What teaches dysgraphia. Elena Rybakova

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What teaches dysgraphia - Elena Rybakova

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problem of child developed, socialization, macro- oh diskompensation.

      The choice of writing tools – immediate, but bright, sensori-motor satisfying, satisfictionared component of the more effective, there is for the givens on the efficiency, accuracy, carefully, pattern matching. Finds and interesting effects it makes sense to analyze after the fact, after the child will experience both sensory and subject- activity- compiling unusual way organized Foot letter, the results, felt his new activity- status in the loading area for themselves and get a motivational impulse to self-development, self-organization in this – and other areas of activity.

      The transition to more pronounced components of autonomy, selectivity, design in the organization of the child’s activity in this training occurs more often spontaneously, and pedagogical developmental and corrective support is provided with minimal inclusions, only if necessary. Even with the incomplete rightness of the decision, the choice of the student – style, for example, or design, writing in complex versions of written projects, it makes sense to provide a pedagogical pause, for the current self-analysis, then tactfully propose options, adjustments, weighted building intersubject dialog. Of course, aerobatics of the correctional, and in general developing process – when the teacher or the parent consults the child as little as possible during the didactic” quest " – and in the right places is justified but says: “Wow, you!” And” Will you come myself small?”, “How did you guess?”. Or let the child indulge in contemplation, replication, demonstration and discussion of the product of his labor as much as he really needs – and not as much as corresponds to age and disciplinary standards. We often do not know what kind of internal work he is doing at the same time, what conclusions and decisions should come on his personal program.

      Together with the children, we establish real difficulties and the origin of imaginary, optimal load and correctional- educational routes along the course of diagnostics and correction, introduce operational adjustments and restructuring components of cooperation.

      Separate, categorically important components of targeted cooperation between children and adults is the identification of development resources and areas of priority development, which is often forgotten not only by parents but also by children, but also by pedagogues, considering the inadequacy of functions only in a negative and restrictive way.

      Often, by examining the degree to which the student’s achievements and abilities correspond to the training program, it is possible to miss, for example, the signs of verbal sensitivity and verbal intelligence, the poetic nature of the mental frame or perception, the unusual priority area, the technicality of introspection or overcoming difficulties, achievements in the field of personal interests or emotional- volitional regulation.

      Together with the student it is not out of place to even try to use such resources in the educational process – even to try to find out. For example, if we ask the schoolchild’s opinion about his problems in teaching, we do not, in the absence of a coherent position, presume, of course, on a necessarily reasoned answer. But often later this child can detect not only the continued understanding of the issue, but also the readiness for a conscious decision, and the unusual approach, and valuable findings. Sometimes the posture and the communicative status of the pupil are changed, and the effectiveness of all educational activity in a fairly short period.

      A free, individualized, responsive organization of employment, a willingness to give priority to the positioning of activities, and also to be surprised at the personal discoveries of children allow me to ensure the targeting and positivism in the approach to accompanying children with neurological disorders, including ADHD, and also provides an operational resource for the correction of secondary developmental defects and social discomfort.

      Moreover, nowadays there are tendencies towards an orrelating increase in the neuropsychic changes in the children’s population, in accordance with the society’s demand for a highly informational transformation of human vital activity, which determines the direction of the development of the social and educational environment. Children are massively discovering the need for high-voltage multi-channel information employment, and the prospects for their professional implementation also imply a significant change in the standards, structure, content of activities, to which we must apply today and prepare pupils to conform in the future.

      Adjusting pedagogical support under temporitmic, style, energy context, there is a verbal environment student, saving time and attend the more tense important, multi-task, the student concentrates on understanding the relatively new and load information for themselves and the easier it is to master the elements comparing the style and structure of more or less conventional con tents that the compared object ‘s not too distanced from each other and from its earned register in organic perfecting – that naturally precedes the effective comparison and analysis.

      The tasks, their orientation and the level of complexity are subject to the maximum possible discussion with the student. “You managed to do the task last time with words of increased complexity. Today, will we start with software urine or are you ready to dare?”, ” Just try to see the error in this unfamiliar word, what letter do you think is out of place? Do you have any other unusual task to offer today? “” Here today the senior guys… have hardly completed such an assignment. Do you think it makes sense and we try with you? Help, only if you ask.”

      Including coined and motivational guidance of life a child riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles, another leisure, but enough difficult forms of employment, including verbal content, we support its presentations about the importance of successfully STI in such kinds of praxis, anchoring habits as much as possible on their own perform actions, apply for dosed care only in extreme cases, and track the increase in productivity and self – sufficiency, ensuring sustainable development itself.

      The projected resource of self-organization and overcompensation for the development of children with disabilities, thus optimizes the present family, the future of society and devaluates the negative perception itself, the dramatic expectations of all participants in the social and educational dialogue.

      It’s not easy, but it improves the quality of life for both children and adults – you have to play honestly.

      Hamburg sky expense, judgment and action is the most honest, the perceived risk, the responsibility open routes – and the amazing victory, discovery, acquisition.

      Children have the opportunity to understand their self only in a viable situation, real subjective activity.

      We believe now that existing in reality, but not identified in the course of a standardized educational route or under the influence of other circumstances, increased capabilities must also be defined in activities for current and prospective positioning, especially as often the process of learning to read and letters can pass s high-sistemed, and inconsistencies of the current organization of writing may well related significant component m of self-depth analysis, the perceived critical high-level conceptual, operational, self-organizing elements of literacy, text competence.

      Experience shows that the attire with high frequency of cases of school success, significantly behind the real abilities of children, in this group the proportion of students gifted in the field of verbal intelligence, creativity and sensory sensitivity is also high. Let’s compare these trends with the real school performance in terms of official statistics – the run-up of indicators is dramatic.

      It is no coincidence that the share of official “non-achiever” is also high, taking an active part in the olympiads in profiles, according to which teachers rank them as a lagging pupil. Moreover, according to the study m specialists participating in relevant Project workshops Inter-Regional Interagency Internet Lounge” White speech”, not as high here indicators fighters for “time off” / strongly interested in an s in a legal holiday from school officialdom from seven to twelve percent pupils of this group. On the other hand, from twelve to twenty-five percent of all pupils, are trying to increase their self-esteem and personal rating in all available Olympiads of the city and the district, as well as remote

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