Veterinary Surgical Oncology. Группа авторов

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Veterinary Surgical Oncology - Группа авторов

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cell tumor appearances. (a) Ulcerated gra...Figure 4.5 Darier’s sign secondary to vasoactive substance release of an MCT...Figure 4.6 Cytological appearance of canine cutaneous MCT showing degranulat...Figure 4.7 Excision of STS at distal medial aspect of the metatarsus using a...Figure 4.8 (a) Wide excision of a feline injection‐site‐associated sarcoma. ...Figure 4.9 Radical excision of a feline injection‐site‐associated sarcoma. (...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in a golden retriever...Figure 5.2 Preoperative appearance of a nasal planum SCC in a cat. The deepl...Figure 5.3 The typical appearance of an SCC of the pinna in a cat. Note the ...Figure 5.4 Immediate postoperative appearance following nasal planum resecti...Figure 5.5 Cosmetic appearance six weeks after nasal planum resection in a c...Figure 5.6 Cosmetic appearance following nasal planum resection in a golden ...Figure 5.7 A MCT along the medial border of the helix of the pinna. Incision...Figure 5.8 (a) Pinnectomy in a cat with multifocal head and neck SCC. Note t...Figure 5.9 Immediate postoperative appearance of the reconstructed pinna fol...Figure 5.10 Partial pinnectomy of the affected pinna in Figure 5.3. Minimum ...Figure 5.11 (a) A 1.7 × 1.9 × 1 cm fluid‐filled mass on the convex surface o...Figure 5.12 (a) Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma in the horizontal ear canal ...Figure 5.13 (a) Ceruminous gland cysts affecting the pinna and external ear ...Figure 5.14 (a) Vertical ear canal resection for ceruminous adenoma of the v...Figure 5.15 Traction‐avulsion of a nasopharyngeal polyp extending into the e...Figure 5.16 Traction‐avulsion of a large nasopharyngeal polyp in a cat. Note...Figure 5.17 (a, b) Salivary adenoma of a minor salivary gland in the lip of ...Figure 5.18 (a) MCT affecting the cheek of a seven‐year‐old female spayed Be...Figure 5.19 (a) Local recurrence of an SCC on the dorsolateral lip of an 11‐...Figure 5.20 (a) A MCT involving the rostral lip of an adult mixed breed dog....Figure 5.21 (a) A buccal rotation flap was used to repair the lip of a seven...Figure 5.22 Superficial temporal axial pattern flap. (a) A cutaneous fistula...Figure 5.23 (a, b) A 3.2 × 1.8 × 1.2 cm squamous cell carcinoma confined to ...Figure 5.24 (a) Buccal SCC in an 11‐year‐old male neutered west highland whi...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Computed tomography scan of a dog with a zygomatic squamous cell ...Figure 6.2 Computed tomography scan of a dog with a multilobular osteochondr...Figure 6.3 Sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy as described by Brissot an...Figure 6.4 Bone tunnels have been drilled into the hard palate to provide a ...Figure 6.5 Anatomy of the mandible. The inferior alveolar artery, vein, and ...Figure 6.6 Anatomy of the mandible showing the muscles of mastication. (a) P...Figure 6.7 Unilateral rostral mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mu...Figure 6.8 Bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. (a) A malignant melanoma involv...Figure 6.9 Segmental mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mucosa are ...Figure 6.10 Rim mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mucosa are incis...Figure 6.11 Subtotal and total hemimandibulectomy. (a) A skin incision may b...Figure 6.12 Ventral approach for segmental mandibulectomy in a dog with a ma...Figure 6.13 Vertical ramus or caudal mandibulectomy. (a) The dotted line rep...Figure 6.14 It is important that a feeding tube be inserted following any ma...Figure 6.15 (a and b) The typical postoperative appearance of a dog followin...Figure 6.16 The typical postoperative appearance of a dog following bilatera...Figure 6.17 The typical postoperative appearance of a dog following subtotal...Figure 6.18 Reconstruction of a segmental mandibulectomy in a cat with a cus...Figure 6.19 A ranula‐like lesion (arrow) in a dog one day following subtotal...Figure 6.20 Dehiscence of the commissure of the lips and rostral end of the ...Figure 6.21 Mandibular drift following subtotal hemimandibulectomy for a man...Figure 6.22 Anatomy of the maxilla and skull. (a and b) A