Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia. Sergey Solovyov

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Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia - Sergey Solovyov

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BC. e. With this you can agree, but adding that it was the end of the III beginning of the II millennium BC. e. according to all archaeological finds, dates to the beginning of the mass migration of Indo-Europeans to Greece, the Front and the Lesser Asia. And it is precisely this time that dates from a culture stretching from Denmark to Western Siberia and India, and possibly from China. About this, despite some difference, the finds of chariots, the massive finds of bronze swords in Greece and Denmark, the lobed temporal rings of Eurasia, Denmark and Troas, the findings of vessels in the form of a swan (ducks) in Mycenae and the Urals, ornaments in the form of a double helix, and burial of the sacred rulers in the tolots, which are found from China and the Orenburg region to Sweden. However, the differences were also there, and obviously, a religious property, in the difference of some attributes and ornaments. Meander and swastika in Denmark, Greece in the Bronze Age for religious purposes were not used, mass meanders and swastikas were depicted in Greece only in the era of geometric style, which is obviously associated with a change in religious beliefs, which is understandable by the invasion of Dorians. So it turns out that part of the Indo-Europeans came to the Volga region from the Far North of the Europe, as are the findings of labyrinths on the territory of the Russian North, the similarity of the mythology and fairy tales of Germany, Scandinavia and the north of Russia, Scene associated with the cult of the swan. The epics of the Finnish peoples of Kalevala are also close to these legends.

      Hellas and Hellenism. The mystery of Meander, Acantus and Palmetta

      According to the mythological poem «Theogony» written by the poet Hesiod, Aphrodite was born near the island of Kiefer from the seed and blood of Kronos of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed white foam (hence the nickname «foamy.» The wind brought her to the island of Cyprus (or she sailed there herself because she did not like Kiefer), where she, who emerged from the sea waves, met Ora.The classic Aphrodite appeared naked from an air sea shell near Cyprus – hence her nickname «Cyprid» – and reached the shore on the sink. tied diadems crowned with a golden crown, decorated with a gold necklace and earrings, or, as it is possible, this is due to the popularity of the cult of the goddess in Cyprus. «According to Homer, Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and Dion.» According to Epimenides, she was the daughter of Kronos. was Nereus. Aphrodite had many names, and Aphrodite was not a name, and one of the names, like Athena Tritiginea, is only one of the attributes of divine Wisdom. According to the Greek myth set forth by Kuhn, there was no time in the city of Orhomena (the Boeotia region) ruled the ancient tribe minium s king Athamas. From the goddess of the clouds of Nephela, he had a son, Fricks, and a daughter, Gella. These children were hated by Aamant’s second wife, Ino. In the lean year, Ino cheated her husband to sacrifice them to the gods to end hunger. However, at the last moment, Fryx and Gella rescued from the priest’s knife a sheep with a golden fleece (wool), sent by their mother Nephel. The children sat on a ram, and he carried them through the air far to the north. Gella (Ella) fell into the sea during the flight and drowned in the strait, which since then has been called by her name the Hellespont (Dardanelles). Frix took the ram to Colchis, to the Caucasus, where he was raised as a son by the local king Eet, son of the god Helios. Herodotus says in her «History» about the Kolkhos that they are natives from Ethiopia. Now about the proper Hellenes and Gelons Where did the Greeks come from? Taylor says that the carriers of the minyan ceramics, the ancestors of the Achaeans, came through

