What teaches dysgraphia. Elena Rybakova
Читать онлайн книгу.who has joined the sphere of high multitasking technologies, experiences exceptionally favorable experiences, what he has the right, the need for them lies in our nature and motivates him to further self-development. He becomes himself interesting and socially attractive.
Consider the presence of beauty, harmony in the speech environment of the child, in his self-concealment, especially – a child with a communication disruption is essential. It would seem that the predominance of negative, monotonous, simplified verbal information in the child’s living space is not the main destructuring factor for its development. But then we are surprised to find out the lack of motivation not only for the purposeful development of the child’s speech – but also the reluctance to cooperate with adults in general and the misunderstanding why it is necessary to do so. Participants in our workshops include teachers and parents to correlate the amount of positive information with negative, unpleasant – with attractive, one-type – with intriguing, support socio-pedagogical monitoring of aesthetic compliance of prosodics and graphics in communication.
We often even apply this approach. If the child is in a situation of intense correctional-educational process for a long time-or, conversely, with a short-term short-term correction act, we suggest that he imagine, simulate a situation of didactic success, and under this impression do some work. Often, such a technique can be effective and presentation.
It is effective to relate yourself to an attractive character, a significant close person, and not just in a didactic situation.
Harmony is given to praxis also through motor attraction of activity, social inclusion, grace of decisions.
Motivating and modeling, effective and effective, intriguing and value- significant – these are the components of self-determination of the individual, the status of the student, his communicative competences in the context of general civil growing up. Separately, they really do not exist.
Can we determine by the handwriting of the child whether he is restrained, tense, neurotic, anxious, bored, inclined to impulsiveness, exhausted? There are, of course, signs of various physical and psychological conditions. But the ability to tune in to the child, and his own ability to feel non-verbal information of the communicative component of the activity – is a powerful factor for achieving prosperity, success, mutual understanding.
Practitioners of education are becoming more and more surprised by clinicians and researchers. For example, how to consider the possible manifestation of a child with severe impairment in the development of sensori-motor amnesia? Sometimes the feeling of beauty is the most effective or the only language of cooperation accepted by the child.
The missing is replenished in a harmonious environment, in aesthetically and ethically conformable praxis.
The invasion of the digital civilization into our everyday life, the information expansion into the communicative sphere of human activity, too, must be cultivated in the format of a personal territory of human well-being, social attractiveness, to adopt an instrumental, functional position – as human -like components of its activity. And, accordingly, aesthetic, ethical, personally significant means and criteria are applicable and effective. For example, even for several years a person can gradually delegate some of the operations to an electronic “co-author”, even if he started with copying text, written on paper, on an electronic medium. Then the person tests the effective moment of editing the electronic text, archiving, sending on the Internet, but the system organization of the process includes more complex, structuring, analytical, evaluation components for creating, developing and structuring content, including right-hemispheric processes in passing, similarly to how it is formed and activated in such a way called “spelling vigilance”, but at a higher level, corresponding to the possibilities of digital technology. Instead of wearing a head preparing an article or several articles of periodically anosya its elements on paper and p ost e By transferring information electronically, today a person can already sketch out the scheme of several books, including rearranging the nodal components, expanding the components of the text without much stress, saving time, along the way carrying out other work that requires, perhaps, greater concentration of attention. the person to some extent takes out some of his functions, distances himself from the work that is being done, which usually involves the imposition of tools on the objects of labor. It is important that modern people can effectively perform a number of complex types of intellectually productive work with a parallel organization. This especially applies to children. Compare: modern schoolchildren for decades accumulate tendencies tendencies to perform simultaneously up to three or four cases, combining writing essays and communicating with watching TV, listening to music and recording individual thoughts. At first, public opinion included such a “syndrome of Julius Caesar”, also inclined to versatile simultaneous employment, to deviations from the norm. Now this phenomenon of time is ambiguous, but we must learn to live with it and to accompany more and more complex features of child development. This is especially important for children with disabilities, they often have to catch up with peers in accordance with the program, overcome specific difficulties in education and communication, and sometimes it is desirable for them to reach some advanced positions in development (due to the peculiarities of the educational route, frequent diseases or the operational cycle).
But even here the effectiveness, the motivating importance, the noticeable effectiveness of the ethical and aesthetic components of employment, no one canceled the intersubject inclusion of all participants in the social and educational dialogue!
Mastery of written communication does not exist in the form of the emergence of a separate human competence. It is systemically important what a person expresses, where he develops and what role he plays in society.
The application of Elena Rybakova’s “Phonemic Riddles” for development of morphological and grammatical vigilance of schoolchildren on the letter
The complication of the nosological picture observed by specialists who specifically accompany children with violation of written speech, as well as the socially contextual structure of the defect, presupposes both an expansion of the methodological base for the development of special education in this area, and the updating of diagnostic, correctional and developing materials to help teachers and parents.
Especially noticeable is insufficient aids and materials specialists arsenal accompanying children with pronounced layer, multiple breach requiring prolonged stress cooperation is often observed at pupils didactic negativism, fatigue, exhaustion perception needing effects overt, capacious means x correction and Development.
Many specialists develop new manuals and materials and adapt the available ones taking into account the categorical and individual needs of the students.
Such means are becoming and now updated manual “Fonematich riddles”. Prepared on the basis of experience in correcting oral speech of pre-school children, as well as a number of other manuals of this series, this publication, whose materials and recommendations are aimed at the development and refinement of the children’s dictionary, the notions of the surrounding world, and their correction an analytical perception, an analytico – with the intellectual components of speech, – with respect to the written speech of schoolchildren with dysgraphy, remains relevant.
Sophisticated, whimsical word usage, word formation, a combination of words that contribute to the refinement of perception, analytical and synthetic support oral speech of children, as well as the need to st ugadyvat s answers, taking into account as a phonetic-f onemat ble and lexical component s mysteries, and the semantic content of the texts, allow to improve operational processes and comprehension of tasks already in written speech, especially this is relevant for children with violations of letters and other problems in cognitive development.
In addition, for these groups of schoolchildren, it is also possible to consolidate in the game form knowledge about the environment, which also allows to achieve this benefit with a favorable organization.