The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art (2nd ed.) (1911). Bulfinch Thomas

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The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art (2nd ed.) (1911) - Bulfinch Thomas

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ethereal colors; the moon's globe

      And the pure stars in their eternal bowers

      Are cinctured with my power as with a robe;

      Whatever lamps on Earth or Heaven may shine,

      Are portions of one power, which is mine.

      I stand at noon upon the peak of Heaven,

      Then with unwilling steps I wander down

      Into the clouds of the Atlantic even;

      For grief that I depart they weep and frown:

      What look is more delightful than the smile

      With which I soothe them from the western isle?

      I am the eye with which the universe

      Beholds itself and knows itself divine;

      All harmony of instrument or verse,

      All prophecy, all medicine, are mine,

      All light of art or nature; – to my song,

      Victory and praise in their own right belong.

      Fig. 17. Diana. After Correggio

       32. Diana (Artemis), twin sister of Apollo, was born on Mount Cynthus in the island of Delos. Latona, the future mother of Diana and Apollo, flying from the wrath of Juno, had besought, one after another, the islands of the Ægean to afford her a place of rest; but they feared too much the potent queen of heaven. Delos alone consented to become the birthplace of the future deities. This isle was then floating and unstable; but on Latona's arrival, Jupiter fastened it with adamantine chains to the bottom of the sea, that it might be a secure resting-place for his beloved. The daughter of Latona is, as her name Artemis indicates, a virgin goddess, the ideal of modesty, grace, and maidenly vigor. She is associated with her brother, the prince of archery, in nearly all his adventures, and in attributes she is his feminine counterpart. As he is identified with sunlight, so is she, his fair-tressed sister, with the chaste brilliance of the moon. Its slender arc is her bow; its beams are her arrows with which she sends upon womankind a speedy and painless death. In her prerogative of moon-goddess she is frequently identified with Selene, daughter of Hyperion, just as Apollo is with Helios. Despising the weakness of love, Diana imposed upon her nymphs vows of perpetual maidenhood, any violation of which she was swift and severe to punish. Graceful in form and free of movement, equipped for the chase, and surrounded by a bevy of fair companions, the swift-rushing goddess was wont to scour hill, valley, forest, and plain. She was, however, not only huntress, but guardian, of wild beasts, – mistress withal of horses and kine and other domestic brutes. She ruled marsh and mountain; her gleaming arrows smote sea as well as land. Springs and woodland brooks she favored, for in them she and her attendants were accustomed to bathe. She blessed with verdure the meadows and arable lands, and from them obtained a meed of thanks. When weary of the chase she turned to music and dancing; for the lyre and flute and song were dear to her. Muses, Graces, nymphs, and the fair goddesses themselves thronged the rites of the chorus-leading queen. But ordinarily a woodland chapel or a rustic altar sufficed for her worship. There the hunter laid his offering – antlers, skin, or edible portions of the deer that Artemis of the golden arrows had herself vouchsafed him. The holy maid, however, though naturally gracious, gentle, and a healer of ills, was, like her brother, quick to resent injury to her sacred herds or insult to herself. To this stern temper Agamemnon, Orion, and Niobe bore regretful testimony. They found that the "fair-crowned queen of the echoing chase," though blithe and gracious, was by no means a frivolous personage.

      Fig. 18. Diana (Artemis) of Versailles

      Diana was mistress of the brute creation, protectress of youth, patron of temperance in all things, guardian of civil right. The cypress tree was sacred to her; and her favorites were the bear, the boar, the dog, the goat, and specially the hind.

      Fig. 19. Artemis

      33. Jonson's Hymn to Cynthia (Diana).

      Queen and Huntress, chaste and fair,

      Now the sun is laid to sleep,

      Seated in thy silver chair

      State in wonted manner keep:

      Hesperus entreats thy light,

      Goddess excellently bright.

      Earth, let not thy envious shade

      Dare itself to interpose;

      Cynthia's shining orb was made

      Heaven to clear when day did close:

      Bless us then with wishèd sight,

      Goddess excellently bright.

      Lay thy bow of pearl apart,

      And thy crystal-shining quiver;

      Give unto the flying hart

      Space to breathe, how short soever:

      Thou that mak'st a day of night,

      Goddess excellently bright.31

       34. Venus (Aphrodite), goddess of love and beauty, was, according to the more ancient Greek conception, a daughter of Jupiter and Dione;32 but Hesiod says that she arose from the foam of the sea at the time of the wounding of Uranus, and therefore was called, by the Greeks, Aphrodite, the foam-born.33 Wafted by the west wind, and borne upon the surge, she won first the island of Cythera; thence, like a dream, she passed to Cyprus, where the grace and blossom of her beauty conquered every heart. Everywhere, at the touch of her feet the herbage quivered into flower. The Hours and Graces surrounded her, twining odorous garlands and weaving robes for her that reflected the hues and breathed the perfume of crocus and hyacinth, violet, rose, lily, and narcissus. To her influence is ascribed the fruitfulness of the animal and of the vegetable creation. She is goddess of gardens and flowers, of the rose, the myrtle, and the linden. The heaths and slumberous vales, pleasant with spring and vernal breezes, are hers. In her broidered girdle lurk "love and desire, and loving converse that steals the wits even of the wise." For she is the mistress of feminine charm and beauty, the golden, sweetly smiling Aphrodite, who rules the hearts of men. She lends to mortals seductive form and fascination. To a few, indeed, her favor is a blessing; but to many her gifts are treacherous, destructive of peace. Her various influence is exemplified in the stories of Pygmalion and Adonis, Paris and Æneas, Helen, Ariadne, Psyche, Procris, Pasiphaë, and Phædra. Her power extended over sea as well as land, and her temples rose from many a shore. On the waters swan and dolphin were beloved of her; in air, the sparrow and the dove. She was usually attended by her winged son Cupid, of whom much is to be told. Especially dear to her were Cyprus, Cnidos, Paphos, Cythera, Abydos, Mount Eryx, and the city of Corinth.

       35. The "Venus of Milo." Of artistic conceptions of Aphrodite, the most famous are the statues called the Venus of Melos and the Venus of the Medici.34 A comparison of the two conceptions is instituted in the following poem.35 The worshiper apostrophizes the Venus of Melos, that "inner beauty of the world," whose tranquil smile he finds more fair than "The Medicean's sly and servile grace":


      From our low world no gods have taken wing;

      Even now upon our hills the twain are wandering:36

      The Medicean's sly and servile grace,

      And the immortal beauty of thy face.

      One is the spirit of all short-lived love

      And outward, earthly loveliness:


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From Cynthia's Revels.


Iliad, 5, 370, etc.


A popular etymology.


For Venus in poetry and art, see Commentary.


From the Venus of Milo, by E. R. Sill, formerly professor of English Literature in the University of California.


The references are to the Berkeley Hills, the Bay of San Francisco, and the glimpses of the Pacific.