number of maxillec...Figure 6.23 (a) A benign acanthomatous ameloblastoma arising from the period...Figure 6.24 Unilateral rostral maxillectomy. (a) The labial and gingival muc...Figure 6.25 Bilateral rostral maxillectomy. (a) Bilateral rostral maxillecto...Figure 6.26 (a and b) Typical drooped nose cosmetic appearance following bil...Figure 6.27 (a) For the cantilever suture technique, a 3–5 cm skin incision ...Figure 6.28 (a) Bilateral rostral maxillectomy combined with nasal planum re...Figure 6.29 An 18‐day postoperative image of a dog with a nasal planum resec...Figure 6.30 Radical maxillectomy. (a and b) The labial and gingival mucosal ...Figure 6.31 (a) Caudal maxillectomy through an intraoral approach is recomme...Figure 6.32 (a) A caudal maxillectomy through combined approach is recommend...Figure 6.33 Segmental maxillectomy in a dog with a biologically high‐grade, ...Figure 6.34 Caudal maxillectomy through a combined approach in a cat with a ...Figure 6.35 (a) The typical appearance of a dog following caudal maxillectom...Figure 6.36 (a) The postoperative appearance of a dog following unilateral r...Figure 6.37 The typical appearance of a dog following bilateral rostral maxi...Figure 6.38 (a–c) The typical postoperative appearance following radical max...Figure 6.39 Dehiscence of the intraoral incision following caudal maxillecto...Figure 6.40 The oronasal fistula has been debrided and repaired with a trans...Figure 6.41 A free auricular cartilage autograft for treatment of a central ...Figure 6.42 (a) A caudal midline oronasal fistula following segmental maxill...Figure 6.43 Ulceration of the upper lip in a cat following unilateral hemime...Figure 6.44 (a) A melanotic malignant melanoma of the caudal mandible in a d...Figure 6.45 Squamous cell carcinoma can have a variable gross appearance. Ul...Figure 6.46 A fibrosarcoma in the caudal maxilla of a dog. Note the typical ...Figure 6.47 An acanthomatous ameloblastoma arising from the periodontal liga...Figure 6.48 A peripheral odontogenic fibroma arising from the periodontal li...Figure 6.49 (a) A squamous cell carcinoma arising from the alveolar ridge of...Figure 6.50 An inductive fibroameloblastoma arising from the rostral maxilla...Figure 6.51 An eosinophilic granuloma in a cat. These lesions are non‐neopla...Figure 6.52 (a) Full‐thickness excision of the hard palate is indicated for ...Figure 6.53 (a) A fibrosarcoma on the free portion of the tongue of a dog ha...Figure 6.54 (a) A primary glossal soft tissue sarcoma in a dog; (b) The soft...Figure 6.55 (a and b). The tumor is removed with a wedge of the tongue. The ...Figure 6.56 (a) A benign extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue in a dog;...Figure 6.57 (a and b) A full‐thickness incision is made transversely across ...Figure 6.58 (a) A full‐thickness longitudinal incision is made along the mid...Figure 6.59 (a) A benign extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue in a dog;...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 (a) Lateral and (b) ventrodorsal radiograph of a dog with an esop...Figure 7.2 CT of an esophageal tumor located in the region of the cardia....Figure 7.3 Esophagoscopy of a carcinoma diagnosed by endoscopic‐assisted bio...Figure 7.4 Endoscopic view of an esophageal leiomyosarcoma.Figure 7.5 An abdominal approach has been used for a leiomyoma involving the...Figure 7.6 (a) Resection and anastomosis of an esophageal leiomyoma depicted...Figure 7.7 Precontrast helical CT image of a dog with a midbody gastric neop...Figure 7.8 (a) Intraoperative image of the initial dissection for a gastric ...Figure 7.9 Postcontrast helical CT image of a dog with a multilobular, cavit...Figure 7.10 (a) Illustration demonstrating the guillotine technique for proc...Figure 7.11 (a, b) Intraoperative image of TA‐90 linear stapling device used...Figure 7.12 Postoperative image of a central division liver lobectomy after ...Figure 7.13 Picture of inside of the vena cava seen from the right side. The...Figure 7.14 Schematic representation of canine hepatic venous system. The gr...Figure 7.15 (a, b) Postoperative image of canine (a) and feline (b) HCC, bot...Figure 7.16 (a, b) Postmortem images of a cat with a massive cystadenoma ori...Figure 7.17 Intraoperative image of a cat with bile duct carcinoma

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