Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world. Lim Word

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Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world - Lim Word

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associated with Uniskan actively scan your computer. We look, however; “… if you decide to apply a barcode to your company’s products, you should join the UNISCAN Automatic Identification Association … which is a member of GS1 and its ONLY representative in the territory of the Russian Federation … All other Russian organizations that promise assistance in assigning barcodes to in the best case, are its intermediaries …”. Despite the fact that UNISCAN (all with a capital letter) positions itself as a non-profit organization, the admission fee is twenty-five thousand rubles (as of the year two thousand eighth) and the annual one is fifteen. A lot of documents, instructions for completing the classification forms of goods, – it’s difficult, but you can go through these circles. Of course, if you are a large organization with highly qualified specialists. However, it is very difficult for a beginning entrepreneur. The matter is complicated by the fact that codes can not be transferred to others; according to the statute of UNISKAN, to trade them, in order to mark another’s goods, it is prohibited.

      – What if you create your own identification system? Ideally, the barcode should be delivered as easily as an e-mail box. Only here you still enter the name of the company and your product. So. You print the comb on the printer and glue on your goods. Everything, you can take in the shopping network.

      – But, such goods will not be accepted abroad?

      – And in Russia, and the countries that can join the system, the market itself is great. It requires a variety of goods, the release of which slows UNISCAN. In the world conceived by us the release of free identifiers is realized. They can be used in parallel with the Uniscans. By the way, so, in the end, we get rid of the “three sixes” – strips in the beginning, middle and end of the code. Some consider it a superstition, but … something is really not quite right here.

      …Own version of the marker may be different from the common one – circles, grids or layered pictures. It’s good that the Japanese QR code system is already in full use. The problem is interesting and solvable.

      “That’s the way to do it.” But, from the head there is no declaration of income. What if everyone writes underestimated figures? Then the economy will collapse!




      1. The bar code of UNISCAN. Double long strips at the beginning, center and end of the code mean “6”.

      2. QR-code (English quick response – quick response) – matrix code. Invented in Japan, does not require licensing fees. It can be used to replace a suspicious, expensive UNISCAN. So, by the way, independent “East Asian tigers” and, of course, the Japanese also come. Now, perhaps, thanks to the prayers of the Spiritual Government, it is also common in Russia. It remains to be seen, however, the introduction into the masses of the simplest, cheapest, well-known system of code assignment to small business goods (comparable to the creation of a mail). Do it, knights DP!

      3. The standard tax return is 1040A. Filled at home, a maximum of three hours a year. The Russian taxation system includes daily reports, technical difficulties, hired accountants and a trip to the local tax (before the broadcast).

      Let’s say an annual income of 75,000 dollars. To receive a taxable base, deductions follow. If you live alone, then (for Texas, in 2013) the so-called. “Personal release” is $ 3,900, and “standard personal deduction” – $ 6,100. There are deductions for mortgages, education of children and medical expenses. It’s just to make your life easier. So, the tax base is 65,000 dollars. The first skim removed is the progressive Federal income tax, 18%, in our case – $ 12178. The Texas tax is 0% (zero in seven states, usually 5%, maximum 13%, in California). Next – “Social Security Takes” – the federal pension program, plus assistance to disabled people and the unemployed – 10.4% of the full salary, if you work for yourself, and 4.2% if the employee is an employee.

      And, finally, the Federal program of affordable medical care – “Medicare”, 1.45%. In total, according to estimates, 21.8% of the salary. Well, or, 27%, if we are not connected with the employer. Once a year, using, designed to help us save humanistic sites or the services of tax advisers – volunteers, we draw up a declaration, apply a check and send it to the tax.

      There is no such thing as paying fees in the PF, with zero or minus. You can not file a declaration if the income was less than $ 400, although this may affect the approval of your loan.

      The tax system is freedom or slavery?

      The transition to a new system can be carried out gradually, starting with some remote town.

      Secondly, and so everything is understated. The white salary, with very few exceptions, is ten or thirteen thousand. Although, often, real income is higher by several dozen times. Tax specialists know this, but everyone, as one, is looking through his fingers.

      Than it is bad? While you are young, especially anything. The calculation of a pension is a very complicated matter. It depends most on the length of service. Theoretically, 55—75 percent of the “pay” for the last two years of work, or selected five years of work. In any case, senior officials, given the high electoral activity of pensioners, will try to keep a pension of 0.7 average wages.

      This is not correct, but, humanly understandable. In the end, every second does not survive to retirement. Lack, however, exists, and is covered by the same business. The latter, in turn, tries to reduce white wages to a minimum. Of course, this thing has a significant corruption component. From the enterprise “important” people are feeding, whose “salary” sometimes exceeds the sum of all payments to workers.

      The only way out is to switch to an American, transparent and human taxation system. Our tax specialists would be happy to prove that it is not functional, because everything there is too pleasant for an ordinary person, but, this, in fact the existence of a superpower – works.

      Do you have small incomes? No problems! The minimum pension, in order not to die, will be. Declare from real incomes, which you know – the pension is going up. It is possible, as is customary in the United States, to give money to non-state PFs, but we, with all the will, are unlikely to spread it.

      An increase in pensions, the opening of a second youth, is an important incentive for a proper income declaration. But, the main thing is to feel like an honest citizen, tracking, among other things, the financial flows of the state itself.

      The third reason is the presence of harsh but fair tax inspectors, and their voluntary assistants. Expenses – heaped up machines, houses, yachts, other attributes of status, must correspond to the figures of the Tax Declaration.

      – The denunciation?!

      – Someone so has thought up, that if the neighbor is a dark person, you need to be silent in a rag. I will say for sure, criminals, slippery persons who invented a “vow of silence”, if it is profitable for them, will surrender you, without a moment’s hesitation.

      Those who live in palaces – we are not friends. For them we are working ants. In principle, they are not against our existence. The main thing is that they do not get in the way. But – such a status quo … let’s say it is not in God.

      In America, businessmen share the history of their ascent. It is customary to be “kleve” – “transparent.” “Now, look, I’m good.” “Our”, although they achieve a high level of well-being, do not want to be “their own”, to share their emotions and knowledge.

      You can betray only friends, you know? Enemies – to expose. Let the workers collect data on shikuyuschih customers and transfer to government bodies. The income data should be freely

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