (a) Automated needle core biopsy instrument. (b) The tip of the n...Figure 1.4 Punch biopsy instrument, 8 mm in diameter.Figure 1.5 (a) Jamshidi needle (left) with the two stylets (middle and right...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 (a) Standard or conventional linear accelerator. Most of the mach...Figure 2.2 (a) Conventional (i.e. standard) radiation plan for a nasal tumor...Figure 2.3 (a) Anal sac adenocarcinomas treated with adjuvant megavoltage ra...Figure 2.4 (a) focal necrosis on the antebrachium following extravasation of...Figure 2.5 Mix breed canine with an incompletely resected mast cell tumor on...Figure 2.6 Beagle canine with an incompletely resected soft tissue sarcoma o...Figure 2.7 American Staffordshire with an incompletely resected soft tissue ...Figure 2.8 Late radiation therapy side effects. Image (a) shows a dog with a...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Interventional oncology instrumentation. From left to right: (a) ...Figure 3.2 Urethral stent placement (neoplastic obstruction). (a) An area of...Figure 3.3 Colorectal stent (neoplastic obstruction). In this dog, a stent w...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 (a, b) Noncontrast and contrast CT scan imaging of an interscapul...Figure 4.2 (a) Preoperative margins marked on skin with marking pen. (b) En ...Figure 4.3 Surgical en bloc resection of cutaneous tumor with planned recons...Figure

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