      Asia Minor from the steppes of Eurasia. Part of the people, obviously, remained on the ancestral home. Herodotus speaks of two Scythian tribes, Budins and Gelons «Budins are a large and numerous tribe, all of them very light-eyed and red, in their region a wooden city is built, the name of this city is Gelon.» The length of the wall on each side is 30 stages, it is high and and they have wooden houses and temples, and there are temples of Hellenistic gods, decorated in Hellenic wooden statues, altars and nases, and every three years they hold festivals in honor of Dionysus and fall into a Bacchic frenzy. Are the Hellenes who left the harbor and settled at the Budins, and they speak the language in part Scythian, partly Hellenic, IV, 109. The Budins speak the language not the same as the Gelons, and their way of life is not the same. the nomadic people, they are the only ones who live here, they feed on cones, the gelons are farmers, they eat bread and have gardens, they are not at all like appearance or skin color. «The Greeks, however, call the Budins gelons are called wrong. Their entire country is densely overgrown with diverse forests. And in the thickest forest there is a large and wide lake and around it a swamp and a reed. In this lake, otters, beavers and other animals with a square muzzle are caught; Their fur is worn around the edges of fur garments.» (HERODOT) You see, GELONS, but in Greek, ELONS sounds true, or rather Elony, the first» G «can not be read, as in the name of Helen. And the city was not called GELON, but ELON or ILON, that is almost ILION, as in the Trojan land. Gelons, and more correctly, Elon, or the same Hellenes was a language similar to the Greeks. That is, obviously, antiquity, at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The ancestors of the Hellenes came from this region to Greece-Hellas. Later, Strabo mentions AHEEV (remember the Achaeans), in many respects because the autonomous Greece in the Roman sources was called AHAYA, about AHAYES writes Strabo that they were engaged in piracy and seafaring. This he emphasizes the identity of GELONS and AHEYES for his contemporaries, inhabitants of the Roman Empire, who could not understand the relationship of the two peoples. Consequently, it is possible that these GELON-ELLINS-began to be called ALANS. In the funeral ceremony of the Alans, among other things, there is a funeral canoe. Alans – The Ossetians buried the dead in towers, similar to the Mycenaean tolosses and the Persian towers of silence, and without the inhumation, that is, without burial in the ground. The burials were of a group character. The last burials in the towers were in the 19th century. Now the Ossetians lived very far from the sea and large rivers, hence this is a very archaic custom. The funeral towers of the Ossetians are very much like the dome of Mycenaean tombs. Greece does not dispute the connection with the Caucasus (Let’s remember the myth about Prometheus). The connection in the Greek myths with Colchis, namely the Colchis Ethiopians, and the fact that Herodotus calls the Colchian Ethiopians out of Africa, and emphasizes the cultural kinship of the Colchian Ethiopians with Egypt. This is what Herodotus says: 104. After all, the Colchians, apparently, are Egyptians. … Having become interested in this, I began to ask about this relationship, as in Colchis, so in Egypt. The Colchians retained clearer memories of the Egyptians than the Egyptians of the Colchians. However, the Egyptians told me that the Colchians derive their origin from the soldiers of the Sessostrian army. I myself came to the same conclusion, because they are dark-skinned, with curly hair… Only three people on earth are subjecting themselves to circumcision: the Colchis, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians… the rest adopted this custom among the Egyptians.»

      Herodotus told the truth. Today in the territory of Abkhazia (Colchis) in the villages of Adziubzha, Merkul, Chelou, Thin, Achandar still live black descendants of Egyptian soldiers. The expedition of the Argonauts, which also took place in Colchis. The soothsayer of the Greeks during the Trojan War was called Kolkhant or Kalhant, Kalkhas-Kolkhidets. Relations between the Achaean Greeks and the Kolkhs were systemic. The Greeks regarded the Colchis as sorcerers. Medea-witch, well, let us recall the testimony of Herodotus about the identity of the Ethiopians and the Colchians. And there was the participation of the Ethiopians in the Trojan War, this is mentioned in the «Ethiopian». Legends of Elena the Beautiful remained in Eurasia. Elena the Beautiful Princess. The golden kingdom is the queen. Elena the beautiful. Elena the Beautiful princess. She asks Ivan Tsarevich three tasks, then marries him. We compare the juvenile apples of Russian fairy tales and the garden of Hesperid. And in another fairy-tale place she marries Vasily-Tsarevich. Tales of Afanasyev. All this is in Russian fairy tales, recorded in the 1820s of the 19th century. About Homer at that time in Russia, simple peasants could not know. The plot of the tale is very similar to the plot of the matchmaking of the suitors to Elena Spartan, with the beginning of the Trojan War. The oath of grooms also becomes understandable, because they owed their lives to a lucky challenger. And also the dispute of the three goddesses about beauty. «Beautiful» read the inscription on a golden apple. They argued and

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